A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 11



V1 aphrosune translated ‘folly’ means foolishness or recklessness. Paul uses a figure of speech whereby he is simply asking the Corinthians to lend him their ear, as he is about to lay out evidence and bear his soul regarding his love, loyalty and sincerity towards them.


V2 zelos translated jealous, should rather be translated zealous to remove the unnecessary ambiguity created. Paul’s zeal for the Corinthians was so holy in nature to the extent of betrothing them spiritually to one man, Yeshua the Messiah. It was fashionable to worship many false deities in that epoch, as is becoming the case once again in our era, yet Paul zealously moulded the Corinthian ecclesia into an hagnos/sacred, pure virgin for Messiah. This should be the goal of every evangelist. This verse when read together with Isa 54:5 proves the divinity of Yeshua who is YHVH the Son, who created all things.


V3-4 Note that Paul’s concern was that of a false gospel being preached, rather than that of the Corinthians abandoning Christianity for another religion. Over a billion people today claim to be Christians, yet the majority are deceived and do not understand who they claim to be their Elohim and Saviour, nor have any understanding of His will. Acts 4:33 clearly defines a true gospel as one accompanied by signs and wonders of Holy Spirit power within the ecclesia. There is very little manifestation of this in our time. Also important to note is that Satan and his demonic realm operate on the noema/mind and thoughts, to deceive Christians.


Hence why we are exhorted to renew our minds which are to line up with the Holy Spirit, and also to subject every thought of ours to Yeshua, as outside this boundary of protection lies deception cf Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:5. Ptheiro translated corrupted, actually is more clearly defined as destroyed. Deception destroys the mind, and in so doing all emotions emanating from destroyed thoughts can only be damaged in nature, which when converted to our actions are wicked and hence why many Christians unfortunately are quite literally on a broad path of destruction. The destruction commences in a deceived mind. Allos means another of the same kind/genus. Hence in the Christian churches, the demonic spirits working through preachers, speak of a different Yeshua/Jesus who is also man, but having different attributes.


This Jesus preached is said to have done away with the law, allows homosexuality, accepting of transgenderism, debauchery, fornication and all manner of sin, and shall not send anybody to hell, but shall forgive all regardless. They do not preach of other gods, but bastardize the qualities of the true Messiah. Heteros is a qualitative difference i.e. another of a different kind or genre. There is only one true Holy Spirit. Any other spirit preached can only be of a totally different nature. Our churches are plagued with demonic spirits of Kundalini, yoga, saints, Mariolatry, witchcraft power to mention but a few.


The deception is rife, and only a mind that subjects literally every thought to Yeshua, may be free from this 24-hour 365-day constant attack by the kingdom of Satan. Again, heteros is used in reference to an alien gospel being preached in the pulpits of today. The once saved always saved lie, the prosperity gospel, the false faith gospel, and a myriad of others contrary to the preaching of Yeshua and the first century apostles, has bedevilled the churches of our day.


V5 hustereo medeis hustereo medeis is translated ‘I was not whit behind’. The literal Greek says ‘behind no one behind no one’. Paul was not relating this statement to the apostles Peter, John, James et al, but rather to the false apostles mentioned in v13, who were preaching another Yeshua, another gospel and another spirit. He was laying his case that he was certainly not inferior to them, and hence had every reason to express his current discourse against them.


V6 idiotes translated rude is Greek for unlearned or an ignoramus. Paul was likely being accused by his false apostolic detractors as being unlearned, of which he played along to, yet would not downplay his great knowledge of the true gospel of Messiah, which matters more. Eloquence of speech is not mandatory in evangelism of the gospel. Understanding that which you are sharing, for the edification of others is more expedient for one to win souls for the kingdom. This had been exhibited to everybody by Paul, which he used in his defence.


V7 Paul asks if it is a sin to have humiliated himself to the extent of being referred to by others as unlearned, for the sake of spiritually elevating the Corinthians, through his free preaching of the gospel to them. People tend to be tempted to take a person who articulates himself well, or speaks with a socially favoured accent, more seriously than one considered uncultured, regardless of the former’s message being vapid, and the latter’s preaching being of great substance.


