The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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Do Roman Catholics Believe In Anything?




Their churches are full of icons, idols and statues, call them what you want, but they claim that they do not worship them. They use them but they don't worship them? And yet I have seen some, even the Pope, kissing their feet. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt, they are nothing.


They use bibles but they have their own translations, they have their own translators, they have their own original counterfeit ancient manuscripts and subsequently there own adulterated, to use a Godly term, doctrine based on the imagination of a long history of dreamers.


They say they believe in one god but it is not the God of the true Bible. As we have just seen, they have no respect for the author of the real Bible. The true Bible reveals that there is no other God but Himself. So again the Roman Catholic Church believes in something that does not exist, that is nothing.


They say they believe in one church but it is a melting pot of as many religions as possible combined into one incoherent, perverse, dressed up masquerade of incomprehensible impostors.


In summary, to the Roman Catholics, idols are nothing, the Bible is nothing, God is nothing and religion is a masquerade.


If they believe in anything it is likely intimidation and deception. How repulsive.


How ironic that the simplicity and truth of the real Word of God is repulsive to them.


The final and correct translation of the Holy Scriptures is a work in progress by the true followers of Christ in their hearts and minds against much worldly opposition lead by none other than Satan the Devil ultimately.


Today some of the long standing Bible publishing companies like Thomas Nelson Inc. and Zondervan are now owned by HarperCollins Publishers which is in turn owned by Rupert Murdoch a Roman Catholic. Mr. Murdoch has a conflict of interest. This looks like a wolf in charge of a hen house, how long will it be before the chickens start showing bite marks? or do they already?


The call of God to His people is to come out of religious Babylon as stated in the word of God in  Revelation 18:4 to 8. Babylon is the origin of the Roman Catholic religion. Give yourself a chance at salvation, open and read the Bible, the word of God. This is how God is working. Seek God while He may be found lest you become just another victim of Satan the Devil.

