The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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The Devil


(May 15, 2003)


An interesting question occurred to me the other day. This is for my personal education, I m not trying to pick a fight, or make a point. But it seems likely you d have an answer.


As I recall my Christian teachers from my youth, God was held to have created everything. And God is all good. So that implies he created hell and the devil, no? So those must be good? Do I have this right, according to the dominant Christian view, and how does one make sense of it?


Cheers, Bob


When the Devil was first created his name was Lucifer. I believe the name means bringer of light. He was created with freedom of choice, a free moral agent. He was the third most powerful being, God the Father, the Word who became Jesus the Christ, and Lucifer, an archangel along with Michael and Gabriel who may have had equal power. Lucifer decided at some stage to rebel against God, this happened before the week of creation. He had with him a third of the angels. He was cast down to earth from heaven like lightning. He is confined here for the time being. His name was changed to Satan, the adversary, the Devil. In God's own time Satan will be further dealt with. At the return of Jesus he will be chained for a thousand years, then released for a short time, then cast into a fire specially prepared for him and others where he will either be totally consumed or suffer eternally. That is the end of his fate. God has the power over life and death. He has created everyone with freedom of choice, those who choose Jesuss way will be granted life, those who reject Him will be put to death. God created both good and evil but He wants you to choose good, choose life. Choosing evil has dire consequences. To call evil good is prophesied to come but it is an oxymoron, nonsense. God is good.

