The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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Anonymous Atheist


(November 23, 2014)


From Anonymous Atheist.


an atheist can only really blame man. i dont believe in any gods so i can only blame followers and non followers so to speak.. my country presently is becoming very divided due to possible religious issues but the bottom line is it is individuals causing the real division. i have friends who follow several different religions and some that are spiritual but with no particular following or grouping, they are all good people. the lines however become slightly blurred when the religions become involved with local politics and vice versa.. i myself find it alarming to say the very least, my country is christian based but as time goes by it will lose that and be forced to change due to the democratic processes that it adheres to. all my life i have suffered at the hands of christian ideals that most christians i encounter refuse to even acknowledge.


it is a very strange world we live in but it seems to be getting even stranger each and every day.


n.b. i must go do a few chores now.. nice talking jacques, i hope we can resume this at a later date. cheers Anonymous.




Your country sounds a lot like Canada, my country, and the United States who used to be our best friend but is beginning to make me wonder though I still have not lost any good friends from there yet. In fairly recent years I have seen a major earthquake devastate Haiti and a major hurricane devastate part of the Philippines. Both acts of God in my view and, to the best of my understanding, because of religious superstitions and idol worship, things that God is known to hate and that I know to be very much part of the culture of both those affected areas. I know that you don't believe that but I do and it sounds to me like a very similar situation to what is going on in your country, at least in the sense of religious hypocrisy or confusion or false ideals of some sort. God is not the author of confusion. That is the doings of Satan and man.


Another thing I noticed recently is the obvious increase in somewhat devastating events happening to the US; hurricanes and storms hitting New Orleans, New York, New Jersey, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, drought hitting California, more tornados than I recall from the past, other droughts, a major cold snap last week, huge snow fall on Buffalo with rain and melting in the forecast, I probably missed a few. It seems to me like God is sending punishment on the US because it is basically casting Him out of their lives.


You say strange things are happening every day, perhaps like ISIS that suddenly jumped to the largest terrorist organization in the world in less than a year. In view of Bible prophecy it is of little surprise. The end of this man governed age is fast approaching as well as the end of the rule of the earth by Satan. I know that you don't believe in Satan either but if you live a few more years you will see him hard at work terrorizing and devastating the world in many ways. There is much more strangeness to come as Satan attempts his last stand.

