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A Map For A Christian Satanist



Lucifer Jeremy White






A Map For A Christian Satanist


Lucifer Jeremy White


Lucifer Jeremy White


All Rights Refused!









Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


Robert Frost .. “The Road Not Taken”



Well perhaps most obviously you may be wondering what Christian Satanism is. Its actually an easy question to answer. First off the term originated from Anton Lacey (author of the Satanic Bible.) It was his word for Devil Worshipers whom he said were corrupt Satanists responsible for the Satanic panic.

Anton’s primary pupil/ apprentice “Peter Gilmore” used the term later, actually after the deceasement of Anton LaVey.

Their use of the title was without much description. They basically just said that a Satanist who is a Satanist in a Christian way is not altogether a Satanist but instead is a Christian Satanist.

Because of simply making this title “Christian Satanist” in their popular books, some came about that took this title. It is said that if you a not an atheistic Satanist (which was taught by Anton LaVey: that Satanists should be atheists) then you are a Devil Worshipper. But as much as one would set definitions in stone, they can’t. LaVey still had a large enough influence to have caused non- atheistic Satanists to clarify that there labels be “Theistic Satanist,” or, “Spiritual Satanist.”

And I make two relevant points with this:

LaVey and his adherents only have one title for a person Satanic his way, which is “Satanists.” He said there was no other kind of Satanist not his own- except a Christian Satanist.

I’d like to say that Christian Satanist is one hell of a label to take. Its like an anti label. Is for a cheater not taking sides. That’s unfair. That breaks the rules.

Imagine this: it's like a war is going on and one group says they take both sides.

So that leads me into answering simply the question what is a Christian Satanist. What is a Christian Satanist? It's the best thing to be!

That’s good enough a reason to be a Christian Satanist but perhaps more important is the fact that we, the Christian Satanic uses the best of Twp things in the best of a combination, we use the best formula. That doesn’t have to be half and half. It could be one part Christian to three parts Satanic, for example.

If you are drinking a bloody Mary would you say “this isn’t tomatoes juice, its liquor,” or would you recognize it for all its parts?

Why can’t you take both sides- just because two friends are fighting doesn’t ran they can’t both be your friend! The strongest reason for that is for most these things are about having a side. And they will be offended by you, I promise!

This topic is nothing new to me. It took me six years of constant work and revision to finalize The Christian Satanic Bible. Not that knowledge is outdated, but that it can always be added upon and improved.

Like any religious book and especially my own you don’t have to read it from beginning to end—just flip it around until you’ve consumed it.

Remember, I have much more to say than just what’s here. Please look around. Please continue:





Opening doors.


Visualization is the most effective, potent- working magic.

Make Your Soul- Self, Now.

What is known, is forever known, at least as long as your brain matter is not damaged. What is known is never lost- memories, they are never lost. These things are more available to your soul, when you become entirely as such- to it, it will go. For it, you will be.

The Christian- Satanist After- Life, And How to “Qualify” For it.

The Christian Satanist must love the world, at least bordering on the same, spiritually. S/he must be grounded into the Earth, spiritually, and at least be associated with Ya, at least reconciled to Satan.

The Christian Satanic afterlife is coinciding- reincarnation. (2) is to be “awoken in a new bed.” Being awoken in a new bed is as it is stated- you wake up, elsewhere. If you honored Ya and were reconciled to Satan, you will remember- your memories will all be intact.

The Excellence of Senses.

In part to be grounded, to this world, be anchored, the senses must always and fully be impacted- enjoy taste, smell, as one smells a flower. And these are certainly earth- grounding behaviors.

Your Twelve Names

In coming to know the greatest influences on your life, who comes to mind? These are indicative of your Twelve Names, of those you yourself. This list provides a list, one useful. I have a such list for myself, which I am happy to share:

Hermes, Vegeta, Nero, Solomon, Lucifer, Satan, LaVey, Lex Luther, Mantrid, Prince, Q, and Palpatine.

Most of these are easily distinguished. All I need to say is that Q is from Star Trek, Prince and Mantrid are both figures from the show “LEXX.”

