A Method for Prayer by Steve Kindorf - HTML preview

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The entrance of thy words giveth light. Psalm 119:130, 103, 140, 169; Job 34:3.

Ab: Fifth month in the Hebrew calendar; our July-August.

Abaddon: Meaning, destruction; the angel of the bottomless pit.

Abase: To make or bring low; to humble. Abate: To restrain; to lessen; to diminish: or, to become sensible; to ease.

Abba: Father; figuratively meaning a superior.

Abhor: To hate extremely, or with contempt; to loathe, detest or abominate; to despise or neglect; to cast off or reject. Abib or Nisan: First month in the Hebrew calendar; our March-April. Abide: To rest, or dwell; to tarry or stay for a short time: or, to continue permanently or in the same state: or, to be firm and immovable: or, to wait for; to be prepared for: or, to endure or sustain. Abjects: Hypocritical mockers; outcasts; striking out with the tongue.

Ablution: The act of cleaning or washing something; purging by water.

Abode: A place of continuance; a dwelling place; a habitation; lodged; stayed. Abolish: To disannul; to take away; the conclusion of something.

Abominable: That which is filthy; detestable.

Abomination: Strange gods; images; idols; extreme hatred; detestation; moral defilement, idols and idolatry, are called an abomination in Scripture.

Abound: Be plentiful; to have an abundance.

About: Engaged in; relating to; in respect of: or, around; on the outer area or surface of something.

Abraham's bosom: A figure of speech to refer to a place for the spirits of the righteous dead and their comforts. Abroad: Wide spread; away from home; outside the area; circulated.

Abstain: To set aside; to keep yourself from something; to be sober in mind; to refuse. Abstinence: To separate from something; to forbid or restrain yourself.

Abuse: To use something improperly or misuse gifts given; to insult and mock; being ill-treated by another; a shameful and cruel death of someone. Acceptation: To accept and believe something with favor.

Accord, (one): Gather together as one; having all things in common.

Accord, (own): Doing and thinking on your own.

Accursed: Doomed to destruction and misery; separated from the faithful; detestable; having the stain of sin. Accuser: The devil; a persecutor. Aceldama: Meaning, the field of blood. Acquaint: To gain a personal or exacting knowledge of something/one.

Acquit: To hold not guilty to the debt load of sin.

Acre: A measure of an area, 4,840 square yards.

Adamant: A hard stone: or, a picture of something unshakable or unbreakable. Adar: Twelfth month in the Hebrew calendar; our February-March.

Adder: A deadly serpent; a viper. Addicted: To be attached to something in a freely and voluntarily way; willingly give up yourself, and be addicted to aiding others.

Adjure: To command; to charge with a promise.

Admiration: Amazement; to be in wonder.

Admire: To marvel at something/one. Admonish: To correct; to caution: or, to teach.

Admonition: Learning; nurture; instruction; warning.

Ado: Weeping and wailing; making a noise with trouble.

Adoption: An act of Cod's grace by which he brings men into the number of his redeemed family, and makes them partaker's of all the blessings he has provided for them.

Adorn: To clothe; to array; to cover.

Adria: The Adriatic Sea.

Adultery: Sexual behavior of a person, being married or unmarried with a married person; two people having sexual union that is outside of God's decree of marriage.

Adventure: A possibility; a risk; to try by chance; a possible hazard; that of which one has no direction.

Adversary: An enemy; an individual turning against another.

Adversity: Suffering; in troubles, affliction, distress; a state of unhappiness.

Advertise: To tell, inform, counsel: or, to give caution; to take or give notice of something.

Advise: To think about; to consider well. Advisement: Information; consideration; taking advice and counsel.

Advocate: One who pleads for another; one who defends, vindicates, or supports a cause, by argument.

Affect: An act of aspiring to do something and having an influence and effect on it. Affinity: A marriage contract, involving faithfulness to the end: or, friendship; being outgoing.

