Unmasking a Church in Denial by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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We, as individuals, each have our own procedures that we  go through each day, our own set of measures that we  routinely do, starting as we awaken most every morning. This  is mostly human habit, and have, through time, figured out it  works for us. Man seems to be programmed to do certain  things at certain times, in a certain way, and we become  predictable; but God is not that way. He said; “My ways are  not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts.” But  man falls into this category of being ritualistic very easily    I’ve always thought of God as a backdoor God. Let me  explain. When I’d pray, expecting an answer, looking for Him  to show His answer through a means that I expected, He’d  always seem to show up at the opposite place I was looking  toward. After years of this, I became ‘wise’, so-to-speak, and  began looking for Him through the back door, what I thought  was the opposite direction. But lo-and-behold, He’d reveal  Himself through a window, or at the front door, or any other  place that I wasn’t peculiarly looking; meaning, the mystery of  God cannot be apprehended, nor comprehended by the mind  of man. We are flesh, full of ourselves, carnal, and like  definite things our way, but God is Spirit, and His ways are  seldom ours, and how, or when he reveals himself, or His  answer, has always been a mystery; this IS the way it ought to  be, but we haven’t, as yet, understood it.


 In Luke 12 Jesus said; “I came to send fire on earth…”, and  it continues; “Do you suppose that I came to bring peace on  earth, not at all, but rather division.” Now the term earth is  used to mean the carnal fleshly ways of man. It is liken to the  scripture in the same chapter, “that the father shall be against  son, the son against the father…” He is pointing out that His  ways, His Spirit, will always be at odds with the fleshly earthly  man, and his self-serving ways of thinking.


 Again Jesus said; “Think not that I came to bring peace, but  rather a sword.” The sword brings a division between mans’  flesh, and Gods’ Spirit, for “He is Spirit, and we must worship  Him in Spirit”. Therefore our religious ways, which were  invented out of the flesh, continually get in the way of our  intimate relationship with the Father and His son Jesus, and if  it weren’t for the Father’s Love for us we might have lost it  completely; but God endures to Love us, in spite of ourselves.  So it seems that if the Spirit were to bring peace on this earth,  then the Spirit would have to compromise with the flesh, and  that will never happen; therefore all true peace will only come  from God through the spirit, and the spirit doesn’t abide on  earth, but in the heart.


 Even though man resists Him in just about every way,  God’s mercy and Love remains, for He is Faithful and Just; He  is the God of mystery, our God, and we are His children. But a  deeper and more intimate relationship is being missed by  man because of our own inventions, our religious ways, our  rituals that man created more to please himself than to please  God; and I’m not talking about our morning routines. The  way we carry-on with these foolish rites on Sunday mornings;  singing a song, then go to prayer, make all the  announcements, sing another song, take up that coveted  money, sing another song, and then engage in what’s  mislabeled as the worship service; it not hard to  understanding why God is unmasking this man-made  institution.


 The event of doing, or not doing, does not deter us from  Gods’ Love, He just simply Loves us; for God is Love, but it  does deter from an intimate relationship with Him. Not that  He gives up on us, God forbid, but our doings does nothing,  and many become frustrated and then give up on Him. God’s  Love for us is always enduring, and never fails.


 Now, let me stop a few moments and explain myself. All of  us, to some degree, have a relationship with our Creator,  many say that they believe in Him, many speak of His  existence in a kind way, many even study His word and  actively proclaim His message as they understand Him; but  what I’m speaking of is far deeper than that. We can walk  with God in His presence, and understand Him as our real and  permanent Father, we can participate with Him by the act of  ‘being’.


