A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



V1 -2 Despite the previous grief and sorrow that the Corinthian ecclesia had caused him to feel through their wrongdoing, Paul did not intend to display any lupe/sadness to the saints, as they would inevitably become heavy-hearted too, which would erode any display of affection and gladness from them unto him. This is what any typical father would do with their wife and children, were they to be caught up in any form of sadness e.g. financial straits. Putting up a brave face, would prevent the rest of the family from also descending into worry, sadness and gloom too. We must never give Satan and his host of hell any footing in our lives, to prevent sin from entering our hearts.


V3 Not only did Paul wish to not display sadness, but also put it in writing that he intended to appear to the ecclesia in gladness, in order to maintain a spirit of joy and not one of heaviness in the congregation cf Isa 61:3. It is not certain whether Paul was referring to the first epistle to the Corinthians, or perhaps to another non-canonised letter. He refers to this letter again in 2 Cor 7:8.


V4 This particular letter referred to was written with a terribly heavy heart filled with thlipsis/pressure and sunoche/distress. His intention was not to cause lupe/sadness, grief but rather to chastise them in love cf Heb 12:5-6; Rev 3:19.


V5-6 These 2 verses are self-explanatory. Whichever number of individuals that had upset Paul, must have committed grievous sins cf 1 Cor 3:3;5:1-2; 6:5.


V7 -8 Despite whatever grievous things were committed by this individual, Paul felt that his chastisement in his letter to them, was punishment enough for the sinner, whom he exhorted the ecclesia to forgive, lest they should lose this individual or individuals from the body of Messiah for good. Although we should berate exceedingly sinful behaviour in the church, at times we are to balance the level of chastisement, and be prepared to forgive a truly repentant soul, in order to deny Satan victory. Paul himself had once persecuted the ecclesia, and was very wary of the ineffable love and forgiveness bestowed upon him by Yeshua. He certainly could relate.


V9 Paul’s intention of writing to them was to also test whether the ecclesia was obedient to Paul’s exhortations regarding dealing with the offender.


V10 Paul reiterates the need to forgive the repentant, and confirmed that he would also forgive those that the ecclesia forgave, not for his sake but for the benefit and edification of the ecclesia as a whole. He also further clarifies that he forgave people in Messiah, i.e. expressing the fact that he, like the rest of the saints are in the body of Yeshua and hence the forgiveness would be emanating from Yeshua himself cf Jn 20:23.


V11 The whole idea of forgiveness, especially of repentant saints, is to deny Satan any chance of getting a foothold into our hearts, wherewith he may allow temptation to bud into sin cf Jm 1:14-15. It is very important to note that in the Lord’s prayer, the reason for forgiving is succinctly in order to not be led into temptation, and to be delivered from evil, something that many Christians lose sight of cf Matt 6:12-13. If one does not forgive, they inevitably give Satan’s host a means of leading one into temptation which culminates in evil. Furthermore, Satan is allowed to use his basanistes/tormentors, torturers to punish those who refuse to forgive, the directive coming from YHVH Elohim Himself cf Matt 18:23-35.


V12-13 cf Acts 16:1-10 Paul furnishes us with a bit of information regarding his movements, which were determined by the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit. When doors open for us to preach the gospel, we are to have the tenacity exhibited by Paul, and pursue maximal proclamation of the word within the window of opportunity presented to us. This is true spiritual warfare. It is unclear why Paul was seeking Titus, as not much detail is given in scripture concerning this, so I shall not speculate on this matter as other commentators may choose to do, so as to avoid giving unscriptural narratives. It is important to note that Paul mentions no rest in his spirit, not the Holy Spirit. The spirit is separate from the soul, and is the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of anyone. Also, Titus was so close to Paul that he considered him a brother.


V14-15 In the book of Leviticus the sacrifices made by fire which were the olah/ burnt, ascending offering; minchah/meal, grain, tribute offering; shalom/peace offering; chattah/sin, purification offering; were considered sweet savours unto YHVH cf Lev 1:9; 2:2; 3:16; 4:31. All of these sacrifices were a type of Yeshua our sacrifice who by shedding His blood on the cross was the fulfilment and antetype of those sacrifices of old cf Heb 10:8-14. Yeshua became the sweet savour unto YHVH Elohim the Father. The saints being within the body of Messiah hence have the knowledge of this savour and are fittingly a savour of this truth unto every place that they pass by.


Hence why we are referred to as the light of the world and the salt of the earth, as by Yeshua’s Holy Spirit living in our renewed hearts, we season every place we visit with gospel truth, be it in trial and tribulations or in times of peace cf Matt 5:13-16. For this reason, Paul was compelled to rejoice and praise Elohim for triumphing in Messiah under any circumstance. Whether or not as saints we are in the company of those who believe in Messiah unto eternal life, or in that of those who disbelieve unto death and eternal damnation, does not negate our condition of being a sweet savour presenting the knowledge of gospel truth, for either camp to act upon.


V16 The gospel truth that we present to the world as a sweet savour in Messiah, has two immutable outcomes: 


1. For those who mock the gospel truth and disbelieve Messiah, we present as a savour of death unto those who wilfully refuse it unto their eternal detriment.

2. For those who readily believe in the gospel of Messiah, and repent, we present as a savour of life unto those who wilfully accept Yeshua as their Saviour unto eternal life cf Jn 3:16-21.


V17 Kapeleuo translated corrupt does the Greek word injustice, as the literal meaning is to peddle, to retail i.e. to trade in the word of Elohim. This adulteration of the gospel was described as being performed by the greater majority by Paul. It is no different today, whereby very few are prepared to preach the truth for no remuneration. Bible commentaries have enriched many a deluded saint, the prosperity gospel has ravished the corridors of Christendom, filthy lucre being pursued by competitive, avaricious preachers from the pit. Anybody who claims to be sincere and speaking through Messiah, must never consider mixing the gospel with money the root of all evil cf 1 Tim 3:1-3;6:10; Heb 13:5.