A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles by Re'tzon Ha'El - HTML preview

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This beautiful epistle expounds the musterion/mystery/hidden purpose of Yehovah Elohim, which even Satan and his demon host failed to catch wind of, foolishly celebrating their accomplishment of orchestrating the crucifixion of Yeshua of Nazareth, the Son of Elohim. Little did these dark principalities and powers know that they were unknowingly fulfilling prophecy for the benefit of mankind. This mystery was revealed on Yeshua’s defeat over death and Hades, being elevated to sit at the right hand of the Father, far above all things created by Him, and simultaneously setting forth a means by His shed blood, by which both Jew and Gentile could be delivered from Satan’s grip.


This was and is achieved by faith in Yeshua, which justifies the believer, devoid of carnal works. This justification by/through faith allows the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts, and present power to bring down the whole host of hell in the spiritual realm. We are given a glimpse into the supernatural invisible world where the real battle for souls prevails incessantly, and are educated in spiritual warfare and made aware of our role in it through prayer, protected to the maximum in holy military armament.


Paul majors on the oneness of the Spirit and the body of Messiah which answers to one Elohim. He goes to great lengths to dispel any notion that Jews and Gentiles in the body of Messiah are different. They both are bound by the commandments and covenants of the Father in the Son. Once regenerated by the Holy Spirit Paul lays out the expectations required of us in newness of life, discarding all previous fleshly sensual law-hating behaviour, for law-abiding spiritual behaviour, walking in love. Lastly, the armour of Elohim and a further glimpse into spiritual warfare is disclosed for the benefit of the mature Christian participating in spiritual combat in the heavenlies.