A Maximum Understanding of the Body of Christ by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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In Luke 5:23 Jesus says, "Which is easier to say, 'Your sins have been forgiven you, or to say, get up and walk'”? The harder part is making this moral remediation of sin. The easier part is to say, “Get up and walk.”, meaning “Moral effort by someone has reformed sin into virtue. Your disease is removed and your health restored, now get up and walk”. We as the ongoing body of Christ make the reformation. Jesus, who is head of the body of Christ determines in what manner the reformation will be applied.

In the absence of remediation of sin by the ongoing Christ, the effects of sin (war, famine, disease, etc.) must be effected in the world. The sin is exerted, rather than remediated. 1Cor 5:5 is an example of this exertion; the book of Revelation speaks of this on a worldwide scale.