A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 4



It is important not to lose sight of the fact that this epistle is as the name indicates, one continuous letter. Modern chapters and verses were only introduced as a sensible means of navigation through scripture, by Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton in the early 13th century. The theme in chapter 3 is continued in chapter 4, as 3 was of 2 and 2 of 1.


V1-3 Having stated in 3:31 that our justification by faith for the circumcised (Jews in Paul’s time) and through faith of the uncircumcised (Gentiles in Paul’s time) actually establishes the law/Torah, Paul then outlines the order in which justification and Torah observance should be placed, through scriptural documentation of Abraham’s spiritual walk of faith. Abraham, mind you, who like us was of the flesh and hence not some supernatural being, was declared the Father of all nations Gen 17:5, hence why his life was carefully chosen to represent both extremes of the spectrum of believers from Torah observant mature believers to the newly converted immature believers, both Jew and Gentile.



V2 Paul sarcastically states that if Abraham ever felt that his good works justified him, they certainly where of no substance in Elohim’s economy.


V3 quoting Gen 15:6 clearly establishes that Yeshua’s shedding of blood for us did not pave way for a new doctrine of justification by/through faith to abolish Torah, as this very justification of faith working through Abraham occurred just short of 2 millennia prior to Yeshua’s death and resurrection. If Abraham’s justification would have abolished Torah, then why would he some 24 years later have been instructed to circumcise his male dwellers and descendants thereafter Gen 17:23, observed sacrificial rites Gen 22:13, observed the Sabbath and other laws Gen 26:5, menstrual laws cf Gen 31:35 followed by Rachel, and also why would Torah have been codified a few centuries later on mount Sinai? This is amongst the greatest of heresies introduced by the cunning of Satan into the churches.


V4-5 If one seeks justification by his own works, he becomes liable to debt to Elohim by his inevitable failure to uphold Torah in his sin-tainted Adamic DNA. But to him that recognises the futility of such aspirations of self-justification, and wholeheartedly depends on Yeshua the Justifier’s blood cleansing the unholy, righteousness is bestowed upon him freely!


V6 Hence why David envied that man who was freely given righteousness without trying to prove himself. There was no sinless Saviour in his day, and routine animal sacrifice in addition to yearly cleansing of the nation by performing with utmost precision a carefully scripted sacrificial ceremony on the day of atonement, were mandatory in order to be forgiven of one’s transgressions. That man he envied referred to those who believed and were/are redeemed by the atoning blood of Yeshua once and for all on calvary, which includes us.


V7-8-quotes Ps 32:1-2


V9-10 Paul is about to lay a case that this justification is not only offered to the circumcised, since Abraham was justified a good 24 years prior to being circumcised. Hence there is no need to impose circumcision first before belief in Yeshua, but rather the other way round i.e. be justified through faith, then learn the commandments for spiritual growth.


V11-12 Paul used a lot of repetition of the same theme, presented in different shades of speech in order to drive the point home, to dispel ambiguity, yet the contemporary church still steadfastly, blindly teaches the contrary. Our justification through faith is covenant-sealed by circumcision as a sign, just as much as in modern society an engaged couple are covenant-sealed in marriage by the wedding rings being the sign. The removal of the foreskin although essential at a later stage, does not have any impact on the fact that justification already occurred prior to it, as much as the wedding ring does not alter the bond of love already established possibly years prior to the wedding ceremony, although the ring is essential as a sign too. This sign of circumcision was to be a sign of an everlasting covenant, and was to be done to all generations as an everlasting ceremony Gen 17:9-14. Note that this included all strangers (Gentiles) in his house bought with a price!


V13-14 Furthermore Paul reminds the reader that Abraham was promised to be the father of all nations and that his seed would benefit too, years before he was circumcised, simply for his faith in Elohim which justified him. Hence circumcision and the rest of Torah cannot interfere with the entry stage of belief in Messiah for one to be justified. If Abraham had been required to be circumcised first and prove Torah observance in order for the promises of Yah to be bestowed upon him, then faith would have been relegated to the trash can, and any promise based on faith would have been of no substance, but this was not so.


V15 Had Abraham had to prove himself by Torah observance only outside of faith, he would have failed dismally and never ever had a hope of being given these covenant promises, because the Law is impossible to keep 100% by our own effort, hence the need for a redeemer to believe in.


V16 This reality of our ineptitude causes Paul to highlight what great mercy and grace Abraham was given, and subsequently his seed, by simply being required to express faith for the promises to be afforded him and us who believe too.


v17-18-Gen 17:5 and Gen 15:5


v19- Abraham’s faith was so great, that he held onto the belief that Elohim would give him a child, even after 25 years of no sign of this occurrence, notwithstanding his great age of 100 years, and Sarah’s state of decades of menopause, being 90 years old. Such great faith against all odds was imputed upon him for righteousness. Paul went to great lengths to comment on how much faith Abraham needed, and for a staggeringly long duration, before the son of promise was given him. How much more blessed we are by the inexplicable grace of Elohim bestowed upon us to justify the soul that simply believes in the expiatory blood of his son Yeshua of Nazareth. This belief leads to our redemption, washing away of our transgressions, trespasses, sins and even iniquities, and ultimate sanctification leading us unto the path of salvation.


V20-21-we also in our Christian walk must never stagger no matter how long we wait for the promises of Spiritual power to work in our lives. Abraham patiently waited 25 years to have the promised son, Isaac, yet when we have one prayer unanswered, we have a tendency of losing hope. We must be fully persuaded once our prayers are made that Holy Spirit power from on high will answer them.


V22-25 Everything in scripture, inclusive of seemingly irrelevant names and events are placed there by design by the Holy Spirit having spoken through carnal men, for a reason. Those reading the story of Abraham in say King David’s time may never have appreciated the relevance of the detail in the narrative, but those, inclusive of us, post Messiah’s first advent can now relate to the narrative and apply its meaning in our lives. Note in 3:26 we are told justification is to those who believe in Yeshua, yet in 4:24 we are told to believe on Him/Holy Spirit/the Father who raised Yeshua from the dead cf Rom 8:11 and Acts 2:24:3:15. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that all 3 are in one and all 3 Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Yehovah.