A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 6



V1-2 The theme regarding judgement amongst each other continues. Krino translated ‘go to law’ is better rendered judge, rule, or dispute. Adikos translated unjust is also translated as the unrighteous, sinful, deceitful. It perplexed Paul as to why the members were settling their disputes in secular courts of law, governed by a heathen justice system and heathen arbitrators, when the ecclesia which is supposed to be governed by Torah which is holy, just and good Rom 7:12, was also composed of the hagios/holy ones. Surely if the saints by definition are holy, and the Torah is a perfect framework of justice, it would be senseless to battle disputes in worldly courts.


Scripture reveals that we shall judge the world in the afterlife cf Dan 7:18,22,27. Hence if we are to have such great a responsibility, then settling disputes in the ecclesia would undoubtedly be of no great a burden. Despite many nations claiming to be Christian and swearing by the Bible in our courtrooms of this age, it is no secret that the justice system in most is headed by freemasons and other secret societal brotherhoods of darkness.


V3 More startling is the fact that we shall judge fallen angels too cf Jude 6, who certainly have sinned more profoundly than the degenerate world, let alone the ecclesia. So how can we be afraid to settle disputes amongst our very selves then is the question posed by Paul.


V4 Paul then wisely proposes that those of least reputation in the ecclesia should be appointed the task of judging. This fosters fairness as power and greed are eliminated in such a setup, coupled with an innocence and lack of controversy most likely characteristic of the simple man in the congregation. Those with lofty positions in the ecclesia could not only be open to bias and favouritism, but also be overwhelmed with the extra burden of settling cases at the expense of their initial calling.


Being of less reputation in the ecclesia does not necessarily equate to dullness of mind. There are many highly intelligent and capable professionals within the ecclesia, especially today, who are without any ecclesiastical responsibilities, and would certainly prove beneficial to the ecclesia, were they to exercise this duty. Paul’s proposal is reminiscent of that of Jethro to Moses in Ex 18:13-27.


V5-6 Paul further proves through this rhetorical question that there are many wise within the congregation who may not be of great esteem, yet would prove hugely beneficial in the settling of disputes between brethren. He expresses how great a travesty it is that matters are settled by unbelievers who:


a. Are sinful by nature and

b. Do not base their judgement on Torah but on secular law, which in most cases has laws contrary to Torah e.g. acceptance of homosexuality, drugs, adultery and the like.


V7-8 Not only did Paul berate their conduct of settling matters out of the ecclesia, but also was perturbed by the very notion that they even had reason to wrangle between each other, cheating one another. In such terrible circumstances he exhorted the exhibition of humility and acceptance of wrong against oneself and moving on without causing a fracas. This is in line with Yeshua’s teaching on the sermon on the mount cf Matt 5:38-40. Such conduct separates the immature Christian from the mature, babes on milk from grown men on meat. Hence why the world sees the spiritually mature Christian as a fool of Messiah. What carnally appears foolish is spiritually wise! Little does the carnal mind know that Elohim shall judge righteously in due course 1 Pet 2:19-23.


V9-10 Paul then warns these fraudulent perpetrators of injustice and wrongdoing in the ecclesia, who foolishly believe the once saved always saved heresy, that wilful unrighteous behaviour especially of the saints, will lead them to the same destiny of damnation as that of the unjust cf Rev 21:8


V11 The Holy Spirit sanctifies us in the name of Yeshua the Messiah. Note the triune Elohim-head that Paul was conscious of i.e. Father, Son and Holy Spirit all sanctifying us in the one name of YHVH. It is almost comforting for most to see how so wretched the Corinthian ecclesia once were before sanctification of the Holy Spirit. In v9-10 Paul lists all the terrible categories within which this ecclesia once revelled in. It gives us once equally wretched souls greater faith in the cleansing blood of Messiah, which truly washes away ALL sin.


V12 Paul seemingly throws a complete curveball in this verse which has caused much debate in Christendom regarding the purported abolition of Torah, this among a few other verses being taken out of context to support such an error in belief. Paul for starters was dealing with an ecclesia that was very immature, and not only worldly in its ways, but exceeded the world in their sins. There were problems of envy, pride malice, rivalry, fornication and according to v9-10 sins worthy of capital punishment, previously and amongst some, still practised in that ecclesia. He was at great pains endeavouring to enlighten them to their twisted deceptive doctrines which were contrary to Torah and being accepted by them.


He undoubtedly was quoting one of their sayings in this verse as much as he was in the next verse. The critical point to note is how he then counteracts each of these sayings of theirs with the word BUT, to counteract their warped mentality. Nowhere in scripture does it claim all things are lawful, or that meat is for the belly and belly for meats. These are clearly Greek sayings that needed a rebuttal, of which Paul succinctly articulates. Hence in this verse Paul warns the Corinthians that this Greek philosophy of all things being lawful, when lined up with Torah, deems some things unprofitable. In this case he is referring to fornication mentioned in the opening verse and the other sins in v9-10. Paul would surely be a schizophrenic to support Torah in one verse, and then in the very next verse, preach its obsolescence. Peter rightly expressed how difficult it was to comprehend the writings of Paul, which need a spiritually mature mind to do so 2 Pet 3:15-16.


V13 -14 Paul also addressed the problem of gluttony, which the Corinthian ecclesia clearly condoned through this saying of theirs, which also is absent from scripture. He tied together the need to respect the body and not abuse or neglect it through sinful excesses of both gluttony and sexual immorality, as the body belongs to Yeshua our Master, where His Holy Spirit resides in the saints. Since the body shall die one day, it, like our Master Yeshua, shall be raised too by YHVH Elohim by His own dunamis/power, who is the Holy Spirit. Spiritual maturity is hence partly expressed through respect of one’s body. It is thus not profitable to one’s soul to abuse their body with illicit drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, gluttony and the like, immoral sex being the pinnacle of such bodily abuse.


V15-16 Typical of Pauline literary style, repetition in various forms is used to drive the message home. To prostitute your body, is to be adulterous to Messiah, as one would be defiling that which He purchased with the price of His blood. Gen 2:24 is quoted. Fornication is rife and almost accepted in many Christian churches of today, particularly affecting the clergy. Homosexuality is accepted in many a church denomination, paedophilia being a scourge in some. Even the heathen and non-believers of today are flabbergasted by the conduct of Christendom, which has resulted in other pagan religions being of more appeal to the lost. 


V17 Being joined to Messiah unites our spirit with that of Messiah. By so doing our united Spirit becomes the master over our soul and body, allowing us to find liberty in Torah i.e. wilfully live it without carnal overlordship cf Jm 1:25. Hence why one cannot be saved by works of the law, as without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to keep the whole law. The only way to be united with the Holy Spirit is to be faithful to Messiah. It is impossible for one to claim to be Holy Spirit filled if they partake in fornication of any form, which explains why due to this sin amongst others, Paul considered the Corinthians babes and carnal 3:1.


V18 Fornication must not only be shunned, but fled from. Let us not even be in the midst of its temptation be it even lusting or exposure to sexual subliminal forms of media. Sexual immorality exceeds other sins in spiritual defilement, in that, being a tangible bodily sin, sticks to the victim directly where the Spirit of Messiah is supposed to reside in cf Gen 39:6-12.


V19-20 The message is repeated almost to redundancy, expressing how once one accepts Yeshua as their Messiah, His blood which paid for our sins, renders our bodies His, and His only. Being slaves of Messiah bought with a price, we are to do the will of our Master which without question is obeying His Torah cf Ex 12:43:44.