Genesis 33: Jacob and Esau Reunite
Esau arrives with his 400 men and Jacob bows before him but Esau embraces Jacob as his long lost brother. Jacob then offers half his herds to Esau as a gift, which he refuses, but after further encouragement accepts. Now the friendship is formal and agreed. Esau wants Jacob to go with him to his home in Seir but Jacob insists he will follow later. Esau returns home and Jacob enters Canaan, the Promised Land, for the first time, buys some land, builds an altar and settles down.
Knowing the nature of Esau, it is surprising his amiable and brotherly treatment of Jacob. It is so easy to chew on past hurts which only accumulate into mountains of hatred but perhaps Esau had mellowed over the twenty years, seeing how he himself had been blessed.
Remembered injuries only damage the one who cannot forget them. Help me Lord to let it go, let it go, let it go.