2085 Redemption by David Ellinger - HTML preview

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The Tree of Yahweh

She was again back on the highway heading south to Tuscon. It was isolated and nothing but a few sage bushes and the pieces of bones of some animals that were dried up from the extreme heat of the desert sun. Jessica had an inner sense that she needed to continue on to the biosphere. There were no other options left. She had to see this whole adventure out and see how the final chapter ends.

She then an odd sound and wonder where the noise was coming from. She then notice that it was from her own respirator unit. It had started to malfunction. She couldn‟t believe what was now happening to her. Her breathing was starting to become more difficult. She was so close to the finishing line of her journey, almost to Tucson and the biosphere. If her respirator failed then she would fall victim of the elements of the dry extreme heat of the sun now bearing down on them. She knelt down in the sand where she stood, not able to take another step. The noise suddenlty stopped and the respirator rebooted itself through an unknown automatic shut down and restart procedure.

Jessica had to sit down and rest on a rock to wait and see if her next breaths were of new purified air, or would the unit fill up with the dust and contaminates of the Arizona Sonora lands. The reboot process took just a few seconds, but to her it felt like a whole eternity. She started coughing having a gasp reflex, and then purfied air started flowing again. “Pure air, thank you God. I can‟t believe that we once took your pure air and water for granted.” All this time the mountain lion was never to far from her side.

The Mountain lion was a mutant that had lungs that had already adapted to the harsh environment. Dawin at his finest. Evolution is not against God, but is a part of God bigger picture and plan. It is the ego of man that create false concepts that tries to divides us, labels us, and control us by the miss use of power and authority.

But with God, there are no labels, nor concepts, or hidden agendas of control.

Just the pure divine natural healing of love that accepts us for who we are, regardless of the evolutionary level that we are on or which step of the spiritual ladder that we are climbing.

“We are, We are, climbing Jacob‟s ladder, we are, we are climbing Jacobs‟ ladder.” For some reason that childhood song kept going around and around in Jessica‟s head. “Next step are just one step closer to the bioshpere,” my dear mountain lion friend.

Rest time is over, time to get going as Jessica lifted herself up by her bootstraps and kept walking on, walking on, just traveling on and making imprints in the sands.

It started as if she was seeing a mirage. She though she was just watching the swirling sands in the air before them. She then started to see an images standing before them.

The image was of the Apache Medicine Women was with a very large black bear that was standing by her side. Jessica came walking up to them and raise her hand in greeting.

The Medicine Women said. “Well, Jessica, Why did it take you so long to get her”

Jessica started to laugh and cry at the same time. Its been a Journey and a half, but I am glad to see you Medicine Women.

“You are alive are you not?” “You still have much work before you my sister.” The black bear made a large growl noise, and raised on to its back feet as if reaching towards the eternal sacred sun above. I have been sent here to help you finish your mission. The Medicine Women then made a short bow. “Shall we go”. The four of them, Jessica, the Medicind Women, then Bobbie the Mountain lion, and the big black bear continue heading south. They sure were an odd looking bunch, Jessica smiled to herself. She was happy not to be alone any longer.

Eventhough in Arizona‟s, It‟s a dry heat. They made good progress to the biosphere.

Jessica was surprise how large the biosphere was. The glass structure made it look like a diamond glimmering on a sand dune.

The biosphere was still mostly intact, but didn‟t look like it had been in any operational condition for years. We have to see if we can get the power back on. She remember the solar batteries from the commander ship that she still had in her backpack. She looked at a diagram of the biosphere on one of the entery walls. She say that the the power unit was in the middle of the center part of the underground basement of the biosphere.

She started towards the power support grid unit area. She looked around and all of the floral and trees were completely dead in the biosphere. There use to be a fountain and stream that ran through the entire facility and it had dried up a very long time ago. I need to just get the power support grid unit functioning then we can get the water pumps back on line. The water will then refresh the eco system. Everything is built on the precious elements of water and air combined.

“It just may takes a Women to safe the world afterall”, Jesscia said as she continue to go through the thought process as she walked.

