A Power We Call God by RVM - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Belief and the Superconscious


Each one of us has the choice to believe or disbelieve, to live with faith or doubt, to live with hope or despair and to live with enthusiasm or indifference.


When we are born, we are taught several things by our parents and teachers that get ingrained in our minds. We are made to believe in a religion and a God. Thus, many of us are paralyzed by our habits and beliefs. As a result, we never exercise the opportunity to choose and believe what we like. We are so molded and preset in our beliefs that we continue to flow like a river would; always within its pre-formed and confined banks.


Do you know that it is your belief that creates your thoughts, feelings, actions, habits, character and finally your destiny? Do you know that you can choose your beliefs and even change them? You can do this only if you understand the power of your mind and will. You must have heard the saying- As you believe, so you achieve! Whatever you believe in, if its strong enough, you will surely achieve. Belief is powerful and can attract whatever you want in life. Even though all this is true, the world has still neither realized the power of belief nor has understood how it can help in achieving whatever one wants. The world has not yet discovered the Power of the Mind.


Most people in the World think that the mind has only two domains - The Conscious and the Subconscious. But, the mind  actually has three domains— Conscious, Subconscious and the Superconscious. When we are born, our mind is blank; tabula rasa or ‘blank slate’; as some call it. As we grow, every thought, action and reaction gets registered in our subconscious mind and takes the form of our habits and beliefs. Soon the subconscious mind starts directing our very life. Many people think that once our character is molded it cannot be changed. The fact is that we can change our character and destiny anytime we want by changing our beliefs. It is a slow process and quite similar to the process of weeding out the weeds in a garden to plant roses instead. Similarly, we have to weed out the old beliefs and plant new ones in our minds. Although the process is lengthy and tiresome, it is worth the effort because it will finally bear great rewards. A nonbeliever, leading his life with doubt, despair and anxiety, can turn into a believer by living with faith, hope and enthusiasm. Not only will the non-believer turn into a believer, but also his entire life will be transformed; connecting him to the Power we call God.


We are all familiar with the conscious mind that guides us to walk, talk and live. We are also familiar with the subconscious mind, which controls our breathing, memory and the domains that are involuntary but necessary. However, the world is quite ignorant about the superconscious mind.


What is a superconscious mind? The superconscious mind is that  domain of the mind which is beyond the conscious and the subconscious. It is the most powerful domain.    It acts like a SIM card of a mobile phone, which is able to both receive and transmit signals to the universe. Unfortunately most people don’t value and acknowledge the presence of the superconscious mind. Not only can it attract information, but also help us by receiving signals from the universe. It transmits into the universe the questions or the perplexities it is in for the universe to give back answers. The superconscious receives these answers through its receiver and passes it on to the subconscious and the conscious mind and then uses this creative power for imagination and creativity.


It is only when one believes in God that one will be able to believe in the superconscious mind. Understanding the existence of the superconscious mind is a blessing only a believer gets because a nonbeliever will always question how one can prove the existence of the superconscious. A nonbeliever may ask, Whats the guarantee that it exists? Has it been proven scientifically that there is a superconscious mind?Well, one who believes does not ask these questions because the believer knows that there is something called intuition, telepathy, imagination, sixth sense and hunches. The believers understand, experience and live with the knowledge that there is a superconscious mind.  The belief in a believer acknowledges the superconscious and then uses its power to achieve. The nonbeliever lives with the ignorance of the presence of the superconscious and unfortunately can never experience its power.


When we believe with faith, hope, enthusiasm and trust, we create an impression on our Subconscious mind, leading it to create habits and beliefs about the existence of a Power we call God. When the conscious and subconscious minds are vibrating with faith,hope enthusiasm trust  an belief i trigger the superconscious mind to vibrate and connect to the fre