A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 8



V1 The Torah identifies and exposes sin in our lives. The built-in curses of the law are set in motion once Torah is broken as outlined in Deuteronomy chs 27-28. However, because Yeshua died on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us Gal 3:13, once we live in Spirit and in Truth after having believed in Yeshua and been justified by this faith, the curse of the law i.e. condemnation of the law no longer has power over us. It is VERY important to understand this biblical truth in order not to be sucked into false doctrines created by man.


The curse of the law was abolished at calvary for those who would subsequently believe in Yeshua’s redemptive blood shed for us and be justified by so doing. The law however was never abolished, as by virtue of it being holy, just and good Rom 7:12, it is still necessary to keep in check the believer walking after the Spirit and not one walking after the flesh. Walking after the flesh means the law will keep you in bondage of condemnation as there is no provision for redemption from its built-in curses related to its breakage. However, walking after the Spirit has the provision of Yeshua’s redemptive blood precluding us from being bound by condemnation of Torah, as He became a curse for us, defeated sin and rose in newness and in life.


V2 Gal 6:8 Condemnation is at enmity with sanctification. Sowing to flesh leads to death through condemnation by the law. Only Torah observance in the life-giving Spirit of Messiah frees us from this condemnation of law of sin in the flesh. Cf Rom 6:23 too.


V3-4 Yeshua lived a sinless life in the flesh, and hence was presented as a perfect sacrifice to defeat and condemn sin in the flesh for the sake of believers in Him. The Torah although weak in the flesh, does not mean it is faulty. It is our flesh which is faulty which cannot handle the law. However, the law is strong and perfect in the Spirit, a state in which we must observe it, in order to have eternal life. It is the fleshly desires that need to be abolished not the Torah!


V5-8 Those seeking justification in the flesh succumb to its carnal desires which are at enmity with Elohim and hence the law rolls out death as there is no saviour to redeem such. On the other hand, seeking justification through faith in our perfect redeemer, Yeshua of Nazareth places one on a spiritual plane where the fleshly desires wrought by the works of Satan and his demonic host cannot invade, as they are terrified of the Holy Spirit of Elohim. Hence the law rolls out life and peace. The rebellious carnal mind is where the devil’s playing field is and is at great odds with Elohim, and cannot please Elohim no matter how hard the individual may try. Satan and his host are much more powerful than us, but are totally powerless when we have the Spirit of Yeshua residing within our hearts.


V9-10 Firstly note that it is clearly stated that the Spirit of Elohim is the same as the Spirit of Messiah, and hence are interchangeable in Paul’s usage in his epistle. Paul through repetition ensures that the message hits home. To follow in Spirit and truth can only be achieved by the Spirit of Elohim residing in your heart, meaning that you have chosen to be a slave/doulos of Yeshua through believing in Him, in effect becoming one of His own, and hence being justified for the Holy Spirit to pour in. The formula is so simple to comprehend, yet has been twisted by Christendom. Once Yeshua’s Spirit pours in, Satan’s host flee and hence fleshly desire dies, and we begin to live in spiritual newness of life.


V11 Even better once Yeshua’s Spirit, which is the Spirit of Elohim resides in you, since that very Holy Spirit brought life again to Yeshua’s body Acts 2:24, so also shall our once defiled carnal body be spiritually cleansed and brought to life again to good works.


V12-13 cf 4:2-4 To understand what debt Paul refers to. If we attempt to be justified by our own works, because our DNA is inherited from a fallen Adamic nature, it is impossible to uphold the Torah by our own means as we are not capable of defeating the host of hell, that is incessantly warring through our flesh. We hence as Paul has repeatedly demonstrated through various facets of speech, become indebted to the letter of the law and must suffer the curses attached to its breach. However, as Paul has tirelessly reiterated, following Torah in Spirit, after justification by faith in Yeshua, causes the satanic host to flee and be unable to work through our flesh to breach Torah, as a much greater power, the very Spirit of Elohim resides in the hearts of the justified. V13 cf Col 3:5.


V14-15 As my pseudonym expresses, us renewed, justified, regenerated, believers are adopted sons of Elohim Gal 4:6-7; 5:1. Paul clearly states that ‘those LED by the Spirit’. Led to do what? The theme throughout his epistle thus far is of righteousness and Torah. There is no contesting the fact that the ultimate message thus far from Ch 1-8 is of being Holy Spirit led to follow Torah free from fleshly hindrance. The Holy Spirit does not coerce but leads a willing soul submissive to the true master Yeshua haMashiach. Note that the spirit of bondage leading to a state of fear is evident in man who seeks justification by his own deeds.


V16 Very important to note that the Holy Spirit does not replace our spirit, otherwise we would literally become Elohim incarnate beings. Rather the Holy Spirit cooperates with our spirit, guiding and leading us to righteousness, and filling us with power from on high. Additionally, by residing in our hearts, the Holy Spirit is the identifying marker/witness that we are adopted sons of Elohim the Father of truth, as opposed to sons of the devil the father of lies, the lusts of which unregenerate man performs cf Jn 8:44.


V17 A child of any father is an heir, hence by being adopted as sons of Elohim via His Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts to work in unison with our spirit, we logically become heirs to the same benefits as His only begotten Son, our Master and our Saviour Yeshua of Nazareth. Effectively, we become brothers of Yeshua Matt 12:50; Jn 20:17 and no longer slaves/servants/doulos as Gal 4:6-7 states. We must therefore be prepared to suffer persecution from the hateful host of hell as He did, and be expectant of subsequent glorification once our race of life is over.


V18 Paul rightfully realises that no amount of earthly suffering for Yeshua’s name can compare to the glory that awaits us. Eternal life has no price, hence why Satan can never buy my soul nor should he hoodwink you into buying yours either. This fallen world has no amount of glitz nor glamour that is comparable to the heavenly realm.


