A Body of Divinity: Vol. 4 (of 4) by Thomas Ridgley - HTML preview

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The OLD TESTAMENT is now in the press, and the first volume expected out in the month of May. To subscribers the price will be 6 dollars per vol. sheep; $7 in calf; and $5 25 per vol. in boards. On subscribing, the New Testament can be delivered in 3 volumes, being already printed.

The following is taken from the Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association—October, 1815.

“Oct. 18.—This association have heard with pleasure, by a communication from Mr. Woodward, of his intention to publish Dr. Gill’s Exposition of the Old Testament, in six large quarto volumes; one of which he hopes, if life and health be spared, to issue every 4 or 5 months, at the price originally proposed; that is, $5,25 each vol. in boards—6 in sheep, and 7 in calf. Resolved that this association recommend to the churches, and the brethren of our denomination generally, the encouragement of the work, and that each church subscribe at least for a copy for its respective minister for the time being, and communicate the result of their subscriptions to Mr. Woodward, as early as possible. He hopes to issue the first volume in the Spring. Sister associations throughout the union are affectionately invited to patronize the publication, and should their piety and wisdom approve of the measure, recommend the adoption of a plan in their churches generally similar to what is above recommended.”


W. W. Woodward is preparing for the press, in 3 vols. quarto, the Rev. Dr. SCOTTS FAMILY BIBLE, on a new arrangement. The work will contain every article, except the Marginal References; and the Notes will follow immediately after the verses to which they belong, and the Practical Observations at the end of each chapter. The first volume will be published as speedily as possible.—The flattering encouragement already received, induces the publisher to put to press a large edition. A copy-right is secured for this popular plan. Price in boards 18 dolls. 75 cents, bound 21 dolls. Proposals shall be sent to any persons who will interest themselves in the work—one copy for every five subscribed for. The Royal Octavo Bible, recently printed by W. W. W. contains all the Marginal References, all the Introductions to the Books, and also to the Chapters, with the General Preface, for $5, common, and $5 50, fine paper; plates added, $1 50; David’s Psalms, or Watts’s imitation, 50 cents; Concordance, 25 cents. It may be had with or without the above; with them separately, or all bound in one, or two volumes: one dollar advance, if bound in two volumes.

The FIRST VOLUME will be out in the Spring, and the other volumes as early after as practicable—this plan is exceedingly popular. The following is an extract of a letter from a respectable clergyman:—viz. “I am happy to inform you, your edition, on the new plan, meets the general approbation. Of this you will be convinced, when I tell you, that in obtaining two hundred subscribers, I have done little else than to follow along after Proposals for other editions of the same work. About 40 sets of the above are to be bound in calf.—Many have subscribed for this, who have absolutely refused to subscribe for others. I think you may safely conclude, therefore, that many families will be blessed with this excellent work, who would, perhaps, have ever remained destitute, had it not been for this edition.”

A new Edition of


Will be ready in January, 1816, in a variety of bindings, from 125 to 500 cents.

CONFESSION OF FAITH, or, the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; containing the Catechism, and the Directory for the worship of God: together with the Plan of Government and Discipline, as amended and ratified by the General Assembly at their Session in May, 1805. Price 1 dollar 12-1/2 cents. Sheep gilt 1 dollar 25 cents.

The CONFESSION OF FAITH: the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large; the Covenants, national and solemn League; the Acknowledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties: the Directories for Public and Family Worship; and the Form of Church Government; with Acts of Assembly and Parliament relative thereto, and approbative of, the same, of public authority in the Church of Scotland: and also in the Associate Church, and the Reformed Church, in the United States of America. Together with the Sum of Saving knowledge, and the practical use thereof.—Price 1 dollar 75 cent fine, and 1 dollar 50 cents common.

Pocket Edition of WATTS’S PSALMS AND HYMNS.—W. W. Woodward has printed a new edition, which may be had at the following prices:—Plain 75 cents. Gilt backs, fine paper, 1 dollar 12-1/2 cents. Morocco 2 dollars. Morocco with gilt leaves, 2 dollars 25 cents. Red sheep 1 dollar 62-1/2 cents.

Also, just published—a neat and correct edition of the above, with a large type: taken from W. W. W’s last corrected pocket edition. Price, fine paper, 1 dollar 25 cents, plain; morocco, gilt leaves, 3 dollars 25 cents; sheep gilt, 1 dollar 75 cents; common paper, 1 dollar in plain binding.

RIPPON’S SELECTION (copy-right) in a neat pocket volume, with a variety of New HYMNS, not in former editions; prepared by the Rev. Dr. Staughton.—Prices, plain bound and lettered, 75 cents. Gilt backs 1 dollar 12-1/4 cents. Morocco, yellow leaves, 2 dollars, and gilt leaves, morocco, 2 dollars 25 cents.


 2 vols. in 1, 350 cents.—4th edition, with an account of the Cumberland Presbyterians.

Proposals are out for printing the WORKS of
 The Rev. JOHN B. LINN, D. D.
 Late Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.—2 vols. octavo.

Lately Printed,
 Price 112-1/2 cents.


PROOF CATECHISM, revised by the Rev. Dr. James P. Wilson, 50 cents per dozen.

Also—a new edition of the SEQUEL to JANEWAY’S TOKEN FOR CHILDREN, 19 cents.

A constant supply of the latest Theological Publications on hand; and always a very general Assortment of BOOKS in the various departments of Literature. Orders made up for Libraries and Book Stores on the most liberal terms.