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Herbert W. Armstrong


(July 14, 2004)


There seems to be a general misconception by other denominations in the way Herbert W. Armstrong is viewed. In an attempt to clarify I will speak for myself which I think will represent others as well.


Herbert W. Armstrong was well loved and respected but never given more importance than Jesus Christ. He has relevance because he was a contemporary and he taught me much. All professing Christians claim to follow the Bible but there are few who understand it and are able to explain its secrets. Herbert W. Armstrong had a profound understanding of the Bible and was able to convey his beliefs very well. In many ways he practiced what he preached and he preached the Good News of the kingdom of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


He was able to back everything he taught with the scriptures. He practiced the Biblical principle that knowledge is to be bought not sold Proverbs 23:23. All his literature was free. It was entirely up to me whether I would pay for it or not. Very few religious organizations do things that way, many have next to nothing to teach.


But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them 2 Timothy 3:14. All Christians know that Christ founded the church, is the chief corner stone and that its foundation are the prophets of old and the twelve apostles (Ephesians 2:20). But not so many know that many of the puzzles of the Bible were understood and expounded upon by Herbert W. Armstrong. So when asked what the church history is I often start with Herbert W. Armstrong who was a significant teacher in modern times. He added understanding to a very complex and difficult book, made so predominantly by the misguided teachings of many which carried on for centuries. He explained what Jesus was talking about and acting out, the Kingdom of God, the promises made to Abraham, the history of the church, the lost ten tribes of Israel, the separate kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the importance of the ten commandments, the Holydays, the significance of the prophecy of Jesus being three days and three nights in the grave, the sign of Jonas, the sign of the Sabbath, etc.


Many Biblical topics were explained in many booklets and magazines and were available free for the asking. Herbert W. Armstrong is now deceased but the publications he published are available at and in spite of the efforts of Satan and his henchmen to do away with them and there are offshoot churches who offer even greater insight for the same price, free for the asking. The United Church Of God ( is just such an organization and one with which I am affiliated.


Of course Jesus taught all these things and the Bible teaches all these things but the meaning and understanding has been greatly lost since the apostles walked the earth, due to persecution of those who followed the faith and taught the truth. They had to flee and to hide and so the truth and understanding were hidden also for many centuries. Herbert W. Armstrong became aware of much truth and had the courage to bring it out into the open in recent times and to make it available to many. Satan is against the true church and the truth but it will survive.