V19 ktisis is the Greek word translated as the creature. Probably better translated as the creation for the sense of the text and following to make sense. The very creation that is mankind, yearns to become sons of Elohim i.e. of righteousness. 


V20 This in the KJV is a questionable translation that makes the verse somewhat senseless. Mataiotes is the Greek word translated as 'vanity' in v20, better translated as 'depravity' to get the sense of it. Hupotasso translated 'him who hath subjected' should be translated as 'subjected/obedient to' as it is elsewhere in scripture. Elpis translated as 'in hope' is actually ‘hope in good' or can be translated as 'expectation of evil' according to Strong’s concordance. Epi translated 'the same in' should be translated 'upon, to or for' which is the proper Greek meaning. For this verse to make any sense it may be paraphrased:


‘For the creation was made subject to depravity, not willingly, but by reason of subjection/obedience upon hope.’


The KJV translation seems to give the impression that it is because of Yeshua that we are subjected to depravity, which I find offensive. Hence v20 is saying that because sinful man chose to sin, Torah righteousness had to play out its curses to recompense him, a fact which he had no will over as the judicial heavenly courts are obligated to dish out this punishment i.e. man has no say over the punishment he rightfully deserves for his chosen depravity. However, Elohim being supreme in knowledge and wisdom allows for this system to operate for the sake of man to realise his folly, repent, be obedient for/upon hope, of which Paul shall elucidate in the verses following.


V21 with the paraphrase I’ve presented the flow of the message blends well with v21 whereby creation is promised to be freed from this carnal, decayed fleshly sinful state, to one of glorious freedom living in the Holy Spirit-identifying and led state of adopted children/sons of Elohim


V22 It is indeed true the whole of mankind until now is in a state of spiritual disrepair.


V23 This verse beautifully confirms that the creature/creation being referred to is mankind. Many Bible commentaries interpret creature as relating to beasts, fish and birds i.e. rest of non-human creation. Without sounding facetious, I can hardly believe a fruit fly, camels, whales, vultures etc are expectant of us becoming sons of Elohim. Paul separates the term creature/creation into 2 camps:

a. Those under bondage of corruption v21 and

b. Us the justified living in renewed, Holy Spirit life.


We believers in newness of life await the redemption/apolutrosis. This Greek word means release by payment of ransom. So, Paul and us await release of our old corruptible body to the new incorruptible body, the event of which shall occur at the rapture when Yeshua returns 1 Cor 15:52-53, by the ransom paid at calvary cf redemption/agorazo of 1 Cor 6:20 to compare the different meanings.


V24-25 Paul now explains his use of the term hope in verse 20. Christianity is a walk of life based on faith and hope. Faith justifies us to good works. We then in newness of life hope for that salvation and glory promised us at the end of the journey. If we were to physically see Elohim’s glory and eternal life itself in our corrupt bodies, before the appropriate time, we would then be striving for a fact which no longer needs believing in, and the word hope would no longer be the correct terminology to utilise. Hope further fosters patience, which leads to spiritual growth and more refined hope i.e. it becomes a vicious cycle so to speak or snowball effect of patience, experience and hope cf 5:4.


V26 infirmities/astheneia is better translated weaknesses to prevent perceiving sickness as opposed to spiritual weakness which is intended here. The Holy Spirit in the renewed man helps him communicate with Elohim through tongues, which under normal fleshly circumstances cannot be uttered, in order to intercede for our lack of strength.


V27 Yeshua searches our hearts via the Holy Spirit and makes intercession for us in line with Elohim’s will. Be careful of false prophets/pastors who claim to intercede for us, as we know not what spirit they operate through. An example is prosperity gospels where attendants pay the pastor to pray for wealth, health, to find a husband etc of which intercession is established through evil spirits masquerading as angels of light 2 Cor 11:14-15.


V28-30 Only those who love Elohim by choice/freewill, exhibited by following His Torah 1Jn 1:7;2:6;3:4,24, shall have experiences that ultimately all work for good. To reach this state, one goes through a process ironed out repeatedly in this epistle and others: The calling/invitation given to all. We are all as mankind therefore predestined to be conformed to the image of Yeshua since the invitation is freely given to all.


Predestination is erroneously interpreted here as being that Elohim only wished for His own selected ones to enter heaven and the rest to burn in the lake of fire, yet this is contrary to Matt 25:41 and 1 Tim 2:4. Rather predestination here means we are all predestined to be conformed to Yeshua’s image. Whether or not we choose this predestination from the invitation given is our own free choice.


After the invitation/calling those who respond positively by faith in Yeshua are justified and their past sins atoned for by His sacrificial blood shed for us. The justified are then ultimately glorified. 

To reiterate predestination is not relating to predetermined salvation but rather to conformity unto the image of Yeshua.


V31-33 If Elohim loved us so much that He gave His begotten Son for us to be redeemed from Satan, and subsequently justified us, how can any power of evil possibly overcome us. It’s a guaranteed victory when on Elohim’s side.


V34-37 Despite dying for us, Yeshua conquered death, and is reigning at the right hand of Elohim interceding for us. No manner of evil can overcome us once we elect to be seated with Messiah. We have complete perfect protection. Hence why Paul was never perturbed by temporal earthly persecution but rejoiced instead. He knew he had the greater victory in Messiah and awaited in hope that glory, everlasting life and peace at the finish line.


V38-39 With this confidence in mind, Paul was reassured of complete and perfect safety in Messiah. Nothing natural nor supernatural scared him one bit. The love of Elohim is the direct opposite of fear 2 Tim 1:7.