Affording: Providing; furnishing. Affrighted: Afraid; horrified; shocked. Afoot: By foot; walking with your feet. Afore: Before; away from and out in front of something.

Aforetime: In time past; beforehand; being prepared in advance.

Afresh: Again; anew.

After: Being mindful of something; in the direction and influence of something: or, to talk of a plan or goal toward something. Afterward: In time following, something which is a process.

Afterwards: At a later time, some particular thing.

Against: In contrast to; opposite in place; in an opposite direction; toward, facing or in front of something: or, in resistance to something.

Agar: Hagar.

Agate: A beautifully veined semi- transparent precious stone; a variety of quartz.

Aggravate: To stir up for action; to magnify circumstances.

Agone: Time gone by; to be far in the past, and gone forever.

Agony: The condition of great resist and pressure of soul.

Aground: Being on the ground by going downwards or falling: or, like the bottom of a ship that rests on the ground.

Ague: A fever; an extreme burning, and having cold and hot sweats.

Ah: A sigh of sorrow.

Aha: A cry of possession, triumph, and contempt by someone's loss; or simple surprise.

Ail: Nervousness; having torture of heart and mind.

Alabaster box: A bottle or container to protect ointment.

Alamoth: A high-note in music played on a harp.

Alas: Howling; a cry of mourning, despair, or regret.

Albeit: Meaning, even though it be; although it be.

Algum (almug): Possibly a sandalwood tree or juniper.

Alien: A person of another nation or race. All to: To do entirely; to do something totally.

Allege: Being evident; to proclaim as right.

Allegory: A figure of speech; a picture of another thing.

Alleluia: Praise the LORD! (The Greek form of Hallelujah).

Allied: To be securely bound or united; coupled.

Allow: To permit; to let; to grant a thing. Allure: To entice and attract; to tempt and draw away from something.

Alms: Good works; alms deeds; a charitable donation, as an aid to the poor. Almug, (algum): Possibly a sandalwood tree or juniper.

Aloof: To be afar off; willfully turning away from others.

Alpha: First; beginning; the first letter of the Greek alphabet.

Alway: All the time; all the way; the whole way; endlessly.

Always: At every time; on every occasion.

Amazed: To be terrified with trembling; afraid; fearful; to be very heavy in mind.

Amazement: A loss of wits or presence of mind by a dynamic event. Ambassador: A spokesperson; one that is sent on the behalf of another.

Ambassage: One sent, who wishes conditions of peace and the coming together, to end a war.

Amber: Yellow in color.

Ambush: To hide, and lie in wait to shock the adversary, and to overtake them.

Amen: So let it be; faithful; truth; sure. Amend: To repair; recover; having improvement, by removing the difficulty.

Amends: To mend; making things right by being satisfied with fairness; to be active in repairing.

Amerce: To punish by fine or charge, at the sympathy of the court.

Amethyst: A precious gem of purple or blue-violet.

Amiable: Something dear; being lovely in conduct; to be agreeable.

Amiss: Do things wrong; being in error. Amongst: Moving around in the midst of things or individuals.

Anathema: Accursed by God; someone removed for destruction.

Ancient of days: The God of eternity.

Ancients: The elders.

Angels, (evil): The false, refused and condemned angels; in light, in ways, in truth and life.

Angels: Messengers of and for God; ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. Angle, (cast): Stretching nets upon the waters.

Angle: A fishhook.

Anguish: To be in agony; to travail; pain of mind or body.

Anoint: To rub in and rub on oil, on the head or body, making something separate for a holy task or service.

Anon: Immediately; without delay; at once.

Answer: A reply to a charge or a question.

Antichrist: One contrary to, and a replacement of Christ.

Antiquity: The ancients; the people of ancient times: or, someone is old in years. Anvil: A hard base of iron, to form and work metal.

Apace: Fast paced; moving quickly. Apollyon: The destroyer; the angel of the bottomless pit.

Apostle: A messenger; one sent to carry out a service.

