APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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This chapter will explore some of the things which are predicted to occur leading up to the beginning of the beginning of the End. Some prophecies in the Bible have a dual fulfillment, meaning that they may have happened in the past and will also happen leading up to and /or during the Tribulation. Many things are hidden from us at the present time, and sometimes we have to ‘guesstimate’ what’s being referred to, based on what are sometimes rather cryptic clues. Many of the predictions were sealed up until the End, as in the book of Daniel. “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.” We just have to look at city freeways at peak hour to see how true that has become, and the amount of knowledge increases hourly nowadays. Until WMD’s the following prophecy of Christ was not possible: - “In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.” Matthew 24:22 NLT

Paul described what mankind would be like in the latter days: - “You can be certain that in the last days there will be some very hard times. People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless, heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything good. They will be sneaky, reckless, and puffed up with pride. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. Even though they will make a show of being religious, their religion won’t be real. Don’t have anything to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 CEV. Just one more fake religion without GOD

The Bible has many, many references about the end of man’s rule which is manipulated by the god of this world. Human history is a litany of disasters from following fake gods and/or other humans with agendas that are not in other’s best interests. The Bible foretells how these wrong decisions will persist right up until the very End. Just as GOD showed the ancient Egyptians that their ten ‘gods’ were useless against Him, latter mankind will learn that total disaster will come from putting their trust in anything or anyone else but GOD. Only He can rule this planet with true concern for its inhabitants, with no corruption or human failings. He has given many warnings over the millennia of what is to come. Unfortunately, due to Satan and his puppets many aren’t aware of these warnings, but they will be soon. GOD has left us with many predictions throughout the Bible of what to look for as we approach the finale.

Satan wants to kill every human on the Planet, including his deceived puppets once he’s finished using them. He has promised them immortality and they’re gullible enough to believe the biggest liar in the universe. LOL. Obviously, great wealth and education don’t guarantee intelligence or wisdom. Many people will die from wars, disease, famine, and other tragedies. Satan has deceived most of the world already, mainly through his invisible manipulation of the world’s media, as George Orwell also predicted. The deceptions will increase, and many will worship the ‘Beast’/ human leader who Satan will promote to the masses. Watch for a charismatic ‘leader’ to be heavily promoted by the media, and maybe even appear at the U.N. Possibly, the Devil inhabits, or possesses, this leader? Read the following for further insight: - https://biblehub.com/context/2_thessalonians/2-1.htm Quite a lot of information in those few verses. Lucifer’s main goal is to be worshipped, as GOD, in the Temple, which is prophesied to be rebuilt. This is another very important event to watch for, and much of the regalia to furnish it already exists. A ‘peace’ settlement may be the trigger for building permission to be given.

It’s obvious to anyone who has studied the aims of Lucifer’s puppets that world events are being steadily advanced to achieve those aims. Events which may seem random to the average person, are in fact well planned and orchestrated. After all, they are guided by a master liar and deceiver. Satan has the power to control the weather amongst other things – Job 1:11- 2:10. Nothing is hidden from GOD, and He left us a record of things to watch for. About 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy and about 90% of that hasn’t happened yet. Too many prophecies to list here, so for now we’ll just focus on some of the predictions which indicate the beginning of the beginning of the End.

The ‘Great Tribulation’ is apparently three and a half years duration. The first two and a half years will be ever worsening death and destruction caused by Satan and his human puppets. The last year of the Tribulation is what the Bible calls “The Day of the Lord”, when GOD steps in and destroys this Babylonian system that causes the world so much suffering

Some predictions carry over into the Tribulation, growing in intensity, culminating with GOD destroying all evil. Earthquakes will increase to the point where cities will be destroyed, and mountains and islands disappear. Revelation 16:20. Those who give their allegiance to this coming ‘Beast’ and take his ‘mark’ will suffer GOD’s justified punishment. His true witnesses will proclaim His Truth to all the World, so it will have no excuse. It’s the battle of the ages and there’ll be only one winner. Humanity is going to have to be forced into Paradise, as strange as it may seem. It’s the time of GOD’s vengeance on those who think only of themselves and greedily grasp for more and more at the expense of their fellow man. If they think their wealth and bunkers will save them, they should read the Bible more often. Good riddance to them once and for all. Peace on Earth at last.

