A Book of Bible Doctrines by Toby Cribbs - HTML preview

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There are Five Fundamental Relationships we need to follow.


Relationship of the Family to Christ.


Relationship of Husband and Wives.


Relationship of the Parents to the Children.


Relationship of the Children to Parents.


Relationship of Brothers and Sisters.


Relationship of the Family to Christ.

The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God. We need to put God and Christ first in our families.

We must love Christ above our family. As someone said (JOY) Jesus first Others second Yourself last. The man should be the spiritual leader of the family. (Ephesians 1:22) Joshua said in Joshua 24:15 …. but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord… Leviticus 27:14… says And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the Lord, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.

The family should serve Christ. Christ is over all things even the family: The family should be subjected unto Christ. The family should serve Christ with love.


Relationship of Husband and wives.

The Bibles states that a wife submit herself to her own husband. (Ephesians 5:22) The Bible also says that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. The husband should love his wife as Christ loves the church.

Wives should love their husbands in showing subjection unto them. The husband should not take advantage of his wife. The husband is the head of the wife and family. The husband should love his wife so much he would be willing to die for her.


Relationship of Parents to the Children

The Bibles state that the father should not provoke their children. (Ephesians 6:4) They are to bring up the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (NUTURE) to educate, train, discipline, correct, instruct. (ADOMONTION) calling attention to by mild rebuke or warning. The Parents should train the children of things of the Lord. They should be concerned about their eternal state of the children. The Parents should love and care for their children.


Relationship of the Children to the Parents


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Children should obey their parents, love, care and show respect unto them. (Colossians 3:20; Ephesians 6:1-3; Proverbs 23:22; Exodus 20:12). God wants children to obey their parents in things that are pleasing to him. Children should always love, obey, and honor their parents and never forget them in all that they have done for them.


Relationship of Brothers and Sisters

The Bible state that we are our brother’s (sister’s) keeper. The Bible also says be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another. (Genesis 4:9; Ephesians 4:32) Brothers and sisters should love each other as they love themselves. They should have concern for each other.


Joshua 24:15 Who should the family serve?


Matthew 6:33 What should we seek first?


Colossians 1:18 Should Christ be first in our lives?


Ephesians 5:22 To whom should the wife submit herself?


Ephesians 5:23 Who is the head of the wife?


Ephesians 5:25 How should the husband love his wife?


Ephesians 6:4 Should the father provoke his children?


Ephesians 6:4 How should the parents bring up their children?


Ephesians 6:1-2 How should the children show love to their parents?


Colossians 3:20 Should children obey their parents?


Ephesians 4:32 Should we be kind to each other?


Genesis 4:9 Are we our brother keeper?


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Ark Of The Covenant


Who Made the Ark and The Description


What Was in The Ark?


Where Was the Ark Kept?


Who Was in Charge of The Ark?


Names of The Ark.


Contents of the Ark


History of the Ark.


Where is the Ark Today.

Ark in Hebrew-means box, chest coffin

Ark in Greek-means box

The word COVENANT and TESTAMENT is the same word in the Greek.


Who made the Ark-Description

God had instructed Moses to make the ark, (Exodus 25:1). God gave to Moses the complete plans on how to make the Ark, (Exodus 25:10-22) size of the Ark was two cubits and a half-length, a cubit and a half the breadth, a cubit, and half height, in inches 45” length-27” breadth—27” height. Please read Exodus 25:1-22.


What was the Ark?

The Ark was a place where God met with man (priest) in the Tabernacle. (Exodus 25:21-22) 3

Where was the Ark kept?

The Ark was kept in the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle also known as the Holy of Holies. The Most Holy Place was behind a curtain that separated the Holy place from the Most Holy place.


Who was in charge of the Ark?

The tribe of Levi was in charge of the Ark and within the tribe the family (or sons) of Kohath was place in charge of the Ark. (Numbers 3:27-31; Deuteronomy 10:8; 31:9) 5.

Names of the Ark.

The Ark was also called the Testimony, Ark of the Testimony Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark.

(Exodus 16:32-36; Exodus 30:6, 26;31:7; 39:35; 40:3-5) 6.

Contents of the Ark.

Within the Ark was a pot of manna, Arron’s rod, and the Book of the Law, (Exodus 16:32-36; Numbers 17:10-11; Deuteronomy 31:24-27; Hebrews 9:1-5) In I Kings 8:1-9 and in II Chronicles 41

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5:1-10, we find the Manna and Arron’s Rod missing, a lapse of 485 years since these items were put into the Ark.


History of the Ark


I Samuel 4:1-18…Ark comes out of Shiloh into the camp of Israel at the battle in Ebenezer…


I Samuel 4:19-22... Because the Ark was taken, when Phinenas’ wife bore a child, she called the child ICHABOD means, The Glory Is Departed From Israel…


I Samuel 5:1-10 The Philistines took the Ark from Ebenezer unto Ashod. From Ashod to Gath, then to Ekron a Philistine city.


I Samuel 1-9 Then to city of Bethshemesh, I Samuel 7:1-2, then to Kirjatathoarm to the house of Abiadad. There it stayed for 20 years.


