The Ultimate Book of Self Help by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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The Terrestrial Matrix is a kind of virtual reality. It gives the impression of a real universe,  yet it is not real at all; it is a virtual world manufactured by alien entities, with sciences incomprehensible to the common human mind and it mostly serves as a prison and an experimentation laboratory.

Α) The Rulers

These entities are forces of occupation on Earth – extraterrestrial, invisible, non-material beings, probably of electric nature. They took over the planet thousands of years ago and turned it into a ''hen-coop'' for them to exploit. Human beings are their ''hens''. The ''hen-coop'' is actually a complex net of energy fields, commonly known as “The Matrix”. Entities who act behind the scenes can be nothing but malevolent. Some call them Shadows or Demons; religions worship and call them Gods or Angels.

B) Structural elements

i) Mankind is the basic structural element of the Terrestrial Matrix. All human activities (deeds, thoughts, feelings, relationships, inspirations, civilizations) are controlled by the Rulers to the slightest detail.

The extraterrestrial rulers use humans as biological marionettes because they need intelligent organic beings so as to affect the material plane according to their ''divine plan''. Yet, not all human beings are components of the Matrix; some of them (only a few) are prisoners.

ii) Machines, especially the electronic ones, functioning on line: computers, cellphones, devices which emit or receive radio waves, all kinds of electromagnetic fields, robots, as well as artificial intelligence serve as gates between the invisible world and the terrestrial matrix.

Humans and electronic machines, continually controlled and coordinated by the extraterrestrial rulers of Earth, compose the Terrestrial Matrix.

C) Mechanisms of the Matrix

a) Family: It is the cellule of human society, thus the cellule of the Matrix. Starting from childbirth, every human being spontaneously takes a specific position in their family and plays a definite role in it, always according to the needs of the Matrix.

Then, through imperceptible but exact procedures controlled by the alien Rulers, this role is enlarged within society, gradually making one's personal destiny. Moment by moment, a person's social environment is unconsciously coordinated around him/her, in such a way that this person always has the same role he/she has in the family. If you are ''the black sheep'' of your family, you will always be ''the black sheep'', no matter where you are or what you do.

ii) Patriarchy: As I read once, the best hidden secret of our world is the war between patriarchy and matriarchy. The fall of matriarchal societies took place about 5000 years ago, when the peaceful and affectionate Great Goddess was replaced by the bellicose and vindictive Father God.

Patriarchy certainly favours the evolution of the Matrix, as men are prone to warfare, which results to the formation of bigger and bigger nations through the centuries. When the mannish values (violence, war, control, slavery) were finally imposed on mankind, primitive human clans were replaced by the first city-states, that is the first concentrations of the Matrix.

iii) War: Thanks to this mechanism, the Matrix is unified and strengthened more and more with the passage of time. Due to countless wars all over the globe through the centuries, small villages are united into big countries and then to gigantic empires, until total homogenization of the Matrix is achieved: All nations of Earth are expected to become a ''universal village''. Nowadays we have already reached the threshold of a world dominion (globalization).

iv) Networks: Mankind has an innate tendency to organize itself in networks or rackets; they are innumerable and they serve many different purposes, yet they all belong to a hyper-network which serves one main purpose: to make sure that wealth and power is maintained within specific circles of people – according to each person's genetic origin and services offered to the Matrix.

Networks control the lives of ordinary people in many ways (work, division of wealth, nepotism etc), yet they always obey a rigorous, indisputable hierarchy. Network members always have to obey orders at once; if they do, they get certain rewards such as a good job, a high salary, special bonuses, a good social life etc; if they don't, they suffer the consequences: sudden unemployment, financial problems, social isolation -or even worse.

Networks have existed since antiquity. Once they included only the upper classes, but nowadays they have spread even to the lower social classes. Nowadays networks are perfectly organized and each one of them consists of thousands or even millions of people all over the world. Every citizen who belongs to the middle class or higher, is a member of some network. Families who don't belong to a network or clique, are gradually driven out of society and they don't survive for long.

Places such as schools, clubs, gyms, art schools, religious organizations, political factions and so on, where all decent citizens gather nowadays, are nothing but shop-windows for networks and they mostly serve as points of recruitment of new members. What is taught in these places is unimportant, as it is usually entirely useless outside the rooms of the “club”. What really counts in there is the innate ''talent'' of being a herd animal.

v) Problems: In spite of the impressive scientific progress of our time, the average man seems to be unhappier than ever, since all kinds of problems are still here to torture them: poverty, social isolation, family conflicts, unemployment, rivalries at work, physical and mental health problems etc. Why indeed?

