Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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This writing is an attempt to expose the misguided  information that man, in his fleshly quest, and wanting to  build ‘a church’, a structure of his hands, but not of God, and  to show that human nature cannot be mixed with the Spirit of  Truth; God. When Jesus said that He was to build His Church  upon this rock, speaking to Peter, He wasn’t speaking of Peter  himself, but the revelation that was given to him. God is  Spirit, therefore must be worshipped in spirit, and since oil  and water can’t mix, neither can spirit and flesh; but man,  many times, has lifted up his own agendas as a counterfeit  and called it ‘church’, and this book is an attempt to expose  just that.


 To some degree we all have failed, and that’s not  necessarily bad, but this pretense of pleasing God with our  carnal flesh will someday end as babylon falls.

