A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke by Letters From God and His Christ - HTML preview

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6/11/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Power and the Majesty of The lord

Thus says The Lord: Behold the power and majesty of The Lord! Hear and understand!... Peoples of the earth, SEE

the word of The Lord!

Behold My words, and take warning;

Receive My words, and bow down heavily;

Speak My name aloud...


Depart swiftly from your wicked ways;

Run quickly, and I may yet have mercy upon you.

O ignorant and vain peoples, you lack knowledge, and all wisdom has departed from you! Have you forgotten it is I, who was and is and is to come, The One who made Heaven and Earth, The Almighty?!... Yes, I AM HE! The Everlasting!... FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS I WHO HAD DONE IT!

Are not the depths broken up, when I speak but a single word in My anger?! Do not the mountains bow down and the islands flee away at My presence?! Are not the mountains torn and the rocks broken in pieces when I pass by?!

Is it not I who brings forth the earthquake and kindles the fire?!...

Behold! The continents shall break apart, when My anger is fully aroused! When I step down, they shall give way!

They shall surely crumble and break apart violently, and great shall be the sound of it! Awesome and terrible shall it be in that day!... The power and might of The Lord put on open display!

For I am come down to execute My Word! And when the feet of Him, called Holy and True, step upon the

mountains and stand fast upon the mount, oh how great and terrible shall it be on that day!... Who shall endure His coming?! Who will be able to stand?!...

Blessed therefore, are the sons of men who bow down;

Blessed are all those who fear The Lord...

Blessed are those who truly know Me,

Who give heed to My words, to do them...

Blessed also are all those who say, “Yes, Lord”,

To My every decree and proclamation,

Seeking always to obey My every command...

For their reward is coming...

Coming very quickly.


6/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Days of the Martyred Prophets are at an end

Thus says The Lord: The days of the martyred prophets are over! The Day of The Lord is here! The anger of The Almighty is put on open display! And the might of The Holy One shall be made fully known! Therefore, sing amen to The Holy One of Israel, all you, My elect! Bow down and give Me perfect praise, all you, My holy ones! Break forth into singing, all you, My chosen!... PRAISE YOUR KING!

Peoples of the earth, I am come down!... And I have searched. I have went from house to house, and peered into every temple, that I might behold the ways of man, that I may look upon his works, and discern his heart and know his mind... For I am The Lord, and I love judgment!

Justice shall be poured out and punishment sent down! For I am The God of Judgment, The God of Recompense!

Behold! The God of Vengeance is risen up in His fierce anger! And is come down in His overflowing indignation!...


Let it be done, let it come to pass quickly...

With great swiftness let wrath overflow,

Until evil is swept away and the wickedness of men is wiped clean!...

Until every tower crumbles and every city is consumed with fire!

Until I have utterly destroyed all the works of man!...


Let their temples come down with a great crash!

And let every religion be crushed beneath the weight of their idols!

Let them pine away in their lies, and waste away in their deceptions!...


I call to the prophets of every religion, to every prophet of the wicked one, to every soothsayer and prognosticator, to every scoffer and evil man who seek to harm My anointed, even to every person who plots ill will in their hearts against My messengers, come forward and fight against My witnesses! COME OUT AND FIGHT AGAINST ME!...

That I may cut you down and purge you from your places, that you may be no more before My face!... Behold, I shall make of you a great slaughter!

Yes, come and make plans and devise your evil schemes! And come and strike at My prophets that you might kill them and do them great harm! For the days of the martyred prophets are at an end! And The God of Recompense is here! Hurry now! Come forward!... That I may strike you down where you stand, that I may take your life from you in a moment, when you come out to kill My messengers!... That I may litter the streets with your rotting corpses!

Says The Lord God.

Thus shall the prophets of The Lord be made plain,

And the prophets of the wicked one be exposed!

For the false prophets shall become rotting corpses

In every land, scattered across every nation!


6/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Days of the Martyred Prophets are at an end cont.

Yet the prophets of The Lord shall march free, undaunted...

Behold, they shall fly!

They shall be given eagle’s wings!

Lo, the strength of Samson shall be theirs!

And the power of The Lord shall proceed from their nostrils!

The word of The Lord shall blow mightily in all the earth!

For I have put My words in their mouths!...

And I shall dwell in them fully!

Says YahuShua- YaHuWaH!


7/2/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear ReVoKeD

Thus says The Lord: I have shown wonders and written many words by the pen of My prophets. Lo, I had come down in the flesh, I have spoken with My people face to face... Behold! In one day, the sins of all people were purged! In one moment was the pain of death overcome! And after forty days, The Glorious One of Israel was taken up to My right hand before the eyes of many witnesses.

I have declared the end from the beginning, and spoken of many things to come, many wondrous and terrible

things... Behold! I have set up kings and taken them down! I have called forth armies to conquer; and I, Myself, have conquered great armies! For I AM THE LORD!... Behold! I have sent My angels into battle! They have slaughtered whole armies in one night, while sparing others at My command. For I AM THE LORD!... Behold! I have taken down whole nations, and scattered their peoples! And lo, I have also brought them back again, causing them to be reborn in one day. For I AM THE LORD!

And thus I speak to you now, even as I have spoken to My servant, Timothy: All of you have stumbled, and some of you have departed, while still others have fled from safety, returning to the world... To a world which hates Me and blasphemes My name at every turn, a world and a people who pollute My name without ceasing!... A world which loathes its Creator, a world which hates LIFE!... A world which even now breathes its last, while killing one another!... A world which destroys MY EARTH AND MY CHILDREN! A world which MURDERS WITHOUT

REMORSE!... I weep, My heart is rent inside Me.

And what of your country and people, little flock?

What of this mighty nation?...

Prepare your hearts, beloved...

Prepare your hearts for death!

For the end of all things is at hand!...

For the Day of The Lord shall declare it,

In the Day it shall surely be made plain.

Therefore, I commanded My servant that he not celebrate this holiday1 with his peers, nor with his community, for he must remain separate. For if he was to join them in their celebration, I tell you the truth, it would be death he celebrates and great captivity he honors... For this nation’s independence is lost, and its freedom REvOKED! Says The God of Heaven.

Thus says The Lord: Your nation is come to its bitter end! Lo, I give it over! No more shall I defend its people and protect its borders! Nor shall I hear the cries of its people when it comes!... FOR THEY HAvE FORSAKEN ME! AND


Cry bitter tears therefore, little flock... Weep in deep sorrow, and return quickly to Safety! For the end of a nation is a terrible thing. It is wrought with much betrayal and falls with a mighty crash, bringing forth much death... The sound of which shall shake every land and every people! And they too shall fall... Collapse as has never been seen!

Yet from ruin they shall arise and band together. And they shall make a covenant and sign a desperate agreement.

And once again they shall blaspheme the name of The Most High, and walk proudly... And upon the heels of desolation shall their final destruction be written, in the blood of the slain.


7/2/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear ReVoKeD cont.

And though three repent, and turn back from their agreement and fight, they also shall be destroyed!... They shall be overcome. Yet out of them shall The Lord your God make a great harvest, even in the midst of great devastation.

And My witnesses shall be sent out,

They shall walk and give a shout...

Lo, they shall run...

Declaring My judgments in all the earth, going from city to city.

Thus shall I bring calamity upon the cities of men,

Until My wrath is satisfied and My fierce anger is abated...

Until The Holy One of Israel steps upon the Mount,

Bringing forth the consummation unto victory absolute...


1. The 4th of July - Independence Day (U.S.A.)


7/26/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear