A Second Chance by Coleen Innis - HTML preview

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Three weeks after moving into the apartment one morning a strange thing happened, our CD player began to play the CD that I left in it every morning at exactly 5am, the first song on the CD was there can be miracles if you believe, after the songs ended it stopped. It kept playing every morning until we moved We did not place it on CD mode so how could these songs play at exactly the same time every morning?

In another vision my mom was sleeping and she felt someone shake he and   told  her  t go  t the television, so she woke and turned the television on while still half a sleep. When she turned on the television she saw pastor Parsley preaching and the voice said to her he is the helper. The sermon he was preaching was entitled a place called dwell.

In another vision my mom saw pastor Parsley come to a church in Trenton, and when he came all the churches opened their doors and began to hold on to all their members. Then she asked what should she do? And the answer was he is the helper! he should get all the pastors together and sanctify them, then the pastors should get all the members and sanctify them.

In another dream my mom saw a man come from prison and came to our house and he said, do you know that the pretties people are in jail?

Then she saw Jan from TBN come to Trenton with every denomination with her. She also saw TD Jakes come to Trenton to speak to the people but the people would not listen to him, so she got angry and told him to leave them alone, then a voice spoke and said give them a little more time.

In another vision a voice spoke to my mom and another young lady that they should go and collect all the young people and take them to the church. When the young people were collected and brought to the church a lot of demons came with them, my mom got the chance to go through the gate to the church with all her set of young people before the gate was closed. One of the demons escaped and came into the church and the voice said we must say Jesus, so her and the children began to say Jesus and that's what destroyed the demon. When she looked outside she saw all the people that were locked out and the demons were among them.

She also saw that she went to do missionary work inside the city and some men of the city came against her, and the voice said call the Holy Spirit against them. When she called the Holy Spirit she saw a large hand hitting one of them and they all ran away.

While living at the apartment at the border of Trenton and Ewing I got a vision in which I looked up into the sky and I saw four moons they began to spin in a circular motion then they transformed into what seemed to be lanterns but what ended up being temples, each one fell on the corners of the earth so there were one temple on each of the four corners of  the earth.

I then appeared in a hospital in which I saw people lined up I had my right hand up and people passed by, some of the people that passed by were healed and some turned into ashes. Those that were healed began to dance scream out that they were healed.

Then I was taken to another part of the hospital where I began to speak to a young lady about being saved so that she can save her daughter. I told her that she had to give her life to Jesus so that her daughter can be saved, but she refused and walked away and she and her daughter was lost.

I also saw myself, my son, and my mother, enter one of the temples that fell from the sky and we took our spot. While in the temple I saw people dressed in white working very  fast, I was then told to go to the temple in Trenton. I then was taken to the door of one of the other temple that fell from the sky, as I looked around I saw people drinking and carrying on all while leaning on the side of the temple. I heard the voice say that time is running out probation is closing these doors are open for a short while for the people to come in, when the door closes there will be no more repentance for mankind.

In another one of my visions I saw the Catholic and the Jews sharing one temple together.

I had a vision of an ancient kingdom placed in modern time. I saw in the vision that the kingdom was taken from its rightful owners God chosen people, and strangers now inhabited the kingdom. I heard Jesus speaking saying that when he die, take his body back to the kingdom and give it to the people that now inhabit the kingdom. And when they accept my body and place it into