Apothecary: One who makes and sells spices and perfumes.

Apparel: Clothes that serve a particular service.

Apparently: Coming more into view; being plainer and clearer to see or understand.

Appeal: Approaching and asking for an answer from someone.

Appease: To pacify; to satisfy; to create peace.

Appertain: Something belonging to a subject or an issue.

Apple of the eye: Pupil of the eye; someone special.

Apprehend: To take hold of; to grasp: or, to get hold of something with the mind. Apron: A garment worn on the front part of the body; a covering.

Apt: Being able; suitable; something that is fitting for an occasion.

Archangel: The most powerful angel; the highest class among others.

Archer: A person whose job it is to shoot bows.

Arcturus: A bright star.

Ariel: Two lion-like men of Moab: or, the top of the altar on which the priests burned sacrifices, as a lion devours its prey: or, another name for Jerusalem. Aright: Moving smoothly or evenly in good order: or, a proper or correct path; going straight to the point.

Ark: A box or chest; a large floating boat or vessel.

Arm of the LORD: To make bare his holy arm, that is, to reveal Christ. Armageddon: The city or hill of Megiddo.

Armholes: Armpits.

Array: Putting in order, people, or property: or, the action of putting on clothing; to dress.

Art: Are; the second person singular. Artificer: A craftsman or creator, who makes things by talent or skillfulness. Artillery: Weapons of battle; gear; equipment.

Ascend: Go away upward; to raise or climb to a higher end.

Ascribe: The act of adding words by writing, your own thoughts or something that is heard or seen.

Aside: Away from the main direction. Asp: A small poisonous snake; a serpent. Ass: Tall-eared, 4-footed beast, smaller than a horse that carries a load.

Assay: To attempt; to take on; to test or try someone with heartiness.

Assent: To be in agreement upon or with something, with all your heart.

Assure: Making something certain or secure.

Asswage: To settle down; to subside; restrain; to make a thing more agreeable. Astonied: Inwardly puzzled and confused.

Astonished: Wonderment; being stunned toward a particular thing. Astrologer: Looking to the stars for information, and not to Christ; an action forbidden by God.

Asunder: Apart; into parts or pieces; separately; in a divided state, one from another with might.

Athirst: Thirsty.

Atonement: An act of God, making someone at peace with himself: or, a cover that makes amends for an unjust action.

Attain: To gain; to achieve or accomplish by touch or reach; to come to or arrive at something by motion; brave action or efforts towards a place or object.

Attent: Being mindful and attentive, and reaching toward something/one.

Attire: Clothing set out or put on, in an orderly way.

Audience: An official hearing, with a crowd of people or to one person. Augment: To amplify or enlarge; to make greater in size and power. Augustus: A title of someone being royal.

Aul: A pointed device to create holes. Austere: To be unforgiving; cruel; demanding.

Author: One who makes or develops things, or who starts things and owns them.

Authority: Having authorization, order, permission; having power derived from opinion, respect, or esteem; having influence of character; dominion over, lordship over; the right to charge others. Avail: Gives or brings forth; the performance and skill of a person, to be of valuable service.

Avenge: Getting revenge, with intense punishment, on behalf of someone else. Avenger of blood: Someone taking revenge because of a brutal act done to them. Averse: Turning away from something, because of a lack of interest.

Avoid: To withdraw; to escape; the action of refusing and moving away from something.

Avouched: Declared or professed; to have cited someone as evidence, or an assurance for some cause or reason. Aware: Refers to perceiving; to be watchful. Away with: To take away; to bear with; to endure; to tolerate.

Awe: Fear mingled with reverence and wonder, a state of mind inspired by something terrible or sublime.

Axletree: The spindle of a wheel.

Baal: A lord or master; a Canaanite male idol god.

Baali: Meaning, my lord; a name of a prophet.

Baalim: Plural number for baal.

Baal-zebub: A Philistines deity; lord of flies, as in mud or manure.

Babbling: Making sounds, no one can understand; as a baby trying to utter words.

Babe: A child; a baby in the womb, or a baby one day to a few months old: or, "babes in Christ" are men of little spiritual growth, carnal as opposed to spiritual; is also used of a child as a minor or infant in the eye of the law. Babylon: Babel; the Gate of God; the language of Babylon is mixed and confused. In the Assyrian tablets, it means, the city of the scattering of the tribes. Babylonish garment: A mantle of deep colors.

Backbiting: Evil speaking; to slander someone and give sharp wounds to their reputation, when they are not looking. Backslide: Having turned aside or fallen back from a union with Christ.

Bade: Called; invited; told; a strong request for a response or action: (past tense of bid).

Bag: A small pack or money purse. Bakemeats: The workings of a baker. Baken: Baked.

Balances: Scales; refers to both sides of a set of scales.

Balm: A medication; gum/rosin from a shrub.

Band: A small assembly of people or a group of cattle that are united together. Banishment: To condemn and cast out as a fugitive.

Bank: The margin of a watercourse; the raised ground bordering a lake, river, or sea, or the forming of an edge; a mound, pile or ridge of earth raised above the

surrounding plain, either as a defense or for other purposes.

Banner: Like a flag, attached to a pole and held up high and set in view for others to see, such as a military ensign or flag. Banqueting: A drinking party; gluttony: or, a feast of food, wine, and amusement. Baptize: To apply water to a saved person, showing the death and resurrection of Christ.

Bar: The son of; a parents son. Barbarian: A non-Greek person; the talking and traditions are different from Greeks.

Barbarous people: Foreign and uncivilized in speaking.

Barked: Peeled; to strip off the bark of a tree.

Barley: A grain for the feeding of animals, and bread-corn for the food of the poor.

Barn: A storehouse, where things are gathered and safely kept.

Barren: Desolate; waste: or, unfruitful, in the land, in the womb, or in knowledge. Base: Lowly; meek: or, a dishonorable and hateful person: or, something being established upon it, as a base or false foundation.

Bason: A hollow, round vessel, holding different fluids or water.

Bastard: Polluted; an unlawful child, born out of wedlock, not born in a home. Bath: About 6 to 9.3 gallons.

Battered: Something broken down; something weakened by beating or wearing.

Battleaxe: A hammer; a heavy war club. Battlement: A retaining fence; a low safety- wall built on top of a flat-roofed house.

Bay horse: Reddish-brown color.

Bay: The laurel tree.

Bdellium: A tree that makes gum, yellow to light red in color.

Beacon: A fire or an ensign made to be as a warning on the top of a hill.

Beam: A long piece of wood shaped to carry out a task.

Bear: The act of holding or carrying something.

Became him: Suited or fitting for him; was appropriate to him. Beckon: To signal someone for consideration, by using a hand or head. Bedstead: A metal or wooden framework for supporting a bed.

Beelzebub: Prince or ruler of the devils. Beer: A place where a well is dug. Beeves: Plural for beef; horned cattle made for plowing.

Befall: To happen to; to occur to; the action of intense falling, usually into some evil. Before: In front of or first in position. Beforetime: Formerly; of old time.

Begat: Brought forth; generated, (past tense of beget).

Beget: Bring forth, physical or spiritual birth.

Beggarly: Being poor and unable to function, from having weakness of the body or mind.

Begotten: Generated; brought forth. Beguile: To be spoiled by deceiving; being led astray by crafty words or actions. Behalf: A person on the side or next to someone, who takes the place of another, in their interest.

Behemoth: A huge, strong animal. Behold: See, or look; to keep or continue a grasp on something important. Behoove: To do something of necessity or of duty, or of convenience: or, to be proper or needful for something.

Bekah: A half-shekel, 0.22 ounces.

Bel: The name of the highest Babylonian deity.

Belial: Ungodly; evil; wicked; vain; children of the devil.

Belied: Talking falsely; knowingly causing deception by lying.