Additionally, we live in a world where those who preach freely are frowned upon in preference to those who seek money and live well off the gospel. Yeshua sought the gospel to be preached by humble, unlearned fishermen, rather than by the worldly sophisticated Pharisees, Sadducees and learned men of that day cf 1 Cor 9:14-18. Despite being rightfully deserving of making a living off the gospel, Paul refused to allow Satan to ensnare him by such a provision cf 1 Cor 9:1-6. We need to be wary of ostentatious preachers, who seek wealth from the gospel. False doctrines inevitably come completely packaged by such charlatans of the faith.


V8 If preachers of the word are to expect offerings from the congregation, they should be utilized for the furtherance of other ministries, in impoverished localities, instead of for the enrichment of the preacher himself. Paul never in any of his writings, displayed any form of use of offerings for self-gain, nor propagated such conduct. An example of his acceptance of offerings (which he never asked for mind you, but were voluntarily given to him) is that of the ecclesia in Philippi, who were financially stable cf Phil 4:12-17.


V9 Even amongst the Corinthians, despite having been a pauper, Paul was never at any point burdensome to them. The Philippians in Macedonia had kept him afloat through their supplies, of which he also never asked of. Paul reiterates a second time within this one verse that he never ever wanted to be classified as needy and burdensome towards the Corinthians, irrespective of his staggeringly apparent need of care. This is in stark contrast to the thieving preachers of the prosperity gospel; whose insatiable appetite has no bounds. These grievous wolves are amongst those described as preaching another gospel contrary to the tenets of the faith cf Acts 20:28-35; 1 Thes 2:5-9; 2 Thes 3:8-9


V10-12 Instead of boasting of ill-gotten wealth from the congregation, flaunting private jets, flashy automobiles, inordinately colossal mansions and obscenely expensive clothing and jewellery, the clergy should rather seek to glory in their lack, and refusal to feed off the flock of Messiah. This is a characteristic that identifies one as having the truth of Messiah within their hearts. Paul expressly stresses that it was not out of lack of love of the congregation, that he refused their assistance, despite his blatantly visible poverty and need. Rather he wanted to set an example for other preachers, potential and apparent, who might be in need, to follow his example of preference of poverty, over wellbeing derived from living off the ecclesia. Additionally, Paul did not want to give his enemies any reason whatsoever to accuse him of plundering the church for self-enrichment either. This is the will of Elohim in which one may be found to freely glory in cf 1 Cor 9:11-12.


V13 -15 Millions of Christians have been attracted like moths to a false light of deceptive ‘truth’ peddled by the agents of Satan, masquerading as bearers of the gospel of Messiah. Metaschematizo translated transformed is better rendered as disguised, of which the Greek also means cf Rev 2:2; Phil 3:2; 1 Jn 4:1. Satan and his false preachers that have invaded the pulpit, are but wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading the masses astray through heretic doctrines and dogma, especially that relating to the love of money, which is the root of evil cf 1 Tim 6:10. These evil works carried out by these grievous preachers shall be basis for their bleak verdict at the great white throne judgement cf Rev 20:11-15.


V16 Referring to his statements in v 1 and 6, where he sarcastically refers to himself as being foolish and also as being perceived as unlearned, due to his speech, although he was highly intelligent and of great understanding in the will of Elohim, Paul reiterates that no man should mistakenly suppose him to be a fool. However, even if still convinced that he is a fool, Paul still encourages the recipient to still receive him as such and give him a platform to at least defend his case, and examine his succeeding words.


V17-18 Paul is about to compare himself to these false preachers of the gospel, whom the ecclesia had been hoodwinked into believing, and shall lay a water tight case to prove that he is a true apostle of Messiah, whose intentions and purposes are purely benevolent and holy. He places a disclaimer that his following discourse is not one from Yeshua the Messiah, but rather is in the vein of boasting according to the measure of men, a language which the carnal mind would readily understand.


V19 A hint of sarcasm is picked up in this statement. The Corinthians had clearly put up with these false apostles long enough, who clearly spiritually were nothing short of being fools. The Corinthians had a reputation of being proud and foolishly considering themselves wise despite their greatly carnal immature conduct 1 Cor 3:1-2; 4:8-10.  Through this sarcastic statement, Paul was justifying why they should listen to his discourse, since they had been willing, through their ill-perceived wisdom, to be attentive of foolish preachers.


V20 So deceived by these false apostles had the Corinthians been, that they had put up with preaching that kept them in spiritual bondage to Satan through false doctrine, and they had accepted being swindled into enriching these scammers with voracious appetites. Additionally, they had tolerated high and mighty behaviour from these evil men to the extent of even being physically abused by them. It is a true saying that there is nothing new under the sun, as we are reliving this apostasy within the churches of today cf Gal 2:4-5; Phil 3:17-19.


V21 This is a rather difficult verse to understand, which reflects how acutely sharp Paul’s mind was. It requires paraphrasing for one to get the gist of what Paul was saying which is as follows: ‘in the last few verses I have spoken of my perceived disgraceful conduct i.e. foolishness in understanding, unlearned speech, inferiority in stature to other apostles despite them being false, apparently robbing other congregations although having used these finances for the benefit of others. Despite I having mentioned these false accusations, and appeared accepting of them in misconstrued weakness, I shall where others are boasting of fearless courage, continue in this perceived foolishness of mine, to boast of my fearless courage too.’


V22-23 These verses clearly identify who these false apostles are. Hebrew, Israeli descendants of Abraham who were proclaiming a false gospel of Messiah. They certainly would have been the same class of Christians as those Paul exposed and warned against in the epistle to the Galatians, and those mentioned in Acts chapter 15. These false apostles were propagating a gospel of works towards salvation, as opposed to one of faith in Yeshua’s redemptive blood, which allows the Holy Spirit to reside in one’s heart, to lead them unto growth in knowledge for Torah observance unto salvation. I refer you dear beloved to read or listen to my commentary on the epistle to the Galatians for greater insight into this disparity between the two groups of believers. Paul qualified himself as having as strong a pedigree as these Judaizers, but surpassed them in that he had suffered great toil, trial and tribulation for Yeshua’s sake, unlike them. In essence his zeal for the gospel trumped that of these Judaizers in deed and intent, in line with the will of Yehovah Elohim.


V24-25 cf Deut 25:1-3 which lays down the maximum stripes one could sustain as punishment. Paul had been subjected to 39 lashes on 5 different occasions. The lashes were meted by a leather scourge with 3 knotted thongs, 13 stripes on the breast, 13 on the right shoulder and 13 on the left shoulder. The 40th was not given in order to avoid unconsciously exceeding the maximum stipulated. He physically must have been a cripple and a sight for sore eyes, having not only scars from these lashes, but also his ophthalmic malady which people found repulsive cf Gal 4:13-15; Acts 14:19; 16:22-23; 22:25; 27:41-44. It is clear that the toil recorded in the book of Acts is not exhaustive, as Paul in these verses and following mentions other beatings and scourgings that were not enumerated.


V26-27 In travels, in rivers and seas, in cities, and in wastelands, Paul suffered danger for preaching the gospel of Messiah. This was inflicted not only by robbers and heathens, but by his own fellow countrymen, worse still false Christians too. Paul suffered ignominiously, being at times denied sleep, food, water, clothing and stripped naked outright. The life of a true full-fledged warrior of Messiah will ultimately attract severe backlash from the kingdom of Satan. Despite this, Paul never threw in the towel but pressed on towards that mark cf Phil 3:14. Where the false apostles were boasting in worldly success, Paul on the contrary proved his true apostleship in glorying in his sufferings and weaknesses for the furtherance of the true gospel of Messiah.


V28 Not only did Paul as a true apostle of Messiah suffer external tribulation and affliction, but also was episustasis/thronged by troubled people seeking his counsel daily, from the ecclesia. This tending to the flock of Messiah, which usually is beleaguered by insurmountable social problems, is as taxing to the mind and spirit, as the physical assaults to the body cf Col 2:1; Acts 20:18-24.


V29 -30 Simply paraphrased Paul would not allow any of these pseudo-apostles to claim to be superior to him in diligence to the faith, evidenced by his manifold sufferings and maladies. If anything, he ironically revelled in these afflictions to the glory of Elohim, as he was a living testimony of the supernatural sustenance and rescue by the power of the Holy Spirit, proving the inferiority of the power of Satan.


V31 Whether or not people believe in our testimonies should not faze us. Our Father in heaven finds great pleasure in furtherance of the gospel of His Son Yeshua the Messiah, through testimonies shared with potential souls to be won for the kingdom of Heaven.


v32 -33 Paul closes by retelling an event narrated in Acts 9:22-25. Aretas was an Arabian king and father-in-law of Herod Antipas. He was king of the Nabateans from c. 9BCE-40CE, and lived in Petra.