The fact is that when you have a problem, everybody earns money: doctors, lawyers, psychologists, priests, entertainers etc. Problems make the Matrix go round, as money flows in abundance...

D) Mind control systems

a) Education: All kinds of schools, universities, colleges etc are supposed to offer knowledge, yet this is not at all what they really do. The main purpose of schools is to hide essential knowledge from the masses, while they develop analytical, verbal thought -which is read by the Rulers moment by moment.

b) Religions and sects: The most widespread religions impose the worship of the “One and Almighty God”; they mean the governor of the extraterrestrial occupation forces, who demands to be continuously worshiped and blindly obeyed by the human herd. And in all religions “God” happens to be male...

There are a lot of religions on Earth, and each one of them corresponds to the psyche of a specific human race. Religions and sects may differ one from another, but they all serve a sole purpose: absolute submission of the masses to the “God of this world” and his “divine dispensation”. They systematically propagandize the acceptance of misery (“God punishes you because of your sins” ... “you must suffer so as to pay for your bad karma”), they promote guilt (“you are sinners, that's why God allows Evil into the world”), they prohibit any kind of judgement (or negative thought, as they call it): “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” ... “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” … “All your misfortunes are your fault only; it is you who attract them with your negative thoughts”.

Most of all, religions instil terror into human souls: “Those who dare question the dogma, will go straight to hell”. Religious faith is based on horror. Without horror there is no faith.

c) The fraud of “Good” and “Evil”: According to religions and sects, if you want the so-called ''positive forces'' to be on your side, you must have absolute, unshakable, blind faith in them. Nevertheless, according to everyday experience, negative forces may attack no matter if you believe in them or not! In fact, they can harm you even when you don't even imagine their existence or what they can do! The truth is that in this world there are no positive forces.

d) Speech: First of all, learning a language engages huge amounts of energy. Moreover, the spontaneous processing of speech in the human subconscious automatically develops an irrepressible inner dialogue, which is read by the Invisible Rulers continually, moment by moment.

Speech confines the spirit within very narrow paths of thought, so that humans can perceive only what they are allowed to perceive. A language may include a vocabulary of many thousands of words, yet the ones repeated continuously, almost in every conversation, are rather few: “work”, “mother”, “father”, “home”, “money”, “God”, “Devil” etc. In the English language, the words “fuck” and “hell” are heard in almost every sentence; they are verbal suggestions made to all humans as often as possible, with a view to affecting their minds and producing a very specific way of thinking.

Are you a prisoner of the Matrix?

Check here:

* No matter what you do, nothing ever goes right in your life; sooner or later all your endeavors end in a flop. “No matter what you do, you will always regret it” (Zen).

* It is impossible for you to really enjoy anything, since there is always something that gets on your nerves:  hostile people, negative coincidences, misfortune, annoying sounds etc.

* Since you don't belong to a social network or racket, it is impossible for you to defend yourself effectively against an enemy. On the other hand, you enemies are usually able to do you any harm they wish – and they are always above suspicion, unhindered and unpunished.

* In a world where sex seems to be the most natural thing in the world, you always face great difficulties in finding a mate.

* Is almost impossible for you to find new friends; when you find them, they prove to be either boring or bitter.

* Wherever you go (workplaces, schools, gyms, clubs, etc), you are treated as if you had the scabies, until you are eventually kicked out.

* Whatever you do, the others never find it good enough; no matter how hard you try and what you achieve, the result never seems to satisfy the others.

* Wherever you work, you are always at the lowest position and you get the lowest possible salary.

* You can never find an ally, someone able to help you solve just one of your problems; nevertheless, you often meet persons who cause you even more trouble.

* Strangely enough, the world seems to be coordinated with your negative thoughts: What distresses you is always before you; what pleases you either disappears soon or doesn't appear at all.

* You are always confronted by unnatural, unsolvable, soul-destroying problems: Social isolation, hostile people; never ending misfortunes, negative coincidences; repetitive annoyances seem to be dogging you everywhere; concurrent nightmares and/or bad omens make you feel miserable and threatened. If you ever manage to surpass a problem, a new one arrives at once, and it proves to be worse than the previous one.

* In the hostile world you live in, you may see the most irrational things happen -as long as they affect you negatively: for example, the retarded son of your enemy could go to university and become a doctor.