Bellow: Making a roaring noise like a bull or cow.

Bellows: The action of casting metal; a piece of equipment for making a blast of air, to make the flames hotter.

Belly: The place of one's affections of Christ.

Bemoan: A passionate objection over some loss, with moaning.

Benefactors: A person who is wealthy, having been given benefits from others. Benevolence: Maintaining the happiness of another.

Bereave: The taking away of goods or a persons, with some kind of aggression: or, to express the loss of a friend.

Beryl: A precious stone, light blue/green in color.

Beseech: To call upon; pleading sincerely after someone.

Beset: Go around; to surround; to circle around someone: or, obstruct; to press on all sides, to confuse and entangle someone. Besides: In addition to; over and above in number.

Besiege: Enclosed around; a very severe long-term attack against a city or an enemy. Besom: The sweeper of destruction; an aggressive sweeping rain that leaves no food, but ruin.

Besought: Entreated; to have asked; called to someone, (past tense of beseech).

Bestead: Being hard pressed, distressed or perplexed; being forcibly set in place by another.

Bestir: To put someone into a quick or lively action.

Bestow: To gather together; to put or place things in storage; to collect together possessions: or, to offer or provide a blessing.

Bethink: Lay it to heart; to think about, with turnings of consideration.

Betimes: Early; or quickly; or seasonably; an important or urgent occasion. Betray: To give someone over into the adversaries' hand.

Betrothed: Someone who is engaged to be married.

Betwixt: Between; being in an in-between space, between two things.

Bewail: To lament; in deep sadness. Bewitched: To charm; to mislead with words; relating to witchcraft.

Bewray: To make clear, obvious, and evident.

Bid: To ask; to request; to invite: or, to command; to order or direct: or, to wish or pray: or, to proclaim; to make known by a public voice.

Bier: A carriage on which dead bodies are placed and brought to the grave; like an open coffin.

Billow: The swelling of waves; a mound of water.

Bind: Making secure by a band, cord or a bond.

Birthright: Having peculiar privileges and benefits, belonging to the first-born. Bishop: An overseer, in the congregation.

Bishoprick: A protector of the faith; the office of overseeing.

Bit: A restraint put into the mouth of horses, to control them.

Blains: A swollen skin tumor; a boil breaking forth with blains. Blaspheme: To curse, revile or speak reproachfully of God.

Blaze: To make known information or publish news throughout the country, like a spreading flame.

Bleating: The crying sound of sheep. Blemish: Being not perfect; to injure or weaken anything that is well formed, or excellent: or, to reproach and disgrace that which would harm the character of a person.

Blessed: Happy; having Gods favor because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Blossom: To flourish and prosper. Blot: To be shamed with a blot, from a wicked man: or, a blot in reputation, a stain, a disgrace, a reproach: or, to blot out, to destroy, to consume: or, a blot of the world, prosperity from unrighteousness or ill gotten gains.

Boil: A tumor upon the flesh, together with soreness and swelling.

Boisterous: Mighty and powerful; loud and roaring.

Bolled: Blossomed; bolled in the seed/shell of a flower.

Bolster: A head-rest or cushion.

Bond: A responsibility of any kind: or, in a state of servitude or slavery, being a captive: or, the cause of union; the strength that unites.

Bondage: Oppression; under a burden or load; being afflicted to serve with rigor. Bonnet: A turban or cap worn by a priest; a headdress worn by women.

Booth: A hut made of branches. Booty: The collection of captives, livestock, or objects of worth, taken in war from the enemy.

Borne: Something carried or sent out; to support something.

Bosom: In a figurative sense, it means intimacy, tender care and watchfulness, or closest intimacy and most perfect knowledge, or "into their bosom" indicates the bosom as the seat of thought and reflection.

Bosses: A knob at the center of a shield, or any circular rounded projection: or, a round or knob like swelling on the body. Botch: A boil; swelling of the skin.

Bottle: A potter's vessel that holds wine, water or tears.