This technical IT puzzle was good for her. She has always felt better if she had an issue or problem to solve. It was when the problemsolving is over, that she had a bad time dealing with her emotions that have been repressed by the overall conditions she has had to put up with and deal with her entire life on Earth.

She got to the power center, and open the door. Cobwebs were all over, and dead scorpions were scatter on the floor. It was pitch black and she turned on her flashlight giving light to the darkness.

In the middle of the floor was a rattlesnake staring at her. “You didn‟t think that it was going to be this easy to save the world do you. Its over. Your time as a human race is over. You had your oportunity. Instead, of being a co-creator of nature, you destroyed nature by your greed for power and the total mismanagement of your resources. It could have been different outcome. Your leaders had time to turn this around, but the relentlessness of greed, power, and corruption had destroyed your planet, your world.

Once you called this paradise, what do you call it now?

Jessica looked into the rattlesnakes eyes. There was an emptiness there and she could see that the emptiness was deep inside this creature blocking her path to the power unit.

“What do you want”

“It‟s not a bargin my poor friend”, said the rattlesnake. “Its not a commodity that you buy or sale. Do you not see what your consumerism society had done to your total being and soul”

“Just pieces of broken vessels, and then the heartbreak that you have endured way to long. Where are all your friends Jessica? Thats right they are all dead, and the Medicine women is nothing but a witch. She will take your to the inner depths of hell all by herself without you even knowing it, and without me having to help at all.”

Jessica look at the snake. “Well Snake” “Aren‟t you the Talker”

“I guess you are right and the talking is surely over, and there is not room for negotiations or compromise”. “Its time for tough love you and I” “I have such a taste for Chicken meat tonight and guess who is going to be invited for dinner.”

Jessica took out a knife out of her boot, and started to walking around the rattler‟s position, waving it in the air.

“Yes, my sweet, Jessica”. “The game is on and isabout to be over for you. The loser of the game will not just lose their life, but the total distruction of your eternal soul.”

The rattlesnake look like it was starting to turn transparent, and flames were starting to come from its entire being. She was no longer looking at a rattlesnake, but a demon full of fire and hatred. The demon laugh and started moving towards her.

Suddenly, the big black bear that was with the Apache medicine women jumped in front of Jessica. The black bear tranfigured into a knight of the Templar of the ancient guard to protect the sacred femmine of God‟s creation. The Templar had the holy cross on it‟s shield and wearing a knight‟s robe of honor. His sword had been drawn and at the ready.

My fair lady it is not safe for you here, run, run with all your might out the door before you.”

He shoved her again towards the door, and Jessica didn‟t turn her back but ran out of the door with all her might and energy that she had left.

The templar knight told Jessica to lock the door behind her, and don‟t come out until she heard him calling her.

She turn the latch, and could her screams coming immediately from inside. “ All I ever wanted is to have the freedom to be me and to become the person that I was meant to be in this life. I never wanted to harm anyone or cause anyone any grief or pain. I am not a superwomen or wonderwomen that has any special powers or ability to save the world. “

“But you are”, and she turned around and saw the Apache medicine women with the mountain lion staring at her, and giving her a gentle hug.

“Open the door”, she heard from the other room. She quickly opened it and the knight fell before them in his own blood by their feet. The Templar knight transformed back to being a black bear. The Templar knight was covered in blood and was breathing its last breaths of this lifetime.

“Let me take care of him now and help his journey back to heaven”. “It‟s critical now that you get the power back on, for us to have any chance in saving the plant,” said the Apache Medicine worman to Jessica.

Jessica took the solar power pack and race into the power control interface monitor.

There was blood everywhere and the rattlesnake was no where to be seen. She saw the grid station itself and where to upload the solar batteries. She took the old batteries out and put the new ones in.

We used these solar batteries to put a Man on Mar‟s to find possible life. We are now using the same battteries to bring life back on earth. She pull the main power swith that control the grid to the biosphere. Nothing happen. She did a complete reset and pulled the energy switch a seond time.

