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Are You Turning Away From God? Why?


(October 13, 2007)


As time goes on I realize with greater clarity that the world is coming to the end of an age. Our natural resources are being depleted fast and will someday be used up. Pollution is constantly increasing. There is global warming, genetic engineering, AIDS, abortion, war, murders, etc. all having a toll on society and on life on earth. The economy in North America is faltering. Political unrest is growing globally. The European Union is on the verge of fulfilling prophecy. All of this increases my hope in God for salvation.


Why the world, especially North America, is turning away from God I do not understand. Materially speaking we are close to our peak in blessings, we should also be peaking in praise and gratitude to God but we are at an all time low. Have we spoiled our children? Have we spiritually deceived the masses with false religion? Have we blinded God fearing people with entertainment and diversions? Have we taught false hope in man’s ingenuity to our children? Have we outright lied to deceive the people? Or are we just too lazy and cowardly to search out truth and to teach the truth.


My duty as a Christian is not to convert or to call people to God, it is to set an example in public and to overcome sin in my personal life. It is not easy to overcome all sin, it requires will, determination, perseverance and help. You can get help from God through asking, studying, praying and fasting. I need to improve in all those areas because I have not yet overcome all sin. Jesus has promised to defeat sin and put an end to death and has proved His ability, in overcoming the world, by leading a sinless life, even through death by crucifixion. He forgave His assailants and can forgive you if you are willing to accept.


Human nature is sinful, it is primarily concerned with taking care of the self. To overcome this you need to show some outgoing concern for others. You need to have some works to display your faith. Trust in Jesus and follow His example. Jesus’ life was full of works.


God through Jesus offers salvation to mankind. It is the only salvation available, there is no other. If we want to receive this salvation we must abide by God’s laws. There is a way as taught in the Word of God, the Bible, that leads to salvation. It is the way that Jesus and His apostles showed. No other way leads to eternal life. All other ways lead to death.


As Son of God, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. His sacrifice qualified where animal sacrifices and our own sacrifices did not and do not. It is according to God’s law, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness or remission of sins. This is God’s creation, He knows the truth and reveals it to us through His Bible. It is up to us to prove it for ourselves, this is the good side of human nature as created by God.


We often fail to lead a sinless life. We will not overcome human nature and death in our human life times. Nevertheless we can and must continue to be overcomers and to make progress all the while knowing that Jesus has won the ultimate battle for us and will gladly receive those who overcome into His Kingdom. Praise be to God!


As the time of Jesus’ return to claim the earth as His Kingdom draws near, it is not the time to be turning away from God. It is a time to be turning to God.

