A Study Guide for the Book of Lamentations by John Teague, ThD - HTML preview

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For this reason the prophets “modus operandi” (common method, procedure, approach, technique, protocol) or basic way to address the hearer used by the prophets was, “Thus says the Lord.”


Prophets were God’s spokesman and their message was received the way it was received, as the communication of God from God. Unlike most preachers and false pastors today, they never said “my message”, “my sermon”, “my church” or my anything else. They delivered that which God told them to deliver. Most church problems today may well be traced to men of extreme arrogance, thievery and self-righteousness. This ought not to be. The message and the church belong to the LORD not to a foolish preacher who stole it and then began to call it “my.”


That communication or message from God was given to the prophets to deliver to the people.


This communication was delivered by the prophets usually in one of the three-fold Old Testament functions the prophet’s had with the people.


Their three-fold Old Testament roles saw them as preachers who expounded the law of God, predictors who announced coming events and watchmen over the people of Israel or Judah.


Now let us look in more detail at their three-fold functions, roles, operations or tasks.


Their Functions.


First, they functioned as preachers who expounded and interpreted the Mosaic Law to the nation.


It was their duty to admonish, reprove, denounce sin, threaten with the terrors of judgment, call to repentance, and bring consolation and pardon.


Their activity of rebuking sin and calling for repentance consumed far more of the prophets’ time than any other feature of their work.


The rebuke was driven home with predictions about the punishment that God intended to send on those failing to heed the prophet’s warning given to him of the LORD and delivered as being from the LORD, (cf. Jonah 3:4).


Second, they functioned as predictors who announced coming judgment, deliverance, and events relating to the Messiah and His kingdom.