Visualizing Stabilizes, Prepares, and Creates

The Buddhist meditates. It is a lacking practice, something not so wellness- imparting, and less productive, than visualizing. Visualize often. Fetch that “special” feeling it can hold before you. Don’t e lacking on it, do it often. We are made and are of, and put forth, an image, as we have the image as unto a god's. As this departure from reality, we build up and sprout forth a living image, and it is generally un- restricted. We can do and cause very many things to our dimension after our image is released into “the Nether,” and comes back down unto you, wholly perfected before it returns.

I give you a map, one of truly good use, to you, the Christian Satanist.

The Five Planets.

With the theoretical foundation of “borderless space,” which suggests that space, having no boundaries in it circumference, contains an infinite amount of copies of a place any whatsoever imagined, because matter can only be arranged so many times.

Therefore if you can conceive it, it exists, and if you say to it “see me,” then so it will. If you say to one area “be,” it will be. And if you say “live as so,” so it will live.

So I created five planets for the Christian Satanist. Be them for us, and much in your mind and heart, always. These five planets are:

Link, Pippy, Ler, Sefra, and Orion. Orion, the oldest of them, are of a highly advanced (scientifically and technologically) people. Though they are childish, favoring childishly received entertainment. The Orionites have a defense system called Stix. They are rods of any size, from the size of a needle to a massive column, and can form, quite literally, anything.

Sefra is a place you could say resembles Scandinavian bubble- pop culture (such as the musical band Aqua, or the show Lazy Town.) It’s a place of candy, stickers, and glitter.

Link is a place decidedly out dated, where science and tech are restricted. But because of this many things are better. A camp fire warms, music is live, more festive, and food is all fresh.

Pippy is a rather wicked, bizarre, and Gothic place. It is a place where fantasy is very true. It is a place of magic and witches. But it is not evil.


Here is a guide unto these things:

To invoke harmony and eminence to and from these places use faith. Faith makes it work. If you say to yourself “this is not so,” then it will not be so, as you did create a no, not a yes. As if a thing of multiplying, decision, and subtraction, visit many of the same place, harmoniously coinciding with multiple places, each being drawn in to you, and drawn out.

As is often the case of magic, “as above, so below,” but meaning it “goes up,” and after “perfected, rested, “ returns upon you, the best way it is able to return.

The most essential Map. A going- way and understanding of the Christian Satanic “Over- World.”

This composes the world, into a place of such intricately deep meaning. In all things, find those making up the “Principle List.” Which is here, below.







PERSON FOUR (THE ELEMENT OF CHRISTIAN SATANISM, as well as the Christian Satanist her/ his self.)

White, Ring, Goat, Thief


Joker, Gold, Sword, Swine


Red, Whip, Cat, Fairy


Yellow, Rodent, Duke, Wind


Bomb/ Blast/ Wand, Fox, Beast, Black


Yellow, Toad, Dust, Horse


Blue, Elephant, Spirit, Stone


Dragon, Purple, Mask, Canine.


Word, Assassin, Tiger, Creature.

*These should be seen and understood well by the Christian Satanist. Thought of it is an essential and empowering practice of the well- equipped, magician, the Christian Satanist. Let our thoughts find the natural, shared, Harmony of Christian Satanic Occult Understanding imparted by this Principle List.

In Regard to Finding Your Purpose and Keeping it Alive

Keep the flame burning bright. Ya (God) and Sa (Satan) they share you, and both want you to get things done. Without the toil a purpose is not earned, is not worth much. If what you are doing is not easy, the less it is, the less it will be done. Then, to do what others don’t by reaching further, success is almost altogether assured.

What does your heart tell you what you must do? Cast Ya and Said into the nether, into the forever. Being life and substance to us, our own, the Christian Satanist, one and all. The Christian Satanic Group is a living entity. Do whatever to breath into it life. Because the Christian Satanist that does has given life to the life of giving us life together, forever.

Find Your Way Away

Be like a goat, who, seeing people (other living things) has gone from them far until he reached the mountains. Let it be your thoughts, that they are apart, self-inclusive. Self inclusivity is the virtue of gods. Fray from the popular. Be one of your self, your own thinker, because this is Christian Satanic at its best and greatest. It is known by us that there are magic- imparting properties of those things “hidden.” Imagine a music store, or a library. Who are all the popular or otherwise “once popular” books and CDs for? For everyone! Except the Christian Satanist!

