A Catholic Understanding of the Near Death Experience by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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Appendix of NDE’s cited

Actual NDE stories of a similar nature come from three online sources: “www.near-death.com, notable experiences” ;www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s” and “www.iands.org.” Many such books are also available. Reading the NDE accounts of these three websites is time very well spent, and they offer many more examples of the major NDE elements than are listed here.

1(out of body): Out of body occurs in every NDE. Either of the websites listed have numerous out of body accounts.

2(movement through objects): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3991 ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Dr. Dianne Morrisey

3(out of body): www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Dr. George Ritchie ••• Virtually all NDE accounts on www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s tell of out of body events.

4(light): Virtually all recorded NDE’s include a light tunnel, then tells of light beings if the NDE proceeds.

5(citizens of Heaven): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4107 ••• These citizens usually include deceased family. The NDE cited here is of a woman who met her two miscarried brothers.

6(unconditional love): Too numerous to recount, virtually all non- distressing NDE’s that advance past the light tunnel report unconditional love from all other persons and even things in Heaven.

7(Jesus): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4107 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4040 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3666 ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Rev. Howard Storm ••• Jesus is the most commonly appearing person in NDE’s.

8(life review): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2855 ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Thomas Sawyer ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Dr. Dianne Morrisey ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Rev. Howard Storm ••• Small selfless acts are always greatly approved of by Heaven, even a selfless act to help a tree increases our own virtue of generosity, and this event is taken from a very similar real NDE, www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3991.

9(prayer): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s, 2662 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2772 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4179 ••• NDE’s are definitely not secular, they include God, prayer, Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.

10(God as all): www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Thomas Sawyer ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Betty Eadie

11(spiritual vibration): These oscillations are the tangible nature of spirit, and are commonly reported.

12(council of elders): Book of Revelation, chapter four ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Lynnclaire Dennis

13(contract): Prior to our own creation we are internal to Christ, (Jer 1:5). We are each a dimension of Christ who he wants to perfect in the toughest proving ground in the universe — fallen earth. Out of justice Christ obtains our consent to be incarnated, and we are given our spiritual goals. All of this is our “contract”, or to use biblical terms, our covenant with God. ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Lynnclaire Dennis ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, RaNelle Wallace

14(reincarnation, previous lives): Christ creates human persons from himself. After death these persons become the body of Christ in Heaven again. The body of Christ continually incarnates as human persons (indirectly, from nothing), some of these human incarnations are members of the body of Christ who have lived earthly livesbefore. Several relevant stories may be found at www.near-death.com/science/research/reincarnation.html#a08.

15(unconditional, love forgiveness): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4126 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3666, in this NDE Jesus advises a woman to forgive her assailant during the very act of murdering her.

16(religion): At one’s entrance to Heaven, religion in itself seems to be of little concern to Jesus and all others. They are concerned with the quality of virtue gained from using it. This NDE idea and all others listed are further studied in this book.

17(Purgatory): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s, 3991 ••• www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s, 4720 ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Dr. George Ritchie

18(Purgatory): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s, 2368; Amy C. is told that spiritual advancement as a human requires a body, and trials. It is a Catholic teaching that passive purification after death is a grinding sort of exertion, rather than proactive learning as in this life.

19 (suicide): www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s, 4720

20 (Hell): Both Catholic theology, and NDE accounts have those in Hell condemned and retained there by themselves, without insistence from God.

21 www.near-death.com/experiences/triggers.html

22 P. van Lommel et al, “Near-Death Experiences in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest”; Lancet magazine vol. 358; year 2001.

23 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2855

24 www.nderf.org/Experiences/1brian_h_nde_8493.html

25 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Betty Eadie

26 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2922,

27 book, “My Descent into Death”, by Howard Storm

28 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3700

29 www.nderf.org JB NDE 3355

30 book, “Falling to Heaven”, by Mickey Robinson, page 97

31www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 1957 ••• www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Betty Eadie

32 book, “Embraced by the Light”, by Betty Eadie, page 31

33Several relevant stories may be found at, www.near- death.com/science/research/reincarnation.html#a08.

34 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4740.

35www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 8024 ••• www.near- death.com, notable NDE’s, Betty Eadie

36 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Thomas Sawyer

37 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4035

38 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4040.

39 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4661.

40 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Lynnclaire Dennis

41 www.nderf.org/Experiences/1rene_hope_turner_nde.html

42 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, RaNelle Wallace

43 www.kuriakon00.com/celestial/nde/hal.html#imGoToCont

44 www.nderf.org, Heather V., NDE 4288

45 www.nderf.org, William F., NDE 8919

46 www.garabandal.us/pdfs/The-Warning-and-the-Miracle.pdf

47 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2626

48 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4107

49 https://www.iands.org/research/nde-research/nde-archives31/ newest-accounts/479-living-water.html

50 https://www.iands.org/research/nde-research/nde-archives31/newest-accounts/871-greeted-and-given-a-tour.html

51 https://www.iands.org/research/nde-research/nde-archives31/ newest-accounts/565-billions-of-conscious-minds.html


Jouneys”, by Carol Zaleski is the best single source on ancient NDE’s

53 book, “Dialogues”by Gregory the Great (1911) book 4, chapter 36; www.tertullian.org/fathers/gregory_04_dialogues_book4.htm

54 www.ccel.org/ccel/bede/history.html

55 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3991

56 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 7892

57 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 8024

58 book, “My descent into Death”, by Howard Storm, page 73

59 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Arthur Yensen

60 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3991

61 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3169

62 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4126

63 www.nderf.org, Rahmaan, NDE 4856

64 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2386

65 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2932

66 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 3991

67 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2555

68 http://bibleprobe.com/drrichie.html; Ritchie’s NDE story is widely propagated and on many websites. His book, “My Return from Tomorrow, and my Life after Dying”, includes the full account.

69 www.near-death.com, notable NDE’s, Juliet Nightingale

70 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 2626

71 www.nderf.org/Experiences/1tammy_h_possible_nde.html

72 www.near-death.com/experiences/notable/juliet-nightingale.html


74 www.near-death.com/science/research/future.html#a07

75 www.garabandal.us/pdfs/The-Warning-and-the-Miracle.pdf

76 see endnote 53

77 book, “My Descent into Death”, pages 44-48, by Howard Storm

78 https://www.iands.org/research/nde-research/nde-archives31/ newest-accounts/1294-apocalyptic-vision-during-high-fever.html

79 https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1roger_c_nde.html

80 www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqJECcP04Ls; this is a video interview of Howard Storm, and it goes into detail not contained in his book.  In this interview, Howard tells of current other worlds, and human and non-human moral beings. Videos are sometimes removed, but  a video search for “Howard Storm interview”, will likely bring it up.

81 book, “Embraced by the Light”, by Betty Eadie, pages 87-88 ••• www.nderf.org/Experiences/1roger_c_nde.html

82 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 7748.

Also, www.nderf.org/Experiences/1elias_ketamine.html

83 www.nderf.org, exceptional NDE’s 4107