Why Is There a God ? by Matthieu Giroux - HTML preview

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Why to Seek the Truth?

We do not know why there is life. If life is a material's organization, we do not know why society is organized. The why is therefore a question that directs our will to live.

Seeking the truth helps to find happiness. Our mind is satisfied with the truth. That's how we were all designed. Those who repress the truth are unhappy. To seek the truth is to understand how the world works.

At the beginning we look for different truths. We are dissatisfied to switch from one to the other. Then we are interested in a truth that clashes our life because it challenges us. So we rise hypotheses while seeking our truth. We seek our truth with our friends to find our happiness. Then, one day, our soul stands out. Also, Then, one day, our soul answers us. So, we ask to find the truth to catch mankind's happiness. We are looking for the truth through meditation and dialogue.

We are made to solve problems. To be afraid of problems is not to be prepared to find the solution. It's normal to be afraid of problems. But seeking the truth makes it possible to quickly find the solutions, to no longer be afraid of others, by dialogue, meditating.

Intuition gives us knowledge. Sometimes it surprises us, if we listen. Intuition helps us to solve our truth's research. It's about using intuition to transform more easily. Answering his intuition can be fulfilled for his happiness and that of others.

So, sometimes, we wonder how we could, so easily, find a solution to such complex problems. God may have helped us.

So, we can reach the truth a while. We will have awakened our senses. It's not God's truth, which only God knows about. It can be a human truth that we can define, being so Humans' truth of our country or of the world, at that moment or afterwards. This truth designs human and God can intervene for it.


It's about being one body to look for truth. We can call it baptism. Seeking the truth makes it possible to build the society's body, local at first, then national. So we understand the truths of other countries, like childhood, while defining human and gospel. So, thanks to human economy, that is to say understanding movements or links of human society, we understand mankind past truth, even that of an instant, even that which lasts.

It can be a new cause for scientists to improve science's axioms. It can be for a musician to find his music's meaning. It can be for the manual craft to use its hands creating something new and economical, so useful. It could be helping someone to rise his mind. It can be a truth that speaks to us and our work. Then we forget about the ego, knowing himself, seeing that's behind us.

We've awaken our senses. Intuition through dialogue or writing has shown us our way. Dialogue with others will have changed us, because our mind will change our soul to transform our mind. Then we're the Christ. So the Holy Spirit can help us, for our cause, which is human's truth. God does not touch soul at these times. When the Holy Spirit leaves us, it is inside us, for our soul. Inside us, negative becomes positive, just thinking. We endure attacks. Spirit is here to help us. So we seek truth's joy to guide us. More we show the truth, more we save. It is therefore possible that God restores our soul's pulpit to know us as when he saw us reaching him.


My Notes

Write the questions you have asked yourself or you 're asking yourself ?



Read and Write about Meister Eckhart, one of that has risen Nicolas De Cuse.