A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 4

Astral Travel

Due to the sensitivity that little Jose had for the harsh World

in which he lived, was very easily given to fainting in very adverse

circumstances to himself. Even the air he breathed, he left to be

completely pure, he stood to his feet simply fainted on the floor

dead. On one such occasion when he was sent on an errand to

certain drugs, upon reaching the threshold of the door and showing

an air mutt that came from the inside out, fell slain walking on the

sidewalk where going to hit his head on a limestone more insolent.

First felt his head spinning like a top to be. Then he saw a

thousand and one, color inside your head. Then a number of bright

stars against a backdrop of a crystalline light that shone through it

all inside your head. He saw his color cord that connected her

Crystal body physical to the Soul; it was already used to seeing him

in the waking state. He was almost transparent in this Cord, the

moment that his Spirit came to earth to be incorporated within the

mother. Everything was light and silence in the Plan where it was.

He can see through the Spirit your little body lying on the ground

as blood poured from one of his temples, in gushes of dark red color

of some stones that covered the sidewalk, going to infiltrate the

joints of sand. He noticed that then began to gather people around

your body, lying on its side and the watering hole where the blood

dripped with vinegar to stop it.

José Cruz

Then a smoker present withdrew from his pocket a box of papers

make cigarettes, took a few and applied on top of where the blood

started to decrease. By this time without feeling any pain, his spirit

was where he wanted to see more closely what they were doing.

Then descended the Silver Cord and found him a few meters above

the physical body.

That by this time they were to raise his head slightly to the

bandaged with a strip of cotton cloth, taken from the hem of a skirt

that one of the ladies wore, after the smoker who seemed more

knowledgeable person in the case said! Now that you stop the

bleeding, we must turn back to you sooner rather than later.

But someone asked!

How will it be because we do not by their legs higher than the body

because the blood does not go for the head!

Figure Color Crystal Oval's unlucky; he was face to face with your

own physical body, when the owner of the drugstore said hastily. I

go there to seek alcohol as he recovers the senses!

So after a while was going to smell that thing giving the Spirit of

the hideous little Jose began to re-enter the physical body as if

something was to pull him inside. Then he began to feel the body to

vibrate and the blood through her veins. And a horrible headache as

if it were a watermelon that had fallen to a considerable height,

shattering on the floor turning into a thousand pieces.

As it was opening his eyes began to see everything cloudy and hazy.

The man said the shrouds!

The boy is small but it is hard, already showing signs of life.

The best is now called the mother!

Said the lady who had arranged the ligation of her skirt brown, but

the mother who thought the boy was taking too was looking for

him. And when he saw immediately available for comment before

knowing what happened, so reprehensible as if the kid was guilty

for what had befallen him.


A Buddha Was Born

It's the same thing, for anything and everything collapses. Come

home then she said, and thanks for the aid said good afternoon and

turned his back carrying the little Jose by the hand, with a new

turban on his head again.

After a few days as possible to heal the wound, as the boy climbed

to the rooftops in their eagerness to catch the Sun as God brought

the World. Since he was little people thought it amusing, seeing it

go up and then undress and lie down on top of a card earning the

Sun's rays.

It was the way he had to join the Light whence it came.

He could stand still for hours sometimes with eyes closed or open,

playing with some elves and fairies who passed by and they would

put to him. Or gazed at the sun watching the colors change their

ways is hallucinating.

That was a game he loved to do when he was abandoned and in

sync with the sun, feeling the heat to penetrate to the skin cells

leaving a trail of get a sense of well-being out of the ordinary for

many people. What was normal for him he was not a child of


He felt like a battery that was being charged by a solar panel, all

that energy go after him all the vital body relaxed so completely

forgot that the World he lived.

Also played a lot with your Silver Cord that connected the physical

body to the Soul, even with eyes open could see his movement from

one side to the other, or when only fixed the blue of heaven and

stood out of your color Cord Silver that had fed and Spiritually.

José Cruz

So the path from your body into a twisted round like in the old oil

lamps, outside Visualized two small wires more like two lines of

dark-colored baking, one on each side that more resembled as pants

with cuffs. This Cord that more resembled a cord umbical was

Silvery on the outside, except for the two lines and let loose inside a

core of very bright Gold color. As a way of fun putting this

vibrating Cord so that your body vibrated up and levitated a few

inches above the roof, sometimes only remained to observe flocks of

storks mixed with gulls, up and down around it to each other

without touching the air due to its magnetic field. When run under

the Sun completely stopped up the more it seemed that the night

had come early. When he was a little more at night other beings of

Light who identified the colored light emanating from all of your

physical body and Aura bright, the challenge came to play with

them. As the elements that abound in Nature as were the case of

fireflies, and other small photon of Light

The Sun dawned their first rays of light after a dark moonless

night, a few more sparkling stars sent their light giving the feeling

that something beyond the freshness that was felt in that part of

the Earth, the little Jose was unaware that all this height, or he

was not a travel Sidereal.


A Buddha Was Born

Yes but rarely sleeps during the night for short periods of time,

remained on the alert in what was happening in the Astral World

as a guardian if it is, often in the company of friends in the full

form of Light that also played with him when he was awake.

With or without those friends rose to the Sidereal World, traveling

either by Road light with them empty or full of the Universe

without any fear of what would be. For these paths Cosmic color

glossy ventured now looking for their real essence of Crystalline

Light color and when found is completely involved with her in full


The physical vibrations were far beyond any human thought, and

this form of involvement identified the source of light which he had

taken shape before, when his Spirit Incarnated in your body.

In this Light source delighted in indescribable feeling to most

people when told after returning back to the physical body and the

comment for same persons, but he did not mind any of these

negative comments that him made. Passing in a way to feel that

more should be spared in terms of telling the adventures that

happened in other Worlds to those less incredulous, so quite often

resorted to his maternal grandmother, who listened and felt

strongly that his grandson told him the whole truth, that she too

was knowledgeable as a child but kept in strict confidence, just

telling you that single grandson who was the son two times.

Jose described the places as went and where he saw and felt in the

Sidereal Worlds. So completely and in detail without giving time to

think or doubt of what was what was reported.

Passages were always well described what he witnessed that these

Plans had nothing to do with the 3-D on the Earth.

His grandmother was amazed by these stories real, about their

exploits in Astral travel. Commented that he had gone to the most

inhospitable places on Earth and also remote without getting out

of bed or the rooftops.

José Cruz

Other times he felt his Spirit to wander over ridges, hills, valleys or

Oceans, as if it were a bird, while feeling a metamorphosis as it

belongs to and is part of Faze colors that lit up the Universe

everywhere he saw through his Spirit which flew by.

Yes it flew!


A Buddha Was Born