APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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These two words conjure up images of death and destruction on a massive, even worldwide scale. Whilst the Book of Revelation does indeed describe such events, the words themselves don’t directly translate as such. By the way, Revelation is the only book in the Bible that has a blessing for the reader attached to it - Rev. 1:3. As strange as it might seem to many, the word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apocalypsis, meaning unveiling, or revealing, hence Revelation which is given to the Apostle John in a vision.

A very brief overview of the book of Revelation will be given here, but the links below will give deeper insights. Hopefully subsequent updates will focus on current events which appear to tie-in with Revelation. Many things are happening currently which indicate the beginning stages of the end time system. One thing which is crucial to watch out for is the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Lucifer (Lightbringer) intends to set himself up as ‘God’ in the Temple. Apparently, everything is in place for this to happen once permission is given to build. Watch also for a ‘peace’ settlement which will enable this to come about.

It’s worth noting that about 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy, and up to 90% of that hasn’t happened yet. Much of this is devoted to ‘The Day of the Lord.’ This is the year, or day, down to an hour, when GOD steps in to save what’s left of humanity from itself and its destruction. This is when Christ makes His long-anticipated return, but this time with all the power in the Universe, plus. He will squash the evildoers who are deceived by the god of this world (Satan) into wiping out most of mankind. (Google “The Georgia Guidestones”). These evil ‘puppets’ are so gullible they believe the Devil/Lucifer will keep them safe and give them immortality, which he can’t. Satan would wipe these ‘useful idiots’ out also eventually once they’ve done his evil work. “One world, we will smash it down”-Pink Floyd.

Christ will “destroy those who destroy the Earth”, but in the meantime there will be horrible tribulation, worse than any time in history. Man is going to learn the hard way that he cannot rule himself. The people who rule us eventually become corrupted, or even eliminated if they don’t conform. Revelation is a very complicated and hard to comprehend book. John tries to explain the things he saw the best way he knew how. If a person had never previously seen an attack helicopter, lasers, hypersonic missiles, or nuclear explosions etc., it would be very hard to describe them. John was seeing weapons that may not even exist yet or are still secret.

At times Revelation skips ahead of events and then back, and then forward again. There is no shortage of spectacular events to gain our attention - such things as demons and beasts, a sharp sickle, a giant winepress, lots of water turning to blood, rivers and oceans of blood! Ships sinking in blood. 1/3 of the trees and grass burning up from fire mixed with hail and blood! Great Babylon; a Mother of Whores; a Lake of Fire; a Scarlet Beast, massive hailstones weighing about 100 pounds/45 kilograms; (one version says a ton!), the biggest earthquake ever; fire and brimstone; fleeing islands; disappearing mountains; people who can spew flames out of their mouths to burn up their enemies; a star called Wormwood falling to Earth and poisoning 1/3 of the water, causing many deaths; a massive earthquake which splits the Great City in three and destroys world cities; powerful Angels, Dragons, Trumpets; 1/3 of the light darkened (smoke?) and mirrors; the River Euphrates drying up; a 200 million strong army, (A.I. transformer robots?); the Mark of the Beast, scrolls, seals, woes and much, much more. Much of the World’s population may be killed, which is hard to comprehend.

The finale of this age of man will be a horrendous time. Lucifer’s ‘useful idiots’ aim to genocide much of the World’s population by many and various means. It appears that the worst of this time is 3 ½ years duration, called The Great Tribulation. It also appears that the last year of that period is what’s called The Day of the Lord, spoken of in many, many places in the Bible. This is when GOD steps in directly and starts throwing His weight around. His enemies will be ducking for cover, but it won’t do them any good. Their bunkers won’t protect them from His anger. Those who take the ‘Mark of the Beast’, whatever it is, will also be punished. This ‘mark’ appears to involve an act of worship towards the Beast. Probably, when things get very bad, as planned, this beast will con most people that he has the solutions. The False Prophet will perform fake miracles, and people all over the world will see, hear, and worship the ‘image’ of the Beast. The CGI technology to enable these things to happen already exists. Be aware, it’s all smoke & mirrors. Basically, don’t believe anything you hear, or see, unless proven beyond doubt.

Near the very end is where the word Armageddon comes into play. It refers to the Valley and/or Hill, of Megiddo about 90km north of Jerusalem. This is where the armies gather and attempt to fight the returning Christ - Revelation 16:16. Obviously, they have seen something which alarms them. Perhaps they are deceived into thinking it’s an attack of aliens? It doesn’t end well for these armies. Some groups believe there will arise a European Superstate, a last revival of the Holy Roman Empire. The Bible does indicate this could be true. Recently there has been calls for Europe to be more united. Will the Russian ‘threat’ be a catalyst? Through all this, some are protected by GOD, but not those who take the mark. Over 2,500 years ago the Book of Daniel also mentioned some of the same events. Daniel was told to ‘seal’ it until the end. Christ unsealed it for John, one seal at a time. The first 6 seals are all in Chapter 6. The ‘blessing’ for reading the Book may be because the reader will be prewarned of the coming deception. Also, they will know who the true witnesses are who witness to the world for 3 ½ years, until GOD allows them to be assassinated. After three days laying dead with the world watching, GOD resurrects them to people’s horror! They didn’t understand, or had read Revelation. Now they realize that GOD is real!

Finally, Christ comes down with the resurrected/changed chosen ones and His Army of Angels, to usher in the 1,000-year Paradise. No Satan around anymore to destroy lives and happiness. Utopia at last! The best ending to a book ever! Imagine what it will be like - no more wars, hunger, sickness or disease, and justice for everybody. Plenty of everything good. No more suppressed technologies by the greedy and selfish mega rich elites. Free energy for all as Nikola Tesla had hoped for. The links below will give far more insight, but be wary of false teachings embedded within. And remember, if any of the writers knew everything about Revelation accurately, they would be GOD, which they ain’t. Most of them have no idea who is really running this Planet, and some groups think they are ‘God’s true church’, which they ain’t. Some of these materials can be obtained for free in hardcopy. There are many other articles/booklets available online, but as always, be discerning, don’t swallow lies.