She could actually hear and feel the different areas of the biosphere coming back on line with power.

The Apache medicine women took Jessica into her arms to comfort her.

“The Templar knight, where is he. I want to thank him.”, said Jessica.

“He is no longer here with us, but he has told me to have you look for him in your dreams. He will be there ready to protect you and to defend you at all costs when you need him again. He will always be there for you my friend.”

“There is still one more task that we have left to do together”, said the Apache medicine women.. She lead her back into the main facility of the Biosphere. The water had aready started to flow though the entire facility.

“Do you still have the rainbow acorn that the Green man from the forest gave you?”

Jessica knodded. Please give it too me. The Medicine wormen took the rainbow acorn and planted it next to the stream and close to the fountain in the middle of the biosphere.

She took her sacred walking stick with an image of a bear carved on it. Chanting in her ancient Apache voice, she started circling the area where the acorn was just planted. She started to wave the stick in mid air in a trance and started dancing to an inner song of forgiveness and rebirth.

A tree started to come out of the soil from where the rainbos acorn was planted.

It started small, and then grew faster and faster with all different colors of flowers covering its limbs. The tree was in a very short time now bigger then Jessica.

The tree would grow to three times as tall and twice as wide.

“Jessica, behold. “ This is the tree of Yahweh of what the prophets of old had spoken of in the Holy book of Genesis . A beautiful image then walked out of the tree. Jessica knew at once who this sacred holy being was and fell to her knees.

“Arise, Arise, my dearest fairest child of mine. I am the Mother Mary. The Wife of Joseph and the blessed mother of Jesus, our lord.”

“She had on the most beautiful light blue robe with a white lace veil covering her head.”

Jessica could feel the maternal love, the grace and the power that was coming from Mary‟s total being. It warmed Jessica‟s soul and took the darkness of her journey completely away. She fell gracefully into her blanket of peace and holy inner harmony.

Mary reach her arms out to Jessica. “Please Stand and come to me”. Jessica walked in front of her with her head still bowed to the ground before her.

The Holy Mary of Nazareth put one of her hands on Jessica‟s forehead and another just below her stomach area where her overies where.

Jessica felt a sudden rush of energy and blissfulness entered into her. She then saw two large magnificient angels by Mary‟s side. One was the Arch Angel Michele, and the other was the Arch angel Gabriel.

The Arch Angel Michel spoke to Jessica. “You have been chosen as Mary had been chosen years ago. Two lives are now inside of you. These two twins will start a new world and create a new begining for all mankind. A mankind that will cherish nature, and all the blessing of the Earth, and create a community that will not destroy the holiness of God‟s creations through pollution, greed, or power. The Lion and the lamb will now lay down together.

“Jessica, you must teach and nuture your children well, and create in them a cuture of mutural respect of love, and kindness towards all God‟s creature big or small.

The Holy Mary Mother was then lifted up by the mighty Angels towards Heaven disappearing from her sight.

The Apache medicine women bowed down to Jessica. You are now the protector of the trees, make them all grow strong and tall. May grace always fill your heart and may you live with peace of God in your heart. My sister, My friend, and she gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. She then walked into the very being of the tree of Yahweh, and disappeared into to the beauty of Heaven‟s inner mist.

10 Years Later:

Little Mary and Joseph came running up to Jessica who was in the garden planting.

“Mother, Mother, you won‟t believe what just happen to us.”

“What just happen?, she said smiling back at them.

“Well, we were both in the middle of the biosphere next to that big beautiful tree in the middle. The tree spoke to us.

“It said that we were blessed and that we are to be the keepers of the trees.”

“You are true blessings of the earth my children. Now run off and play, but be back in an hour when dinner will be ready to be served.”

Mary and Joseph went skipping off together holding hands. glowing with inner hope and love with the inner knoledge that they are to be the trusted sacred keeper‟s of God‟s beloved planet called Earth.

A monarch butterfly appeared and tenderly landed on Jessicas‟s hand.