Guilt is the Only Sin

Guilt, it pierces through your soul. Where there is not guilt, there is not ethereal punishment. But having guilt, your soul is pierced into, seen, and exposed. Guilt is the only sin, that if you have it, comes a price. Regret, similarly, such an unnecessary thing anyway, for the fact that nothing done can be undone, and for whoever knows, where you are now, it is the best place to be, for you are.

Take Care of That Person Within You

You are, largely, what you say you are. And to what you would be, driven. The vehicle is too fast, or worse, too slow, but you are driven unto your self, always riding to where you would be. There is never time lacking, no pursuit not worth the endeavor, and no lack of enjoyment getting there, to the one who has truly and acceptably mastered life.

What Kind of Historian Are You?

Whatever you choose to know historically well keeps with you, and enhances your understanding, provides contemplation/ meditation. Whatever it is, it goes well, and serves well. I am a “video game historian.” The history of SEGA particularly, fascinates me- and I wish for their return, even if from someone else. I’d make a system called the SEGA phoenix, or, better yet, the “Segasis.”

The Powers of Yoga, Ju-Jitsu, and Tai-Chi

Yoga provides an output of magical energies that coincide and work well during visualization. To think about your success, however general, magically brings it to fruition when incorporated with Yoga- and the same goes with Tai-Chi. It is just a little better than Yoga, in fact, in accomplishing your magical ambition. Ju-Jitsu? I’ve studied the martial arts well enough and in some cases thoroughly. I’ve found grappling and wrestling to simply be superior. And Ju-Jitsu the best among them, and yet far easier than many other forms of martial arts- grappling and wrestling is just better. Ju-Jitsu is the best form of them, without a doubt.

Let us all Contribute

There are little to no religions that allow or would even consider having “third party contributes.” What would the gospels be, the Koran, Dianetics and a trove of religion-creators say/think about additional output from their adherents? First of all, in days gone such a thing was flatly illegal. Christian Satanism must allow free, open, unrestricted additional output. Because wed have an advantage. We would certainly have an advantage.

In all Consideration..

Be settled to be strong. Be settled to speak your mind. If another is going to be “all hurt” by it, dismiss any concern, of being unfair, of saying no, if declining. They’ll quickly and altogether put their self back together. And you’ll be more respected. And, you wouldn’t e a person taken.

It is easy, very easy, to not get angry or upset. Just have these few perspectives in mind: first, you should know, these feelings of raging out and backlash are very temporary. You’ll e fine about ten, fifteen minutes later. And by that time probably glad you didn’t explode.

Second, who cares? More importantly, who cares if they care? So what, a little bad moment came up. Sure a bad moment came up, but be better than the moment. The moment shouldn’t it you apart, simply be strong. Because most of the time anger comes from ones own lack of power, a weakness.

And third, just keep in mind, those that lash out on you do because they feel challenged, overtaken, lesser- one does because they hold you higher, and they hate it.

And fifth: just choose to not care.

It had been said, by the presumably wise, though altogether wrong, that holding it in, “bottling it up,” is detrimental- you’ll “explode.” Nuh- uh, you just teach yourself to be angry that way. You don’t give avenue to firmly root peace or to choose peace when you don’t. And to add to that something similar, it's been said that sexual repression is bad. Actually its not, it keeps you from developing perversion. If it knows no end and gets worse and worse (that’s okay, this is OK, that too, and this) is a guaranteed route to perversion. But s/he that continues to think the lesser things are attractive don’t go into such an abysmal depth of taboo.

God Would Have Our Child Science be our God

It is certainly a true thing, nothing anything false, that Ya wants our evolution and sheer advancement as a working species be, be, and yet greater be. Humans would accomplish little to nothing would he totally know, as a certainty, that God and the afterlife exists. So we are left here to do things, and that should be very obvious. Ya is not so needy of our acknowledgment and praise- believe it so, but strongly wants us to burst through the outer banks of knowledge. Knowledge- scientific, technological, that would better us, preserve us, and save us. Ya wants such mastery from the human species. We are his child. He wants us to grow and our species to grow.

