A Body of Divinity: Vol. 4 (of 4) by Thomas Ridgley - HTML preview

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The volumes are denoted by a, b, c, and d.


Abraham offering Isaac, c 544

Absolute free-will, a 498

Adam, his temptation, b 102

not a mediator, b 164

Acts of faith, direct and reflex, c 132

Actions sinful, d 66

Adoption, c 145

Adultery, d 9

Affections, government of, d 10

Afflictions, relative, b 156

All-sufficiency of God, consolatory, a 129

Amen, d 468

Angels, their creation, b 25

their nature, b 27

their power, b 28

their employment, b 68. 30

providence of God toward them, b 62

Anger is heart-murder, c 548

Antinomians, c 418

Anti-trinitarians, a 388

Apostacy, considered, c 225

Apostles, b 572

Arius, his error, note, a 208

Arminians, b 128

Ascension of Christ, b 464

Assurance of salvation, c 243

how lost, c 273

what essential to faith, c 270

Atheism, its absurdity, a 24. 29. 38 c 439

Atonement, b 187. 275. note. 276. 280

value of it, b 282. 285

design of it, b 285

propriety of it proved, against Deists, b 299

vindicated against christian errors, b 303

extent of the purchase, b 301

for whom specially intended, b 316. 321

how sufficient for all men, note, b 349

modern opinions on, b 276. b 280. 292. 297

Author of sin, God is not, in note, d 433. 435


Baptism, an ordinance, d 174

meaning of the word , d 216

a generic term, in note, d 175

the right of infants, d 182. 186. d 187. 193

objections to subjects of, d 200. 206. 186. 194

by pouring or sprinkling, d 218

sponsors in, d 228

sign of the cross in, d 228

how to be improved, d 229. 234

Backbiting, instances of, d 48

Being of God proved, a 21

Believers, sons of God in Christ, c 146

Benevolence, disinterested, a 19

Blindness of mind, b 146

Borrowing and not paying, d 23

whether Israel was guilty of it, d 24

Bread, daily to be prayed for, d 407

Burnet, his scheme of the Millenium, b 369


Call of the gospel, c 16

Character of sacred writers, a 101

Charity to the poor, d 20

Child-like dispositions required in us, d 364

Christ, typified by Melchizedec, b 264

his humiliation, b 396

betrayed, denied, condemned, slain, b 424. 426. 429. 433

descent into hell b 440

1 Pet. iii. 18. explained, note, b 442

his resurrection, b 444

his ascension, b 464

his intercession, b 473

his coming to judgment, b 481

Christianity, reasonable, note, a 1

Church, the word how used, b 510. note 515

Church, its testimony, a 116

Church, invisible, c 9

its union to Christ, c 10

Commandments, rules to interpret, c 428

Communion with God, by innocent man, b 77

with Christ in grace, c 65

in glory, c 280

Conflagration, b 387

Conflicts of flesh and spirit, c 187

Conscience, horror of, b 153

distinguished, b 154

Contentment a universal duty, d 50

motives to it, d 51

Contingency of events, a 517

Corruption of nature, forbidden, d 56

not from traduction, &c., b 128

how, b 131

Covenant of grace, divisible or not, b 165

with whom made, b 167

how, a testament, b 169

eternity of it, b 272

acceptance by elect, b 184

Covenant of works, more than a law, b 78

its extent, b 80. 88

its seals, b 88. 90

violation of, b 74. 93

not a promise of salvation, b 164

Covetousness and its aggravations, d 58

excuses for it answered, d 59

Creation, work of, b 6

immediate, b 7

mediate, b 7

time of, b 8

design of, b 15

not instantaneous, b 17

its progression, b 19. 23

at what season of the year, b 24

its goodness, or perfection, b 25

of man, b 34

Creed, account of, b 440

Critical examination of 1 John v. 7, a 329


Day of grace, what, b 331

Death, appointed of God, c 293

its effect on the spirit, c 300

of Christ, design of it, b 285

for whom, b 290

perversion of the doctriner, b 291

a true and proper sacrifice for sin, b 292

of some saints, c 285

Decrees of God, a 417. 430

proved, a 422. 452

not stoical fate, a 516

misrepresentations of it, a 465

Deists, b 494

Deity of the Son, proved, a 295

by divine names, a 296

by divine attributes, a 342

by religious worship, a 377

improved, a 414

