A Testimony Against the World: The Lord's Rebuke by Letters From God and His Christ - HTML preview

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The Two lampstands

Thus says The Lord: I have looked upon all the souls who dwell under Heaven, I have waited upon those who call of themselves by My name, calling to them, yet only blasphemy is heard... Many harsh and unfeeling answers.

Therefore, let the dead care for the dead, and let the mocker fall in the midst of their calamity; let every scoffer walk in the valley with the desolate. For My anger sleeps no longer, and the fire of The Lord is kindled! For the cities of men have raged against Me!... And the city of innocent blood shall be torn in pieces! Says The Lord.

Behold, I called to the sea, to the great multitude of waters, and there was no answer. I shouted to the earth and blew the trumpet upon the four winds of heaven, yet no cry was heard, no response was lifted up to Heaven. Only raised fists were seen, many milling about gnashing upon their teeth, lashing out against their neighbor. So I turned My face away from them, and set My back against the sea... And the earth, it was forsaken.

Then was a great cry lifted up, and oh such a sorrowful sound was heard. So I said to My two lampstands, “Take a coal from the fire which surrounds the altar, and eat of it... Consume it fully and go down. For I have made these people as kindling, and this multitude as wood, that they may come and fight against you, that they may be given up to the flame... Open your mouths wide, that they may be consumed!” For I have prepared an offering, lo it is prepared and waits for its time, says The Lord God of Israel...

For indeed I tell you,

Lo, The Lord your God reveals it to you...

Eliyahu and Moshe are about to come down!

Says YaHuWaH.


8/20/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Lord’s Word Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Hypocrite’s Portion

Thus says The Lord, against every church of men, against all those who falsely call of themselves by My name:

I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me! They have altogether forsaken Me for their own way!... Foolish and disobedient children!...

They refuse to listen, for by their own hearts are they led. Yes, they follow the dictates of their own hearts and give heed to their own self-serving desires. To their own voices they give heed, they listen only to the sound of their own voices... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them.

My children are foolish and have gone astray, with no one to lead them. They have released their grasp and hold fast to one another... They are married to their own expectations! They know not how to discern their right hand from their left... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them.

I had called them to be blameless in the world and to be at peace, to do justly and love mercy... To walk humbly with their God. Yet they could by no means sit still, nor were they at ease. Rather, they have gone out polluting My name and desecrating My words in Scripture! For they have hated both Me and My will, and in their hearts

My prophet has altogether become as Micaiah, who was hated by the king for speaking the truth as he heard from God... Therefore all, I have spoken against them, shall surely come upon them!

Behold! They walk in the valley of their own choosing, and have rejected that which I Myself had provided for them! And one who mistreats My gifts shall by no means retain them. And that which is given shall not be owned, as though one had received it by their own power... Rather, it is to be cherished with thanksgiving. And one who takes and corrupts My gifts, for their own gain, shall be left desolate.

And who are all these who ignore good and wise counsel, while seeking to assert their own authority? I did not send them, yet they went out. I Myself called to them, yet voices on the wind drew them away. And who are all these who have raised their voices against My servants, while polluting My name and Scripture?!... Have you not also departed from your Husband, even as the unbeliever?

Thus those, who were to be without blame, have given many others cause to blaspheme My name... To disregard My prophet, ON THEIR ACCOUNT!... This should not be. Yet what place do the disobedient have with Me? And what portion do the insolent share in? Have they not made their decisions clear and their unbelief known? Is it not revealed plainly, as though it were worn upon the sleeve?...

For I tell you, all who disobey My voice, in favor of their own way,

Shall not hear My voice when the shout is made.

And all, who forsake the little ones, shall also be forsaken...

Yet every lamb is Mine.

Yes, every lamb shall be gone from this place!

And who, in all the earth, is able to prevent Me?

Who is able to move ME aside?!...

For I shall surely do My own pleasure;

I shall surely uphold My every word and complete MY will!...

MY name shall be exalted in all the earth!


9/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Generation’s end

Thus says The Lord: Streams of water flow down from the mountains, springs of water burst forth from the rocks, rivers of water overflow their banks... And still the thirst of this people is not quenched.