So then it is not wrong at all or heretical to uphold sciences and tech in dignity and honor and to envelop ourselves in its goodness.

We have things in the future, even the near future, that are going to be wondrous marvels. We have much to look forward to. To the Christian Satanist it is appropriate to uphold Science as a god- as the god of us (the god of/about us- the god that is.)

DEL RAY 1980s Fantasy Books and Somewhere Over the Rainbow

One day I set out to carefully determine what type of book, specifically, was the most Christian Satanic. I narrowed it down to fantasy books, and from that DEL RAY books, and once again, to those of the 1980s. These fantasy books are very Christian Satanic, being of a substance of characters very well one part good to one part wicked. Using Satanic powers, and calling on demonic beasts/ monsters/ demons for the sake of good, or at least for the greater good, are powerful symbols of Christian Satanists.. Christian Satanism.

And let’s all hope these gray ideas (something plainly and more readily observed of as Christian Satanic) come into further use and representation. I think they will. I’m very sure of it.

You are What?!

You are what no one would else consider to be. You are an anti- term, a maddening confounding walking impossibility, a Christian Satanist. A Christian Satanist. A Christian Satanist? Yes, you tell them. And be prepared to elaborate on it. And if you mention it online- be prepared to elaborate on it- for hours, a whole day, as I have. Be proud. You are a glaring yet vibrant and fully functional contradiction. Something many would not dare consider, even an impossibility to come to know of, without you. But you are a Christian Satanist, a thing of double the power. The child of Romeo, the Satanist that regards God. The Christian that potently befriends Satan, and a hypocrite by no means.

Just because your two friends are fighting doesn’t mean you have to take a side.

And quite the contrary, Ya sees this open mindedness and is quite accepting of it.

Christian Satanism simply wouldn’t be without the best kind of person, one that doesn’t fear hell. One not trying to buy his way in. One that does not become tempted away. One not looking for a figure on his side, to fend off the other, nor those close-minded, but rather one that can’t e won or bought. Thank you Christian Satanist. The world needs more of you!

The Fun Benefit and Art of Being Politically Incorrect

Be a lawless one. Think and develop those thoughts arcane. Ponder on what is vehemently wrong. Delightfully oppose popular opinion and stir up muck through your defiant go differentiance. Counter cultural things, are the under subterfuge of things, and a few owing it their life, their thoughts, are so much less bastard fathers/ mothers to it. You will be ruminated over. You will dismay, complicate, be a peg. It is good to be loathed. To be loathed is to make enemies. And only ones fear is ones enemy

Never Consider Only One Outcome

Consider many, and the many causes of them. Maybe the world won’t end after all. Maybe Ya does “contradicts” himself and maybe (WO)man has grown, and it's time to leave The House. Consider that what is not likely and what is, and under whatever circumstances they are so. Build within you the story of Christian Satanism, Oh! Christian Satanist, come to know all possible things. Today is the days story and there is no time to waste in taking it and forming it into a preferable outcome. You must be alert and constantly prepared, for like a serpent, it could escape from your hands.

Perfectionism is a Good Thing

Only those willing and striving toward perfection will reach it. The higher your reach the higher you reach. Perfectionism is ever elusive but ever- bettering. And it can be applied to all things, from creativity to dress. Slowly over time, strictly applying quality over quantity, you will slowly form what is altogether a better, more closely perfect whole. To buy silver or jade buttons, sowing them on carefully, a little here, a little there, will make you richly dressed, if not quickly, but richly dressed nonetheless, as well as anyone. And for purchasing all things the same principle applies, be it anything from hobby buying or improvingvypur home.

Unfold Your Tastes- And Wear Them

It is important to know your own tastes and well. Otherwise you will not know as well what you are l9oking for. You might not even know what you like, if you don’t. But knowing what you like is as important as knowing what you could like. So have the Devil's taste, knowing the best of all things. What food is best, and what is the best of other things, broadly speaking. I do know this: pretzel bread is the best. And action figures are all good, if the look like little demons.

