When either be going for all that Jose spent, is never the same
person who until then was known as much for him or others.
So the behavior that is being transpired, is not understood for
many, others suspect that something else happened to him, as it had
more strange, in (understanding) of these people ceased to
understand how it was.
Further, those most sensitive admit and begin to act completely
differently in identifying with him.
Making enormous efforts to (know) what is actually happening to
him that maybe had some health problem.
Why the doubts soon began for their physical appearance more
elegant than before.
After the behavior was calm and serene that grew out of her
Interior affecting his voice the same way, as the decision was taken
for it to be.
The way in which food was also made by the intuition that only
ate what they felt the need to consume!
When more physical effort expended more calories consumed, and at
such times sometimes there consumed, eggs, or 100% natural foods,
which behaved in vegetables, fruit, water, dried fruit or honey.
When the effort was small and had only just need to keep the
physical body, there was only water and sun and inhaling the
essence of nature, feeling them for food.
José Cruz
Everything that had existed in the mind for so many years, as the
old habit of sleeping from time to time, disappeared completely due
to meet in a permanent state Awakened.
The states and meditative techniques that previously had practiced
and developed are also lost forever.
Because what I searched until full enlightenment through
meditation aware, after that no longer need this lighting practice to
achieve this for short periods of time as astral travel, to move to
always be in complete full-time connection with the Cosmos?
He began to stop linking clairvoyance, past to change everything
that was necessary to change, in terms of universal evolution to a
Higher Consciousness, both subjects, animals or humans, right from
the source of pure essence of these beings, even many of them before
they were born on Earth.
Animals and other Beings of Solar Energy on human form are
increasingly attracted to this Enlightened Being. What never asked
but only and only responded to these beings through their Cosmic
Light that enlightens all, those who felt and also had this ability to
view, when presented with an open heart and unprejudiced mind.
He was felt to be through thoughts, vibration or even spoken voice
through his eyes, as he wrote books such as this that led people to
regard it as light in a human shell. Or even through a simple smile,
showing all of the Innocence, Knowledge, Love, Compassion and
Light, who left with him forever after his last sojourn on earth.
A Buddha Was Born
And during which he had longed to full enlightenment, the end of
about seven hundred years after first being born as a human, and
have experienced and developed spiritually during these
incarnations, until the last physical existence, finally giving way to
the end of the wheel of birth and physical death. Freeing your
Spirit forever already had thousands of years, since the beginning of
your Spiritual birth. Leaving behind the last frontier and reaching
the top, the two represent the same, the Immortality of the Spirit
the beginning and end of everything.
José Cruz
A Buddha Was Born