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Big Picture, Small Picture – Some Facts


(August 2, 2014)


JESUS CHRIST – The only one who genuinely offers you hope of eternal life. Read the Bible.


SALVATION – Do you want to continue to live? Find out how, read the Bible.


WARNING – This life is going to end. Have you started your relationship with God yet? Read the Bible, get to know Him and His Son, Jesus.


AWAKENING – The spirit world rules. God is spirit. God created, God sustains and God offers resurrection unto eternal life. Read the Bible and learn.


AWARENESS – There are many unknowns in life. In God lies knowledge and understanding. There is much deception in the world, beware of who you believe and put your trust in. Be aware of the source of your every belief. Do you trust the source? Would you bet your eternal life on it? Read the Bible, be sure.


ENCOURAGEMENT – Before you can truly help anyone to attain eternal life you have to learn to get yourself saved first. You need to familiarize yourself with a good reliable version of the Bible and get right with God the author.


THE BIBLE – Among the most reliable versions of the Bible are the King James Version, the New King James Version, the New International Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New American Standard Bible and the Good News Bible. No English Bible is 100 percent error free as they are all translations but these Bibles are among the best available. Catholic Bibles are notoriously bad, reportedly containing over ten thousand deliberate errors, I would avoid those.


ECONOMY – The largest part of the North American economy is housing. The housing market has taken an unnatural turn in the past few years. It used to be that working people owned one or two homes and made up the bulk of the owners. Recently homes are selling to investors who buy them up to 90,000 at a time. They are buying presumably for investment purposes and are fixing up these homes with hopes of either renting them out or selling them to derive some income and profit. Meanwhile around 40 percent of US mortgages are classified as zombie mortgages because the holders cannot sell their properties because the market price is now substantially lower than the value of the amount owing on their mortgages and they would have to come up with cash at the close and they cannot renew their mortgages because interest rates have gone up and their payments would increase into a range they cannot afford. Who will the investors sell or rent the homes to? Freddie Mac and Fannie May, who now control 80 percent of mortgages in the US, are reporting record profits these days. I suspect that this is because the mortgages are being held by investors who can afford to pay them. What will happen when  the investors realize that their ventures will not return a profit? Will the whole charade end abruptly? At the moment the deceivers are in the forefront of the media. How long will it be before reality steps in.


DEBT – The US debt is probably the greatest secret in government history. It is reported by government to be near 17 trillion dollars of National Debt and near 60 trillion dollars of total US debt. This does not take into consideration unfunded liabilities which are made up of, primarily, social security liability of about 16.5 trillion dollars, prescription drug liability of about 22 trillion dollars and medicare liability of near 87 trillion dollars for a total of over 125 trillion dollars.  This comes to about $1.77 million per taxpayer. My source is the US Debt Clock website, August 1, 2013. Unfunded liabilities are very rarely mentioned in the media. And what about the derivatives that the banks and governments play with? No one seems to know much about these but the same source makes them out to be around $631 trillion. I have seen other estimates at more than twice this amount. That is another $5.53 million per US taxpayer. Who authorized this creation of money? There is no plan to eliminate the debt, only plans to increase it. (?????!)


GOVERNMENTS – Most governments around the world are in serious debt. The US is in a privileged situation because the US dollar is so widely used that the government, in cahoots with the FED, can simply print money to buy things or pay debts. This money is then added to the US debt, don’t ask me how that works. Who will pay the debt? Ultimately the purpose of the US government is to serve the people that elected it so it should do everything in its power to pass the debt on to the rest of the world so that its constituents can reap the benefits. Of course you do not want the rest of the world to know that this is going on because they will not like it. So in order to deceive the rest of the world you have to start by deceiving your own people first. This is why the people of the US are being told that they owe the debt but they are only made aware of a small portion of the debt so as not to set off any alarms. Of course we are told that we owe the debt to other countries but they are all in debt also. Who do they owe their debts to? It is very suspicious that banks seem to make record profits during recessions. Also the rich continue to get richer disproportionately while the hard working class get poorer. The rich class is obviously the real governing force. I think the boiler will explode some day. I think the governments will soon decide to go to war. It is the only politically correct conclusion I can come up with.


GOLD – In view of the fact that most fiat currencies basically represent debt and consequently that many governments are on the verge of collapse, gold may someday become a world currency once again like in days of old. At that point it would become much more valuable than it is now. Gold does not represent debt at all. It represents value or wealth. Having said that, will global warfare break out before this can happen? Probably only God knows. However there is no law and order in war, you cannot plan and prosper in war. Therefore I would think it wise to accumulate gold now and hope and pray for peace, law and order for a while.


RETIREMENT – I heard a well respected person say recently, I do not understand why you do not just live off your inheritance. His comment brought subdued laughter from the audience. I suspect that most people do not have an inheritance and those that do, the inheritance is not sufficient to pay their way. A small percentage of the population could live off their inheritance. Unemployment is alarmingly high and on the rise. Many are being forced into retirement that they cannot afford. God only knows what will happen.


So the big picture is global catastrophe on the way. The small picture is take care of yourself first as best you can.