Diligence, d 20. 21

Discontent, remedies against, d 61

Dispensations of the covenant, b 199

Delusions, b 147

Dominion of man in innocency, b 74

Duels, c 542


Eden, garden of, where situated, b 70

Effectual calling, c 39

Elect, to what chosen, a 438

included in Christ, b 132

ransomed by him, b 316

peculiarly, b 322

Election, what, a 529. 434

objects of, a 436

proved, a 447

its design, a 461

its properties, a 469

knowledge of, a 470

free, a 476

unchangeable, a 481

objections to, a 507

distinct from fate, a 516

Elijah, whether guilty of falsehood, d 36

Elisha reproached at Bethel, d 43

Endor, witch of, c 451

Enlightened conscience, c 184

Errors, of Arius and Sabellius, a 208

Eternal generation of Christ, a 259

Eternity of the covenant of grace, b 172

Eutychus, who he was, note, b 223

Eve, the manner of her temptation, b 100


Faith, how, a condition, b 189

how above natural ability, b 193

various kinds of, c 121-125

justifying, c 98. 125

how it justifies, c 110

a duty, b 193

a means of salvation, d 76

Fall of man, b 74-93

Father, God is to men, d 360

to be addressed as in heaven, d 365

Food of man in innocency, b 72

Foreknowledge of God, a 452

Foreordained whatsoever comes to pass, what is meant, d 433

Forgiveness of sin, c 70. d 417

of others, what meant by it, d 424

argument to induce to it, d 426

Freedom of divine decrees, a 432. 433

Free will, absolute, absurd, a 498

doctrine of, examined, a 501

Frugality, d 17


Genealogy of Christ defended, a 88

Genuineness of the scriptures, a 79

Glorifying God, what is meant by it, a 13

Glory of God, how things are disposed, d 382

Glory of Christ as Mediator, b 244

God, proofs of his being, a 22-48

is a Spirit, a 123

his unity, a 194

holy, a 159

not the author of sin, a 424. 523. 530

is infinite, a 126

all-sufficient, a 127

eternal, a 129

immutable, a 135

incomprehensible, a 138

omnipresent, a 139

almighty, a 140

omniscient, a 145

most wise, a 152

just, a 164

true, a 186

merciful, a 168

even in punishing, note, a 170

how glorified, a 14

Goodness, ibid

Gospel, how offered to all, b 332

faith in it the duty of all, b 336

Government, civil, c 524

Grotius, on the authority of the scriptures, in note, a 97

Grace, of God, in providing a Mediator, b 187

Guilt of Adam’s first sin, b 119

its consequences, b 196-259


Happiness of saints, future, c 399

Hardness of heart, b 149

causes of, b 150

in believers and unbelievers, b 151

Hearing the word, d 158

Heathens, b 491. c 163

Hell, descent of Christ into, b 440

Heinousness of sins not equal, d 67

Holy Ghost, procession of, a 260

his Deity proved, a 295

his titles, a 400

attributes, a 404

works, a 405

worship, a 408. 414

Holiness of God, a 159

motives to, c 160

Holy places, c 424

times, c 427

Holy Spirit, implants all graces, b 197

applies salvation, b 237

Humiliation of Christ, b 396

in his birth, b 398

in his life, b 401

by temptations, b 410

by sinless infirmities, b 422

in his death, b 423

in being betrayed, b 424

forsaken, b 425

condemned, b 429

Humiliation of Christ, in being tormented, b 431

crucified, b 433

in his burial, b 437

Human nature of Christ, b 421

Hypocrisy, sin of, d 39

whether Paul and Daniel guilty, d 40


Idolatry, c 443. & a194

Image-worship, c 461

Immortality of the soul, c 302

asserted and denied by heathens, c 303

Imputation, what, c 85-95

Imputation of Adam’s sin, b 107. 113

Inability of sinners to believe, note, b 193

to keep the commandments, d 62

Incarnation of Christ, b 227

the time of, b 231

duration of, b 234

Incarnation, necessity for, b 235

Independency of God, a 124

Infants, their state, b 138

Inferiors, duties of, c 520

Innocency, man’s condition in, b 72

Inspiration of scripture, a 110

Integrity of the church in all ages, b 199

Interest in Christ, b 189


Jesus, why so called, b 244

Judgment, final, c 359

Justice, in our dealings, d 19

Justification, c 67

its foundation, c 73

not before faith, c 117

not by works, c 101

not by repentance, c 101


Kingdom of Heaven, c 399

