Why Is There a God ? by Matthieu Giroux - HTML preview

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The idea borns from our unconscious. Our unconscious speaks to us and emits ideas. Our unconscious is the part of our mind that thinks without telling us, alone. So when our mind stands, the unconscious thinks. He influences us, according to and for our truth's research.

First of all, the mind must be rested to be able to use its unconscious. Indeed, the world of the early twenty­first century is full of transgressions, leading to desire to the short view. This short view's desire turns our minds around like in a circle, instead of being transforming, according to the truth's research. It has been scientifically ascertained that the mind's troubles are due to the mind's blockage, blocked to make the same way, at a certain place. An unconscious that can not think for ourselves prevents us from binding. So unthinkable information ends up being accepted, because it is repeated and because we do not think about it. There is a correlation between psychic disorders and the media's goal in 2015.

Knowing that it is not about going around in the same way, it is about creating objectives to grow towards the long way, in order to link again in our mind. It is then about going against that our unconscious says to us as explicit and false, that is to say understandable easily but false, to replace it by what is implicit in our unconscious and true, that is, to say little understandable by others but true. Religions speak about the evil spirit that says lies to us. It was the unconscious that accepted things that it knew were false, because they were repeated or aggressive.

A mind, stuck around the same ideas, should prevent sleeping. Physical activity helps you sleeping better. Meditating, after playing music, will allow you to play in your mind, without music, or rather with the music of your mind. This will solve a lot of psychic problems. Also it will clear the "making with same way" of television. Our unconscious will be better activated thanks to the rest. We will be sociable and we will want to adapt to others.

Meditation is not just about finding an idea, to be satisfied with that. Some scientists or religious say, "An idea is elementary! ". Indeed, meditation has different objectives. Meditation and dialogue bind faith and reason. Faith is the fact to trust someone morally. The reason is to clearly anticipate a reality. As soon as we think that we will lose faith, it is possible that our reason is lost. Just like the one whom has lost his reason ends up losing faith. Doubt fills us then and asks to make choices. We will be able to choose wrongly and reconsider our decision. In this case it is not necessary to choose the easier, but to seek truth. It is essential that faith and reason to be united, through dialogue, scientific questioning and meditation.

The first meditation's goal is to adapt our mind to our environment. This is the short view vision while meditating. While preparing our mind through the link, we can assign one or more scientific and human solutions to any problem. Thus, we are increasingly seeking to solve problems for which we are made. It can lead us to new passions and new talents.

The second objective is not to prepare to find an idea, that is to say scientifically to use a neuron. It is about linking a set of neurons, to be able to propose several choices or solutions to the one that could not accept an unique solution. It will also be about finding a way to convince through dialogue and scientific philosophy. We will also deal with emotions with poetry and writing. We will have a physical or musical activity, so that the neurons are well irrigated and united by the blood flows. Many have the need to let off steam, so that their spirit is at best and complete.

The third objective is, after the first two, to listen to the one whom organizes the universe, with life and our spirit. To understand God, it is about taking risks for the human and for the nature. With meditation, it is therefore to take calculated risks, to acquire lasting rights, for himself too. Those who ask a lot get what they need.

When our mind is sufficiently adapted to the human environment, it can anticipate that will happen. Meditation can also encompass human society. Thus, to anticipate communism and liberalism, Lucie showed the Secrets of Fatima. These secrets anticipate so much on the human that they indicated choices to be made, compared to the anticipated falls of communism and liberalism. Others will tell you about the card player, who wins without cheating, although all believe the opposite.

The fourth objective, according to religion, after this necessity for me to create links in the mind, is above all to find links between spirit and material. Our quest for truth will indeed enable us to create our talent, or to perfect it. But we are very dependent of our environment. Our relational spirit needs objects to understand each other. We are creative by our reason too. We have to help this reason with certain objects.

A passionate spirit can be built to anticipate or circumvent more or less long and regular events, expected or feared. We grow then to adapt our mind to anticipate the most feared events. If these events are not resolved, then wanting, like every child, the power, so the power to solve the crucial problems for us, we create us ersatz power. These events will be solved with scientific meditation and dialogue, primarily by the human. We can only meditate on these events with forgiveness and calmness. If these events are solved, our unconscious will encourage us to anticipate other events. Our mind will grow quickly.



Meditation and dialogue

Mayenne's Radio Fidelity

Larouche Pac


My Notes

When your mind is calm, after a physical exercise, or after talking, before sleeping, meditate while resting. Links or ideas come ...
