A Layman's Commentary On Genesis by James Demello - HTML preview

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Genesis 30: Jacob Increases in Children and Cattle


Rachel and Leah contend with each other to have children by giving their handmaids to Jacob. Eventually Jacob has 12 sons and one daughter through the four women. Some superstitious shenanigans go on between Rachel and Leah over a kind of fruit that supposedly made one more prone to bearing children.


After Jacob has fulfilled his 14 years of indentured servitude to Laban he wants to leave. But he has no livestock so he bargains again with Laban to take all the partly colored or black livestock, of which there were fewer, and leave the others to Laban. Jacob then breeds the animals through either a superstitious, or some currently unknown, methodology to increase the number of partly colored animals. He did intentionally breed lesser stock for Laban. In the end God blesses Jacob with a large number of animals and prosperity as he said he would.


There seems to be no truly innocent parties in these often hostile interactions. Regardless, Jacob comes out the winner as he must.


How must one behave today towards our friends and loved ones and even enemies is very different and even easier to accomplish: love one another. That love will cover a multitude of sins, and conspiracies, and scheming and conniving. Today we have the very Spirit of God living within us.  Lord help me to rely on you and to treat my fellow humans with Love.