Religious Books
Knowing Times and Seasons
This writing, which came out of personal experience, endeavours to show how the various seasons of human life, are part of God's seasons and times for us. If we have eyes to see, and receptive hearts, we can weather the storms of life, and pay heed to the lovely lessons the Lord has purposed. We...
Genesis Revisited
Ever since Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species', there has been controversy about origins. Are we to believe Genesis or the evolutionists? This book believes the controversy is unnecessary. By carefully analyzing what Genesis actually says, and by understanding what kind of documents (note the...
Autumn Leaves Volume (Volume 4)
A further volume in a series of collections of religious and related articles.
Did Jesus Christ Claim To Be God?
Was Jesus Christ just a great prophet, teacher, or miracle worker? Is He Almighty God? How important is it that we know the truth about Him? What did Jesus say about Himself? This book will answer these questions.
On Being Human
This book covers a wide range of topics: psychology and psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and the psychological insights we find in ancient texts. To be fully inclusive in tackling the question of what it means to be human we need to address spiritual answers as well as scientific answers. So here is...
The Feast, The Harvest and The Resurrection
This is the meat of the Holy Bible. The scriptures link these three very important aspects in God's word. God has plans for a resurrection for every human being. Which resurrection will you have?
A Power We Call God
Does God exist? This question has been a hotbed of discussions for skeptics, atheists, and antagonists for several thousand years! Religions promote their Gods as the ultimate Almighty, but God is beyond religion. God exists… the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds, the animals and the...
Éducation Islamique de la Jeunesse
Contents:Définition de la Salât (la prière)Interprétation de la sourate al-FâtihaInterprétation de la sourate al-FâtihaInterprétation de la sourate an-NâsInterprétation de la sourate al-Falaq (l’aube naissante)Interprétation de la sourate al-Ikhlâs (Le monothéisme pur)Le magicien et...
Islamic Education for Youths
This book is considered to be a very important material in educating the children and youth. It is the first book which contains very important necessary Islamic information for youth. Moreover, the significant thing noted in it this eBook is the simple way that it can deliver the knowledge to...
Innovation: a Collection of My Personal Views
Innovation is a collection of my personal views.