A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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Chapter 13



V1 cf Deut 19:15 which is quoted. Paul was planning on visiting the Corinthians for a third time, hence fulfilling the rule prescribed in Deuteronomy. Essentially by facing them for a third time in person, and reiterating his words of admonition and exhortation to the Corinthians, Paul’s words of gospel truth were to be established.


V2 proereo translated ‘I told you before’ is better translated as ‘predicted’. Prolego prolego translated ‘foretell you’ is better translated ‘to predict’. Paraphrased Paul says ‘I predicted and do predict’. Although absent from them, Paul predicted in the past and was still predicting at that present time, as if he were in the midst of the Corinthian ecclesia, that he would not be lenient on his planned third visit, towards those that sinned beforehand nor to others thereafter.


The fact that Paul uses the word ean/if in reference to his planned third visit, meant that it was not definite that he would do so, due to the limitations that had been created in his life by the enemy in his movements relating to proclaiming the gospel. Whether he ever had the chance to eventually see them in person again is unknown and to some degree doubtful. Paul did not hold back against willing evildoers in the ecclesia, and hence was warning the Corinthians well in advance that he would be very stern in his actions against such offenders cf 1 Cor 5:5; 1 Tim 1:20.


V3-4 Paul’s damning actions against such persistent offenders in the ecclesia would be proof of the power of Yeshua in Him, of whom the Corinthians knew to be very strong not only through working by His Spirit in Paul, but also in the congregants themselves. It is imperative that the churches of today which have become so pathetically spiritually weak and moribund, due to a watered-down gospel, be resuscitated by the mighty workings of the power of Yeshua through authentic pastors, and through the congregation as a whole. Yeshua suffered great persecution unto death, yet now lives by the power of Elohim the Father.


We being components of the body of Messiah, through weakness in Him here on earth, suffering great persecution for His gospel, shall exhibit that great power of Elohim too through resurrection life bestowed upon us. We must never despair in our darkest hour, but depend on the power of the Holy Spirit of Elohim sustaining us through all trials and tribulations, this power ultimately glorifying us in eternal life when we meet Yeshua at His second coming. Every Christian needs to be aware of this unlimited power at their disposal, which is not only reserved for the afterlife, but should be utilized in the present to destroy all the workings of Satan and his cohorts cf Matt 18:18-20; 2 Tim 2:11-12.


V5 Yeshua by the Holy Spirit dwells in true, faithful believers. Any Christian who has no evidence of the workings of the Holy Spirit in them, seriously needs to take some introspection, to identify the reason for the lack thereof. Adokimos tis translated ‘reprobates’ means an unfit person i.e. one who fails the test. Any professing Christian who lacks Holy Spirit power in their walk, by inference is unfit for the kingdom of Elohim. It is a dreadful reality for one to be in a false sense of security, deceived by the demonic spirits of Satan, truly believing that one be accepted of Yeshua, yet be actually unfit in His eyes. That frightening scripture comes to mind which personally keeps me in a perpetual state of dokimazo/self-examination and scrutiny cf Matt 7:21-23. We are to follow the Torah of Elohim, and do His will. By so doing His true power will work through us for the ushering in of the lost into the kingdom, which is our highest purpose in life.


V6 Paul’s life which abounded in power of the Holy Spirit witnessed through innumerable miracles, signs and wonders and supernatural escapes from death at the hands of his enemies, was indisputable evidence of the workings of Elohim through him in Messiah. He certainly was not unfit for the kingdom, yet still scrutinized himself in fear and trembling, never allowing complacency to settle in, despite the mighty workings cf Phil 2:12.


V7 As descendants of Adam, fallen man, we are by nature unfit reprobates, undeserving of any mercy or grace of the Father. Because of His ineffable love for us, having sacrificed His own blameless Son for us, worthless man, we should strive to live honest, sinless lives led and guided by the Holy Spirit. Our goal should not be to appear holy and just for the sake of others around us, but to have an inherent desire to do good, despite being intrinsically unfit due to that carnal nature that we need to resist wholeheartedly cf 1 Pet 2:12; 2 Tim 2:15; Phil 4:8.


V8 Saints living in Messiah, persecuted for the gospel of truth, by nature would not allow themselves to wilfully be tormented for a lie, to the point of despairing of life cf 1:8. It shouldn’t be difficult in the world we live in to differentiate false apostles from the true. Simply judging the fruits of their labour readily identifies the fake from the genuine. A self-professed apostle owning Leah jets, living in obscenely grand opulence off the church’s coffers, would fair quite badly when contrasted with one languishing in say a Tibetan prison, tortured for spreading the gospel of Yeshua cf Matt 7:15-18.


V9 As difficult as it may be for the carnal mind to comprehend, persecution from the kingdom of Satan upon the righteous, is a sign of strength in the spiritual world. It is inversely proportional. Being afflicted for the sake of winning souls unto perfection of others, should be an expectation of any serious Christian wishing to be effective in the Kingdom of Elohim. Just as Yeshua sacrificed His life for us, so are we to expect the world to hate us too cf Jn 15:18-21. Our ultimate goal in our Christian walk should not be to only win souls, but to also ensure katartisis/perfecting of these souls through training and disciplining them.


V10 Again Paul expresses that writing to them an epistle of exhortation was his preference to facing them in person, lest he be led to berate any evildoers amongst them at the expense of edification, which he feared doing. We must carefully use the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given us for growth amongst the immature saints, rather than causing destruction in their faith through harsh condemnation cf 1 Cor 4:19-21. A leader of a congregation shall without failure find delinquent saints within his ecclesia. A fine balance needs to found led by the Holy Spirit to restore them to truth versus chastising them to the point of losing them. Excommunication however must not be ruled out for the wilfully, persistently unrepentant soul cf 1 Cor 5:1,2,7.


V11 These elements are desirable of a true congregation if Elohim is to be in their presence:


a. Katartizo-fitness and strength in conduct

b. Parakaleo-responsive to exhortation and teachable

c. Autos phroneo-one mind full of understanding and wisdom

d. Peaceful


V12 This was a gesture of fraternal affection. This is still practised in many cultures today, and has no homosexual connotations. It is not a mandatory gesture to kiss another man to show affection, and may not be socially accepted in some cultures. A handshake or hug is equally acceptable. cf 1 Pet 5:14.


V13 -14 A typical Pauline farewell. Verse 14 clearly separates the 3 individual persons of the Elohim head of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen