Today there is a Cry in the Wilderness for people to repent of their sins. We are on the verge of the greatest Revival mankind has ever experienced. On the other hand, we are on the verge of the greatest outpouring of satanic activity since the beginning of time. Jesus told us in Matthew, Chapter 24, that a time of great tribulation would occur on the Earth worse than anything man has or will ever experience. While there is still time, we must heed the call of God to take the Gospel to the lost. Today many find themselves wandering in the Valley of Decision. It is our responsibility to point them to the Cross of Christ to help them decide to choose LIFE.
John the Baptist was sent by God to “PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD” by preaching the doctrine of repentance to a lost and dying World. John’s calling was to prepare those who were living in the WILDERNESS OF SIN for the first coming of the Messiah.
John baptized people in the Jordan River as a prophetic prelude to the spiritual baptism Christ would perform in the life of all who would believe and trust in His Name. John’s baptism was a prophetic example of the washing away of the sins of the flesh. The baptism of Christ is the fulfillment of that prophetic example which literally washes away the sins of the flesh by the washing of the WATER of the WORD and the BLOOD of HIS NEW COVENANT.
The Glory of the Lord is revealed to us in the Person of Christ. Christ came to seek and save those who are lost in a Wilderness of Sin. Jesus CRIES OUT IN THE WILDERNESS OF SIN to all who are bound by sin to offer them freedom from the bondage of sin. God uses men and women to Cry Out in the Wilderness for people to repent of their sins so they can find peace and rest for their lost and lonely souls.
The Voice crying out in the Wilderness today is the Voice of Christ speaking through His beloved ones, the Church, who have accepted the CALL to “go into all the World and preach the Gospel.” The “VOICE THAT CRIES IN THE WILDERNESS” today will save a multitude of souls from an eternity of damnation if the Voice of God will be trumpeted by His Children.