of Providence, d 385

of grace, d 386

of Christ, how advanced, d 389

of glory, d 394

Kingly office of Christ, b 351

its exercise, b 352

submission to, b 357

opposition to, b 360

times of exercise, b 364

in the Millenium, b 366

on earth, b 381

duration of, b 392

the two-fold states of, b 396

in humiliation, b 399


Law, moral, c 421

judicial, c 422

ceremonial, c 423

Law-suits, when unjust, d 26

Liberty, c 34

Life, bounds of fixed, a 508

to be preserved, c 540

Light of nature, a 21. 230

Light of revelation, sufficient, b 206

increased by the gospel, b 214

Long-suffering of God, a 176

in harmony with justice, a 181

improvement of, a 183

Lord’s supper, d 234

a gospel ordinance, d 236

what the elements and actions, d 237. 238

to whom to be administered, d 237. 245. 263

examination previous to, d 246-256

who to be debarred from, d 263

meditation at, d 269

what to be done at, d 270. 273. 275

vows may be made at, d 278

frequent attendance on, d 280

how it differs from baptism, d 281-284

Lie, definition and kinds of, d 33

whether midwives in Egypt guilty of, d 34

Rahab’s, d 34

whether Jacob was guilty of, d 35

whether Elijah was guilty, d 36

whether Paul was guilty, d 37

David’s, d 38


Magee’s, two discourses on the atonement, note, b 298. 317

Man, his creation, b 34

his twofold nature, b 39

in the divine image, b 42

his mutability, b 44

providence of God toward him, b 70

employment in Paradise, b 72

fallen, b 117

his misery, b 136

Marks of grace, c 260-262

Marriage, its institution and design, b 75

Masters, duties of, c 533

Means of salvation, d 76

Mediator, his office generally, b 186

his intercession or satisfaction, b 186

who he is, b 216

his sufficiency, b 218

his incarnation, b 221

why called Jesus Christ, b 244

Melchizedec, who he might be, b 264

Messiah of the Old Testament is Christ, b 200

the substance of the ceremonial law, b 201

Jesus of Nazareth, b 245

his commission, b 248

his offices, b 249

prophetical, b 252

priestly, b 259

kingly, b 351

Millenium, b 366-382

Moral obligation, foundation of, c 405

Moral law, c 421

civil, its origin, b 127

Mortification, c 155

Moses, no astrologer, c 454

killing the Egyptians, c 545

Murderers do not escape, c 547

Musical instruments unauthorized in gospel worship, d 85

Mystery, scriptural, a 215. 217

Mysteries, Dr. Bates Aon, in note, a 217


Name of God, what meant by it, d 369

how sanctified, d 370. 373

when profaned, c 473

hallowed, what meant by, d 375-381

Natures of Christ, b 235

why two-fold, b 242

without confusion, b 243


Oaths, religious, c 472

profane, c 470

Objections, to the harmony of the scriptures, a 88-93

to the doctrine of election, a 507

to the divine predetermination, a 509

Obligation, moral, c 405

Offences, their aggravations, d 67

from the parties, d 68

from the nature of the offence, d 70

from the circumstances, d 72

Officers of the, church, b 572

Offices of Christ, their number, b 249

suited to the state of man, b 250

not to be confounded, b 251

their order, b 252

Office, prophetical, b 254

for whom intended, b 255

how executed, b 256

when, b 257

the priestly, b 259

Officers among the Jews, d 139

Ordinances of the gospel, d 83

Original righteousness lost, a 121

Original, transgression, b 105

sin, what, b 118

its transmission, b 129. 132

its punishment, b 141


Parable of the debtor, c 238

Paradise, where, b 71

after death, c 318

Parents, duties of, c 531

Papal doctrines, a 162, d 315

Pardon of sin is from God only, d 417

Pelagianism, b 125

Perfection, absolute, not in this life, c 178

at death, c 312

Perfections of God, a 121-142

Perseverance of the saints, c 194-197

proved, c 201-217

objections to answered, c 220

Person, Calvin on the word, in note, a 207

Person of Christ, why God and man, b 235

Personality in the Godhead, a 207. 244

Pharisees, d 140

Polygamy was ever unlawful, d 11

aggravations of, d 13

the occasions of, d 14

Praise, d 82. 85. 95

Prayer, to be made to God, d 299

to be in the name of Christ, d 300. 301

Spirit’s aid in, d