* Everything seems to be preordained within the Matrix, like the scenes of a cinema film. All the others around you seem to be enjoying themselves in a never-ending party, experiencing all kinds of success and happiness. Everybody (but you) seems to progress spontaneously in a world you can't understand.

* You may be searching high and low for solutions to your problems, yet nothing seems to be effective enough: If you use magic, it will only make matters worse; if you resort to medicine, doctors will prescribe pills which will make you feel miserable and unable to face everyday life; religions and sects offer a temporary relief only; in the long run, they make you feel unworthy and guilty for everything.

Results: (A) If you gather more than half of the presuppositions mentioned above, you are a prisoner of the Matrix and a target of evil forces.

(B) If you are unsuccessful in life, it is not because you are ''weak'', or ''stupid'', or ''unambitious'', or ''a loser'' -as you are often told. It is because you aren't a part of the Matrix but a prisoner of it -for reasons explained in Part III of this book.

Self-defense against the Matrix

i) If you feel you are a target of the Matrix, it is advisable not to stay the same for long. Change jobs, houses, friends, activities whenever you can. In this way, the Matrix will ''lose'' you for a while and you will enjoy temporary peace. Of course, it won't be long until it locates you again: Certain people will start annoying you, each one of the in their own way, until they make your life miserable once again; then you will have to escape once more, and so on. It's not easy to move on all the time, but if you don't want to be a target of the Matrix, this is the best you can do.

ii) There is no point in bearing hard feelings for anyone. In general humans have no free will, since they are nothing but biological marionettes, pawns of the alien Rulers. It is not wise to get angry at a human, as it is wouldn't be wise to be angry at a robot which has no other alternative but act according to the program of its manufacturer.

iii) On the other hand, you have the right to defend yourself. Evil should by no means go unpunished. Forgiveness is complicity to a crime and, moreover, it will turn your mind against yourself. When someone causes you harm, you must somehow get your own back on them; if you don't, sooner or later you will end up hating yourself. Forgiveness is unnatural; revenge is balance -but remember: Revenge is a dish best served cold.

iv) Remember: “No good deed goes unpunished”: The good you do to others will turn against you sooner or later. So, think twice before you decide to serve them anyhow.

v) If you are a target of visible and/or invisible evil forces, avoid coming in contact with human masses: as long as this is possible, avoid crowded places such as schools, work environments, gyms, clubs etc. In this way, you will escape from the attraction of human minds.

vi) Be careful: Strong feelings and persistent thoughts betray your position within the Matrix. Therefore, what you dislike will always come before you; what you like will either disappear or disappoint you.

vii) Silence – the golden rule. Do not reveal your ideas, inspirations, plans, successes to the others, no matter how friendly they might seem to be. Most of the people you consider ''friends'' will hate your coming up with an idea they haven't had first; and they will hate you even more if you are successful in anything.

viii) Mundane goals (success in business, financial ascent, sexual satisfaction, a rich social life) are dictated by the Matrix. These are things everybody seems to enjoy but you -but they are nothing but foul play. You will feel relieved only when you don't interact with the Matrix: Do what you really like doing, without taking into consideration how useful or nice it might seem to the others.

ix) Don't take into account the opinions of others about you. Since they are all pawns of the Matrix they will never acknowledge your due no matter what you do, no matter what you achieve.

x) Ignore all kinds of religions, philosophies, occult sciences: they all aim in showing you “the correct path” (submission to an external, “superior” entity) and concealing the truth (your being a prisoner of the Terrestrial Matrix).

xi) If strange difficulties or negative coincidences obstruct the realization of your plans, this means you should let go right now. If something goes wry right from the start, it will get even wryer in the future. If you insist on your plans despite the bad omens, sooner or later you will be in serious trouble -even in case you succeed. In general, bad luck is a sign you are engaged in something that isn't right for you.

xii) And a special piece of advice for women: Either we like it or not, we live in a man's world. Therefore, a man should be powerful: that is, he must be reasonable, determined, wealthy and successful in business. If he is not powerful, he won't suffer many consequences; it is the woman who always takes the rap for that. If the man is weak, the woman had better become a nun...

xiii) Do not underestimate the value of “negative thinking”, alias criticism: When you criticize evil, your thoughts get clearer; you gain confidence, inner balance and self-knowledge. You know where you stand. Evil to evil is good; being negative to negative makes you positive -and this a universal law. The so-called “positive thinking” is nothing but a huge spiritual trap…