A Power We Call God by RVM - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Live with God Every Day


Whatever be your religion, whatever be your faith; if you have read this far, you surely aspire to connect with God. Surely, you have experienced some vibrations or you have lived with faith, hope, enthusiasm and trust or you believe that your superconscious mind is activated and you pray. But have you experienced God? Do you feel that connection? Are you living with the mysterious Power?


I have experienced the divine presence and I feel it continuously. You too can experience it. You can choose to live with God beside you, every day or doubt his presence. Although I respect all religions, I don’t allow them to confuse me. My focus is concentrated only on the Power; the Power we call God.


There is great joy in living with God every day. My belief in this spiritual connection gives me faith, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, courage, compassion and love. Anybody can choose these positive emotions and decide to live with God every day. And what does it take? Nothing! It costs nothing. It just needs our attention, focus and time. Once we commit ourselves to God, our philosophy and lifestyle automatically becomes spiritual. Once we learn to live with God every day, our life is transformed. There are no problems; only circumstances, developments and challenges that God will solve, because we live with Faith. Those who pray; they surrender and accept Gods Will. They do not resist whatever happens; instead they go with the flow, doing their best. They know that God lived in yesterday and will live in tomorrow too.


Those who live with God live in the ever presence of the Lord. They start their day with Gods name and even end it with Gods name. They are ever prayerful and thus ever powerful. They seem to believe that they have a wireless connection with the Master of the Universe who guides them and cares for them at all times. Yes, when you live every day and every moment with God, you will be ever grateful and ever humble; knowing that you are nothing and God is everything. Small symbolic acts like folding your hands in prayer before a meal, thinking of God before starting anything important and thanking God for everything good that happens are small rituals that help you live with God every day. Once we build this connection and live with God, we experience bliss and fulfillment. Since we have surrendered to the almighty, there is no more anxiety because we know God is in charge.


Are you willing to make God your partner? Are you going to live with God every day? Have you decided to surrender to the divine will” and accept whatever happens with the simple words Thank you God, Thy will be done”?


If you have decided to live with God every day, then you are amongst the few who are truly blessed. You are fortunate to have understood and experienced God. While others are not even able to start this journey, you have come a long way. You feel the presence of God at all times, and then you surrender completely to the divine power. You are in love with God. You have faith, hope, enthusiasm and trust, and you believe in the power of these powerful positive emotions. And since you believe, you achieve. There are still fewer who have graduated further, who believe in God completely but don’t subject themselves to any religion. They believe in all religions and bow down to all Gods. They know that there is A Supreme Power and they bow down to that Power. Whatever be their symbolic idol, these Spiritual Graduates have evolved and are blessed to experience the Power. They live with God every day and their progressive journey helps them to experience stronger vibrations. Their prayer is unconditional and their belief unshakeable. Through their superconscious, they are ever-connected to the Power and live fearlessly. With each passing day, they build a stronger connection because they live with God. Only those who experience this can understand it. You too can aim to graduate spiritually.


Essence of the chapter:


   There is great joy in living with God everyday; concentrate on the Power we call God.

•   Those who live with God in each moment live with joy and fulfillment.

•   Surrender to the