A Maximum Understanding of the Body of Christ by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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As created by God, all creation had both individual and communal attributes. Goodness was to be shared by all, but with the advent of sin, now corruption was also shared by all. This sharing of corruption had a timeless aspect within creation, and original sin was shared by all, and for all time (within creation only; the escape from this was entry into the sinless and eternal Christ, who is the entire body of Christ). In illustration, if a person sins by adultery, the physical act is soon no more, but the damage to the spiritual framework of creation remains, regardless of time, and affects all creation, but only creation. The Eucharist and the entire body of Christ is a bridge of remediation between creation and Christ.

The Eucharistic remediation of sin into virtue takes this timeless sin (even today) and remediates it into the eternal virtue of Christ. We become a member of Christ, when Christ makes our sin, into his virtue.