A Layman's Commentary On Genesis by James Demello - HTML preview

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Genesis 10: The Grandparents of the World


Genealogies are boring but the sons of Noah populated the world and there were only three family lines that we came from – unless Noah had other children after the flood.


Japheth fathered probably the Europeans, Shem the Hebrews and Middle Easterners and Ham the North Africans and Asians. I found it interesting, since I live in China, that a grandson of Ham was Sin from which perhaps the Sino (China) people came. It is also noteworthy that many of the early cities of these tribes still retained various spellings and derivations of the names of the sons of Noah.


We European stock probably came predominantly from Gomer (the Gauls and Germans), the grandson of Japheth.


Why would God include such a detailed genealogy? First to show the descent of Jesus directly from Adam, the first man, through Noah and Shem. Also I believe that it shows that we are all brothers and sisters – regardless of our color and differences. The world is one family, related by blood to each other and to God. We are all related to Jesus through his grandparents who are also ours – Noah (and wife). It also shows that Jesus was NOT European though we like to portray him as such in our biased and egocentric paintings and movies. And finally it provides a reasonable and believable source for our family tree and all cultures.