The Two Points of a Completely Well Structured Self (ones mind, ones soul, ones being)

The first is a therapeutic technique of releasing ones inner self out into the open. That is done by loss of all inhibition in public, and in seclusion. That means to rip off all bonds. It implies all loss of restraint- inhibition. To do as your soul wants. To say and do what you have been made uniform against, bonded from. Then in an outpouring of convolution, victory to freeing the self and releasing it, done.

The second is something different than that, and is much more important. Unless you are brain damaged, severely, you are able to call up, access, memory. It was one of my better discoveries that I could use my basic small dictionary (one with simple words) to remember things using it. For example seeing the word slot, I remembered being in Las Vegas at a slot machine. And seeing the word car I remembered my first car. And more intricately the word ball- well it returned to me many memories.

The power and positive effects of remembering nearly everything is underestimated and seldom experienced.

Methods of Invention

Consider that abstract conceptualization is the most important trait of a good invented. While you must have a general concept of current sciences to invent and evolve from, abstract conceptualization is no less important. Practice “where there’s a will there’s a way.” You can create your own circuit board, and in so doing find your own, possibly better, way of accomplishing the same thing as does a standard scientist. Circuits going from point a to be and the manipulation of electricity, are important to know well, but you must still have at least a rudimentary knowledge of how that is currently best done.

Think of this: that the sigils of Solomon cans give good ideas on new circuit formations- or those from the Necronomicon. Hell, maybe that is the best, most optimal, use of these signals (as a possible diagram on how to build new circuit paths and parts) that is abstract conceptualization.

And third, there is a useful technique of thinking from two to four pre existing parts, inventions, or any two to four different things, and combining them. For example, take one old thing and something newer as a beginning- and work them one with the other. Let’s say a tape reader- combine that with fiber optics. Or a dial and video game controller. Or yet, well, all you need is something of any two or so things to “unite” all you need is that magical combination.

One of my favorite ones is a password card. While the password system is limited otherwise, the password card could stamp on passwords of enormous size. And another is a “ring mouse,” a ring used as a mouse with the thumb. Then there’s the thumb stick keyboard. And the light- color game pad “green to buy,” or- travel toward the yellow, or talk to the one in red. Or- bring yellow and blue together.

Saying NO

There is an existing culture of sharing the same expenses, one to the other, a “buy for all, take from all.” I say, don’t. Don’t share the same purse. After all, you know what you need and if you meet your own need, you’ve accomplished them- so why fulfill the needs of others, others who should be just as responsible? They don’t are about you. They care only about what you have.

They’ll feel lesser a person- less good somehow, at hustling. They’ll feel lacking in its compartment, and feel they must achieve this, to take, to take better, else they’ll not be able to keep stock up.

They’ll e sore thinking you are worthless. Thinking you don’t operate correctly. And may make promises of returning double. Triple! If you ante up then and there. But when the time comes to pay the bundle they’ll feel they were wronged. Why should I pay back double- I am getting robbed, taken. I should not owe as much. That isn’t right. Maybe they’ll think less should be expected. They’ll probably think paying back nothing will slide, go in noticed. I know this well, its been my experience.

They’ll think they are asking for so little. Then why can’t they afford for their selves that very little? They’ll share petty things all the while, to supplement their lack of need. They’ll have petty change you could do nothing with, perhaps a cup of soda.

And while you have covered your own expenses altogether, though could afford the lesser brands to make ends meet, they will instead be buying top brands, or otherwise spending frivolously on clothes and Marlboros, while you smoke what you can afford, though- if you don’t share- at least always have. So you are there with him or her in their new leather jacket, and they ask you, basically, to support them too- DON'T.

Be Married to the World

Cast gifts of rings upon the earth and to it be married. Eat cookies and cakes celebrating that marriage. Cast all sorts of gifts upon the earth. Be a trash author, the best there is. On trash paper scribe the words of Ya, Sa, and Christian Satanism. Sign these multiple times and cite a fee (money or otherwise) for their use or sale. Call it “The Christian Satanist Church of Messages.” Put these as preserved- such as inside plastic bottles, and toss them about.

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