The following link is to an article which appeared while this eBook was being drafted. Since it discusses the current big event of the past 2 years, Covid and its accompanying control measures, it was deemed worthy of sharing. It’s debatable though whether their claim of the Jewish people being in control of Jerusalem is totally correct. Hardly any government in this world is controlled by its people-it’s an illusion, but a clever one. Plus, as with many groups, their views are through the prism of U.S. exceptionalism, and the other guy is usually the bad guy who starts all the wars. As with most people, they don't understand the amount of control that Satan and his minions have over their nation. Nevertheless, they are worth a read, but not the be all and end all of truth on this subject.


There’s a lot of similar articles online, and many quite often get the timelines confused, but are still worth researching. Cross check everything though.

Another common error also is that many groups are confused about who the Bible is referring to when it mentions the word ‘Israel’. Briefly, Abraham’s grandson Jacob’s name was changed by GOD to ‘Israel’. He then transferred that title to Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Manasseh and prophesied that they would eventually become great nations. Ephraim was promised to become a ‘company of nations’, or as some versions state, ‘a Commonwealth of Nations’ You can read the story here:- https://biblehub.com/bsb/genesis/48.htm


Centuries later, the ten tribes split from Judah (the Jews and Benjamin tribes) and were called Israel in the Bible. More centuries later and these northern tribes, Israel, were taken captive by the Assyrians, as GOD had warned them countless times. Sacrificing live babies to false gods is enough reason to kick them out. Eventually the Assyrians were also invaded and escaped North, with Israel, staying near the Caucasus mountains, hence the term ‘Caucasian’. It’s quite plausible that Ephraim and Manasseh eventually ended up in Britain, with Manasseh eventually migrating to North America. While not widely believed, this version matches Bible prophecy exactly. The English-speaking people did inherit much of the most prosperous countries and have been a blessing to most of the world, although, they have been manipulated into also being a curse.

Some of the people that have control over affairs in both countries have been a curse to the world and continue to be, the Opium Wars just one case in point. The main point to remember from all of this is that any prophecy made to Israel after the split with Judah, and their captivity, can refer to the English-speaking peoples. As happened with ancient Israel, if they become deviant and refuse to change, GOD will allow a ‘cruel enemy’ to invade them and cart the survivors off to a foreign land. This could easily happen, especially with ‘the god of this world’ working it out behind the scenes. It’s claimed that one large EMP bomb exploded hundreds of miles above the U.S. would knock out most electronics and see between 2/3 and 90% of Americans dead within 18 months. Prophecy often has dual fulfillments. It’s obvious that our countries have become decadent in many ways, and it’s been planned to happen, to destroy us from within. Just one example of this has been the demonizing of the leadership role of GOD-fearing men. Instead of the family taking guidance from fathers, the politicians and media tell people what to believe. Even the Russian President has warned about how the ‘woke’ crowd are helping to destroy the U.S., but who is listening? People absorb this woke junk without thinking.

Following is one version of this story of Israel. There are various similar essays available online. None of the groups which publish them are free of false teachings, although a few have a lot less than most.


Other important predictions were spoken directly by Christ in reply to a question- “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” “Christ answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will lead many astray. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of the birth pains. Then they will deliver you up to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will rebel and will betray and hate one another, and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. Because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who hangs on to the end will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:3-14. (Also Mark 13:5-27 & Luke 21:5-11) The rest of Christ’s reply concentrates on the actual Tribulation which was partially covered in Chapter 15: - “Armageddon or Apocalypse?”

Christ’s discourse is another example of a dual prophecy. The disciples seemed to be assuming that the Temple would be destroyed at the End, when Christ returns. In fact, it was destroyed by the Romans about 40 years later. Some of the events Christ predicted did happen around their time, but most of His discourse was focused on the End of the Age, thousands of years into the future.