Multitudes of dead and dying peoples fill the streets and the alleyways. No hope is found, no light breaks through the open spaces... The darkness grows and is very thick... Many darkened and ill faces wondering about, treading the broad way... The light of life dims, as their hearts grow cold.

Their countenances are always downcast, for there is no hope in man. Affection is all but lost, compassion is forgotten, and loving one another has no place in man’s designs. For natural affection departs from the hearts of the wicked, and lustful endeavors consume them... Filthiness has made a home, and perversion is praised and celebrated openly in the streets!... As the innocent look upon them with wonder...


I have looked upon you! I know all your doings!

Says The Lord God, even I who formed you.

How long will you tempt Me?!...

How long shall you rebuild Sodom

And make Gomorrah your home?!

My people have forgotten Me, days without end! My heart tears inside Me, each and every time I look upon you.

Israel does not know Me, and those called by The Christ’s name pollute My name and My Word, without ceasing!...

They are unrelenting!... I can no more listen to their foul speech! I can no more bear the sight of them!

The God of Israel is dead in their eyes! The Salvation of God has no part with them!... Unless I change and become like them, unless I bow down and give heed to their demands, that I altogether conform to their image. And what more shall I say then? What more shall I do for a people such as this?... They will not listen, they refuse to give heed.

They squeeze their eyes shut with all their strength, while clasping their hands over their ears tightly.

What is left then?...

Only that I gather what little light remains,

And every innocent child...

I must make room!

I must clear My way before Me!...

I must break this people and destroy all they have made.

It must be done! The wrath of God must be poured out, the cleansing fire must rage!... Until every last vestige of man’s invention is gone from the earth! Until every last stronghold of evil is broken down and utterly destroyed!

Until every last hint of sin is cleansed from this place!... FOR I AM HOLY! The only God whose name is One!


9/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Generation’s end cont.

Though it greatly pains My heart, a wound which shall last forever... Yet if I do not do this, My people shall never have a name, they shall never dwell in My holy place, they shall never see The Light or know life as it was in the beginning. Until the sanctuary is cleansed I can not dwell with My people, both with them and in them. Unless I make a full end, there can be no restoration. If I do not complete My task, never again shall I walk with My beloved in the garden, never again shall the little children come to Me and gather around.

Open your eyes! Cast yourselves down!

Let your hearts melt before The Holy Fire!...

Embrace My Purifying Flame.

My dying children! YOU ARE THE LAST GENERATION!...

The last of these kingdoms of men.

I love you... Yet you choose death! You have forsaken Me and forced My hand! The stink of your perversions fill My nostrils! Your murders stain My courts! The broken bodies of the innocent and the blameless are piled up in heaps, before My eyes!...

And still you say within yourselves, “We have done no wrong, we have provoked no god to anger... There is no judgment to come. We do not retain God in our thoughts, His Law is far from us... We do not know Him, nor do we need Him”...

O most wicked and loathsome generation! I HAvE SEEN IT!... I have seen and know! The Living God has come down! The Salvation of God is here!... He has seen and knows. He has searched, He has went through the

multitudes and looked... He has looked deep within.

He has called and pleaded... Behold, He has poured Himself out!... And still His life departs from this people. His light is all but gone from their eyes, as they fade into a slumber from which there is no escape, a sleep from which the wicked of heart shall never awake... Death...

What a horrible and sad thing this is...

What a mournful cry is heard

From the mouth of The Holy One of Israel...

“My people! Beloved children!...



9/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Generation’s end cont.

Thus I must finish My Book and close this chapter. For the desolate shall have no name, and this most wicked generation is cut off from their legacy. Their wickedness shall not rise up a second time! They shall never again pass this way or be seen of again... A whole generation of dead and dying people, a great multitude of peoples who refuse to drink... A great and mighty people slain by their own hand...

A whole generation of children,

Of whom I have loved with My whole heart...

Even unto death...

A whole generation wiped from the face of the earth.

Even so...



9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

enemies of The lord, Come forth!

Thus says The Lord God: Enemies of The Lord, come forth!...

Be drawn out, all you detestable birds! Come forth and be drawn out! Come and fight!... Make a stand, O enemies of The King!

Let the ruthless step forward, and the evil of heart stand up in their place, and give the order! Come forth, all you mighty men! Be gathered together against The Lord and His anointed!... Come out to conquer and seek your prize, all you men of false valor!

Come out in the name of your god, all you wicked men of allah! Come out in the name of your false prophet, that I may tread you down!... That I may reach down and make of you a great slaughter, that My sword may pierce the heart of your god and cut off the head of your prophet!

For I AM THE LORD, who is mighty in battle!...

Behold! My name shall resound in all the earth, when I come out mightily in battle,

When I stretch out My hand for slaughter to take vengeance upon all My enemies!

I am come to break apart!...


Behold! I am come down to kill! TO MURDER THE GODS OF THE EARTH!... I shall lop off the heads of every idol and strike through the heart of every god, of which you have created! Every graven image shall bow down heavily!

Every religion of man shall burn!

THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL: I DECLARE WAR! War upon all My enemies!... Upon every inhabitant, upon all friends of this world!... Upon everyone who persecutes My bride or throws stones at My messengers, whether in word or by deed!... Upon all who speak in My name, saying, “Thus says The Lord”, when I have not spoken it!... And upon ALL who murder the innocent and the blameless! (A double portion have I reserved for them, says The Lord.)

Behold, the mouth of The Lord has spoken and shall not repent!... I AM COME OUT TO DESTROY!... To pillage the sanctuaries! To break apart and tear down the walls! To make a mockery of every sacred and solemn assembly!... To cast out your members and to scatter the devout of every religion, stripping them of all their detestable garments!

I shall uncover them, they shall be shamefully exposed!... Left to flee into the mountains, naked. And behold, they shall surely call to the mountains and to the rocks, saying, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of The Lamb!”... For I AM THE LORD! Hot is My anger!

Yet the prophets of The Lord shall stand fast, they can not be shaken...

The witnesses of The Lord shall shout and not be moved...

Behold, I am sending them with staff in hand,

And none shall prevent them, by any means.


9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

enemies of The lord, Come forth! cont.

My word shall speak, and judgment shall be declared against the cities of men! Behold, it shall come down from above, and it shall rise up from beneath! From places unseen shall judgment come forth to consume and to destroy!... Strike the staff! Says The Most High... STRIKE! Strike the ground and the water! Let this multitude be divided! Let the waters be turned to blood!... Let the fear of The Lord be greatly increased!

For the enemies of The Lord pursue My people as prey, and the camp of the righteous is surrounded on every side!

Yet the enemies of The Lord shall be swallowed up, and the great army shall be consumed! For My Word shall speak, and the power of The Lord shall be called down from Heaven in that day!

Behold, I have called out My servants, I have searched their hearts; lo they are ready to be set in their places. My house is set in order, every place is prepared; I am ready to receive My guests. My army is assembled; each man is being moved into position, each man to his appointment. And lo, the sickles are placed in the hands of the reapers, the first harvest is ready... Behold, The Ladder reaches from the earth to Heaven!

Ears open!...

The trumpet is raised, and The Son of Man is eager to open His mouth.

Make ready and prepare,

For I have declared neither the day nor the hour...

Yet the season is made plain,

And the days of revelation are upon you.

Wait and watch, therefore, for The Son of Man is sent down... My Word does not lie. And though many twist and turn My words to their own advantage, aligning them with their own expectation to their own hurt, My words

do not lie... My every Letter shall come to pass, according to My will. And oh what a cry shall be heard, oh what an uproar shall ensue, and much gnashing of teeth!... Yet The Holy One is sent down, and behold the bride says,

“God is with us!”

My Word lies not!...

The Shepherd is sent down and gathers together His sheep;

He beckons to every lamb, drawing them close...

And in a day you do not expect, and at an hour you can not predict,

He shall pass through the gate, and His sheep with Him...

And every lamb.



9/23/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear