The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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My Calling


(July 24, 2004)


Knowing yourself and understanding your history can help greatly in deciding your goals and envisioning your destiny. My earliest recollection of any kind of relation with God was when I was put out in the back yard on a patch of ice alone and learned to skate. I think I was four at the time. I recall getting ideas in my head, as if someone was talking to me, to try this and that and to put in some effort. Once I got my balance and was able to get around ok I remember looking up to heaven searching for God. Somehow I recall him looking down at me, perhaps a consequence of a vivid imagination or a hallucination or perhaps it actually happened.


At the age of five I started school and learned to read. It wasn t long before we were given a catechism and I was able to read it. It clearly stated that we should remember the Sabbath to keep it holy for in six days did God create the world and on the seventh day he rested. I was well aware at the time that Sunday was the first day of the week not the seventh. I realized that my family, friends, teachers, nuns and priest were all observing Sunday and were all in defiance of the teachings of the catechism. I didn t have the vocabulary then to express my feelings and thoughts but I was flabbergasted, frightened, perplexed, devastated, in shock, perturbed, bewildered, annoyed and paranoid. I was also confused because I didn't know what to do about it. Why was everyone practising this hypocrisy of teaching one thing and doing another?


It wasn't until I finally read the Bible for myself that I began to fully understand that God was calling me out of Babylon even at that young age. That it was God through His Holy Spirit that revealed this truth about the Sabbath to me. That the Roman Catholic Church and all it's daughter churches truly were delusional. It was logic and basic fundamental truth that a child could understand.


The sad part was that from my youthful perspective I was not aware that there were some people somewhere who were teaching the truth and practicing it. From where I stood the whole world was living a lie. It was an overpowering, overwhelming and troubling perception. I felt isolated and virtually helpless for many years. I never felt that I had anyone that I could turn to and to speak with about the problem. I was in my twenties before I began to search and seek help with determination. Meanwhile much of my life went wastefully by. I idled my time away, uncommitted and with no direction, a seeker of pleasure at times. I greatly blame my Catholic upbringing for that.


Now I have an objective to confront falsehoods, to expose them and to stand up for truth. My goal is to live a life free from hypocrisy. I try to make sense always. My calling is one to Christianity. This means believing the Bible as the word of God, striving to learn what it teaches and to live by its example and that of Jesus. Someday I expect that I will be given the gift of healing as Jesus had. But for now I follow in His footsteps, that is doing His commandments, loving God, loving my neighbor, observing the Passover and the Holy Days. My ultimate destiny is to become a spirit being, a member of God s family.