 We no longer have to perform for our Father’s Love; when  we fall short, He is always merciful and full of Love. In 1 John:  3, John is writing to them as a people with many failures, as  little children. These folks were already stuck on what they  thought was ‘pleasing God’, but needed this understanding by  Him. “Now we are the children of God, and it is not revealed  what we shall be…”, and this is not necessarily speaking of the  life beyond, but the Life now. Now let me paraphrase; But  when He is revealed, when we see Him, then our life will be  changed, and the change will come by that Light of His  illumination, we will then be like Him; that is like his  character, demeanor, and so-on, for it will be God changing us  from within, rather than we attempting to change our own  life. We will then be transformed, not reformed. This is  standing and believing that God is able, and at this time, if we  are willing; then we become in the state of ‘being’. When we  allow Him to do with us, and to do for us, as He sees fit; this is  now the beginning of a relationship that God too longs for;  intimacy. He spoke that if we as parents know how to give  good gifts to our children, how much greater can our  Heavenly Father give to us; this statement is true, and when  we believe it, only then can we position our self, and get out  of His way and let God have his way; and that is an  intercoursing, intimate relationship with Him and His creation  of man, for we all came from the same family.


 Why is this ‘getting out of God’s way’ so difficult? Religion.  Religion has taught us, and our fore-parents, that we must  act, or do something, and show our selves approved before  Him, do our weekly rituals, and therefore the place of ‘being’  His child, already with His approval, is no longer making sense  to the fleshly mind, and we know nothing else but to follow  their lead. Is this not the blind of their fore fathers leading  the blind of ours’, and we accept it? We already are the  children of God, and there is nothing that we need to do to  accept that, but if we don’t know it to be true, we won’t. It is  no less true that we are His children, but our lack of  acknowledgement of it does.


 If we do all that is required of us from the ‘structured  church’, and then hope our deeds, (which are their deeds),  will win God’s approval by these works; we will then imitate  them, by believing this is also our standard for Godly living;  but it is not. Either we earn our way to His graces, or, (and  this is a big ‘or’), we allow His Grace to sustain us; but we  can’t have both. Our works of the flesh, our rituals, our  deeds, our way of thinking has been what has kept us from  the relationship he has already made available for us, but  most are too blind to see. Too many rites and rituals, these  old habits, have gotten in our way, and since God doesn’t  push Himself on people, we have stolen from Him His desire  for Creation; a relationship with each of us is sometimes lost.


 In the times that Jesus walked on this earth, and still  prevalent today, the Pharisees and elders enforced the ritual  of the washing of hands before eating. Strictly imposed upon  all their people, a rule that wasn’t from God, but their belief  said it was. Have you ever noticed that Jesus never did wash  His hands?


 When I was a teen, and that was many years ago, when  thinking of joining a ‘church’, I chose one that had tens of  millions of members. My thought was that there was so  many of them, whether they are right or wrong, that surely  God would honor their religion, therefore with all that unity, I  would be safe. How silly, but many today have thought that  same thought, and have joined themselves with the masses,  that already established institution, and ride that bus that  takes them wherever it takes them. Now if Jesus came to  bring division, and we are to follow Him, then why can’t we  stand up, buck the orthodox system, and please our Father  with the unorthodox but true ‘stand’?


 Understanding that in scripture, many of the old terms are  now being used in a somewhat different way. The word  synagogue also represents our structured ‘church’ of today;  not the Church, but the institution of ‘church’. Also Israel is,  of course, still a country, but the word is used as God’s chosen  people; which reinvents itself as ‘us’, those that are called by  His name. And to the Israelites, which are also us, Jerusalem  is that point of contact, also known as, along with several  other meanings, the place of assembly, the place of ritual  sacrifice. Can we, with this not-so-well defined terminology,  see that we also are Israel coming together at Jerusalem? If  so then this passage will make sense to us in these  contemporary times.


 Matt.: 23: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one that kills the  prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I  wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her  chicks under her wing, but you are not willing. See! Your  house is left to you desolate.” Why? Understanding this, why  do we continue to play church? This Life that He has given us  is far more than a play thing, it’s forever, and it doesn’t start  after we die, it starts now. This Life is not a toy, nor should it  been toyed with, but man, with his ego, seems to have to put  his hand on everything, including the things of God.


 Why do we seem to think that God needs our help? I know  that most won’t admit to enhancing His word, or reaching our  hand out to help someone before God tells us too, and it’s  always the other guy that does it; but God is able, even  without our help. If fact, He moved on Saul on his way to  Damascus, as Saul, later surnamed Paul, didn’t ask, nor want,  nor was he looking for the hand of God, but in spite of all that,  God had a plan. Saul’s life was changed, along with his  identifying name, and God was able to use him in many and in  mighty ways, in the forwarding of His Kingdom. When asked  by God; do it. But when we just want God to move on them;  wait. We, as a people, have toyed and pretended with the  things of God long enough, and, to some degree, have lost our  compass of direction when it comes to knowing Him  personally; mostly because of the many perversions. Our  rituals have never in the past, nor will they in the future bring  us to a closer contact with the Lord; they were set in place  from men that didn’t have an intimate relationship with the  Father, but wanted to pretend they did. It was their formulas,  their rituals, sometimes call it chants, their inventions, that  helped them feel powerful when others would follow their  lead; but none of it worked, and it still doesn’t.


 When a people, be it christians, or muslims, or any other  religious sect, invents a program to call upon God because  some in the past have done it, then it begins to take on a  normalcy, but it still doesn’t make it right. To prove my point:  Look at other religions from anywhere in the world, watch  what and how they do it, some shaking their heads back and  forth, some bent over in a knot when praying, some with their  wild ritual dancing, and some not really knowing which god to  pray to at that particular moment; and then tell me you don’t  sort of snicker inside. Well, that’s probably what they do  when they’re watching christians. It’s all formulas, programs,  rituals and such that man invented because he doesn’t know  what to do, but feels he must do something, even if it’s  wrong. It’s all for image. The old silly saying says; if you can’t  get it right, make it look good; and now all that’s falling apart.  Centuries of wrong practice doesn’t make perfect, it just make  it seem right.


 Paul wrote to Timothy; “…having a form of godliness but  denying its power, and from such people turn away. For of  this sort are those that who creep into households and make  captives… loaded down with sins, and led away by various  lusts, always learning, but never able to come to the  knowledge of Truth.” There is a way that seems right, but  they deny the power therein. God knew man, and what was  to come, and that is the perversions that the flesh of man  would do to the revelations that His Church was to be built  upon. Of course this was happening even in the days of  writing these epistles, but has, through these many  generations, taken a life of-its-own, and has grown continually  with their non-scripture rituals and doctrines. Be it that we  were warned, should be enough to open the eyes of many,  but I’m afraid that is not the case, but God has kept a remnant  through every generation that has held to the Truth; and now  it’s our turn to hold fast.


 If you know what you’re doing; you do it. If you don’t; they  make a leader out of you. Even in this funny statement, there  still is a hidden truth. Rituals, programs, man-made doctrines,  and sometimes a circus act is what many have turned too to  capture an audience, which helps make their leaders get their  weekly dose of ego-boost.


 If God, during a worship service, wanted to skip the music  of a particular week, would we be receptive to that? If He  wanted to go straight into prayer, would we be willing to  forego with the spoken message? Since none has the  complete Ways, nor the thoughts of our living God, and not  knowing what He has stored for us that day, couldn’t we keep  silent until God’s Spirit began moving? This works, if one  wants to seek God’s lead, but if we want to seek the masses,  and entertain a crowd of would-be believers; it won’t work at  all.


 Again, it is written: “If my people that are called by my  name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,  and turn from their wicked ways, then I shall hear from  Heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” How  long is our God of Grace and mercy going to continue  watching man pervert, destroy, and consume His people with  their unadulterated antics of silliness before His intervention?


 Sit down and try to remember any, and all, of the rituals  that Jesus abided by, and what form or pattern He took in His  daily walk with the Father, and then compare what you see,  or that matter don’t see, with the patterns that man uses in  these ‘things’ and then has the audacity to call it a worship  service.


 A person doesn’t go to Church, we are the Church. The  word Church is not a noun, it’s a pronoun; it is a people, not a  place. Ministry is not an occupation; it is a privileged  opportunity to reveal Christ. Rituals were shown to us by the  old stories that they didn’t work, for if they could have, they  would’ve, but now that we accept Grace, all works are dead,  for Love covers a multitude of failures.