There has been a lot of speculation lately about the “Mark of the Beast”. It’s important to note that it is an act of conscious worship, not something forced on people like a vaccine or I.D. insert. People will choose to take it and worship whoever it is, instead of GOD, and they’ll bring destruction on themselves, despite all the warnings. Stubborn beings us humans, and rather dumb at times, but the god of this world is extremely clever. He knows how to deceive the whole world into taking the wrong paths. “.and the light of a lamp will never shine in you again; and the voice of the groom and bride will never be heard in you again; for your merchants were the magnates of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft.” Rev. 18:23

There are also indications in the Bible that there could be another End-time revival of the Holy Roman Empire composed of 10 nations, or groups of nations, a type of United States of Europe. There is already much coordination in the militaries. There are signs of more nations leaving the E.U. so watch events there. Will another type of Hitler appear with ‘solutions’ to their many problems? As well, watch for advanced weaponry which matches any especially mentioned in Revelation. Also, the 200 million strong army of ‘horsemen’, while it’s not impossible that these are actual human numbers, the logistics seems to preclude it, let alone all the ‘horses’. This may be some type of transformer cyborg. A few years ago, boffins were working on a semi-autonomous robot that used vegetation as its bio-fuel source. It would take a lot of vegetation though to keep 200 million going all the way from the East to Jerusalem. Who would know what projects are happening behind the scenes, maybe Terminators with laser weapons and solar panels on their heads? LOL.

There are early signs recently of food and fuel supply shortages. Fertilizer shortages and shipping delays have also been reported. One of the 4 Horsemen represents famine. Covid is giving convenient excuses for many of these problems. “Then there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and there will be anguish on the earth among nations bewildered by the roaring sea and waves.” Luke 21:25. This is probably more likely to occur during the Tribulation. Will “Climate Change” get the blame?

Watch also for fake leaders with fake miracles. It’s easy to tell if they’re fakers-they won’t be speaking the Truth about what the Bible really states. Hopefully by now the reader knows what it says. GOD’s true witnesses will only be speaking His Truth which is why they try to kill them. Don’t fall for the Rapture fakery either, see Chapter 10. A good rule to follow is that if most of the mass media is pushing something, or preachers, or the masses in general believe something, it’s quite probably a lie. - “the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;” Rev 12:9. Satan and his minions control much of the media. That fact alone should wake people to beware of what they ‘preach’. Much of it is lies and mindless entertainment. George Orwell reminds us that political language itself “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” We have been warned. It’s coming down to who will we listen to? It really is a matter of life and death. “As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information” Author unknown.

The following was in a recent email. Many won’t appreciate the significance of the maths or even care, but some truth-seekers will. This is just a sample of the proof that exists if one is inclined to seek it.

“In His brief life, Christ fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies describing the birth, life and death of the Jewish Messiah.

Mathematics professors Peter W Stoner and Dr. Robert C. Newman calculated the statistical probability of one person fulfilling just forty-eight of these detailed prophecies. The odds turned out to be 1 in 10 to the 157th power.

That’s a 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance!

To put that in perspective, let’s say you built a wooden box so big that the solar system would fit inside. Then you filled that box with silver BB’s and placed just one copper BB in the box. The chances of anyone reaching into the box and picking out the copper BB would be trillions of times MORE LIKELY than the odds of one person fulfilling all the prophecies that Christ fulfilled. No occurrence in history or physical science has been verified with a higher degree of statistical certainty than the fact that Christ is exactly who He claimed to be - Messiah, the Son of the living God.

Since His death and resurrection, more words have been written about Christ than any person or event in history. (From the book “The Greatest Words Ever Spoken” by Steven K Scott).”

Keep aware, read Revelation, for the blessing, wisdom, and to know what’s coming. Ignore most of what Satan’s media tell you and use the Internet to do your research while it’s still available. Be discerning and crosscheck everything. Take some precautions, as you would if you lived in an area prone to natural disasters.