II Samuel 6:1-11; I Chronicles 13:1-14 David moved the Ark from Abinadab to the city Baalah in hill of Gibeah to house of Obededorn the Gittite.


I Samuel 6:12-17 Then the Ark was moved to the city of David in a tabernacle that David had pitched for it.


II Samuel 15:24-29 David flees Jerusalem takes Ark with him then decides to send the Ark back.


I Kings 8:1-9 The Ark was taken from City of David which is Zion then placed in Temple at Jerusalem which Solomon had built. This is the last we hear of the Ark.


Where Is the Ark Today?


Smith Bible Dictionary says: Believes to have been burn when the Babylonians destroyed Solomon’s Temple.


Wycliffe Commentary says: Ark disappeared when Jerusalem was destroyed in 587



Halley Bible Handbook: Nothing is known of the Ark after the destruction of the Temple.


Nebuchadnezzar carried vessels of the House of the Lord to Babylon. II Chronicles 36:5-7


Cyrus King of Persia brought vessels back from Babylon into Jerusalem. Ezra 1:1.7


No evidence of the Ark was in Zerubbabel or Herod’s Temple.


Synagogues made replica of the Ark.


Revelation 11:15-19 says the Ark of His Testament is seen in the temple in Heaven.


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Exodus 25:1, 10 Who did God instruct to make the Ark?


Exodus 25:10 What type of wood was Ark made of and its size?


Exodus 25:11 What was the Ark overlay with?


Exodus 25:21-22 Who met with the Priest at the Ark?


Exodus 26:33-34; Leviticus 16:2 Where was the Ark kept?


Numbers 3:27-31 Who was in charge of the Ark?


Exodus 16:34; Exodus 30:6, 26; 31:7; 39:35; 40:3-5; II Kings 8:1 Name the names the Ark is called by.


Exodus 16:32-36; Numbers 17:10-11; Deuteronomy 31:24-27 What was inside the Ark?


I Kings 8:1-9; II Chronicles 5:1-10 After 485 years what was missing in the Ark?


II Kings 8:1-9 Where is the last place the Ark was known to be at?


Revelation 11:15-19 Where does the Bible said the Ark is today?


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I Corinthians Chapters 12-13-14

The subject on Spiritual Gifts is not a new one. One of the gifts that many claim to have is speaking in a unknown tongue also along with the gift of healing. The question is not if they exist but are they of God.

The only rule is the Word of God. We need to see what the Bible (Word of God) has to say about this subject.

The Apostle Paul did not want the Corinthians, or us today, to be ignorant about Spiritual Gifts. (I Corinthians 12:1) The Corinthians knew about Spiritual Gifts but were ignorant of the purpose of them. The Charismatic movement today denies what the Bible says about Spiritual Gifts. The Bible, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit will not contradict each other. What we see today in the Charismatic movement contradicts what the Bible says about Spiritual Gifts.

I Corinthians 12:4-6 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit gives them as there are differ-ences of administrations, but the same Lord, and diversities of operations, but the same God worketh all in all. All of the Spiritual Gifts that were given to the Corinthians were given to them by the Holy Spirit. The word (Administrations) is where we get our word (Deacon) from. A deacon is a servant of God and the Church. God did not give the gifts to men to profit from as so many do today.

We have in I Corinthians 12:4 the Spirit, V:5 The Lord, V:6 God: here is the Trinity. This is im-portant because one-fourth of the Charismatic Movement denies the Doctrine of the Trinity.

I Corinthians 13:8-13 The Bibles states charity (love) never fails, but prophecies shall fail, and tongues will cease, prophecies and tongues the Bible said, will be done away with, when that which is perfect is come (Bible). We have today the complete Word of God, so now abideth faith hope and charity, with charity the greatest.

The Miraculous signs and gifts were for the unsaved, not for the saved. I Corinthians 14:22….

Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not… Read verse 23.

The use of tongues and other spiritual gifts in the Church of Corinth were a distraction in the worship service. I Corinthians 14:7-19, 40

The Bible states that God and Jesus know the ones that are saved, their children, believer, ones in family of God, Christian. John 10:27-29. We have in Matthew 7:21-23 those who have prophesied in His name, cast out devils in His name, and have done many wonderful Works, and Jesus will say to them HE NEVER KNEW THEM: they were never saved!!! They were workers of iniquity. The question we stated in the first page of Spiritual Gifts, are they of God?


I Corinthians 12:1 Does God want us to be ignorant of spiritual gifts?


I Corinthians 12:4, 5, 6, Is the Trinity seen in these verses?


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I Corinthians 12:28 List the gifts that are given in this verse in order.


I Corinthians13:1-2-3-4,13 What is the greatest gift?


I Corinthians 13:8 Which gift would fail and which one cease?


I Corinthians 13:13 Which gifts are there today?


I Corinthians 14:5 Which is greater, one that prophecies or one who speaks in an unknown tongue?


I Corinthians 14:7-9 Should we speak in a tongue that is easy to understand or an indistinct tongue?


I Corinthians 14:22 What was tongues and prophesying for?


Matthew 7:21-23 What will some claim and what will Jesus say into them?


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