APOCALYSE or ARMAGEDDON? by Archie Facey - HTML preview

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Well done if you’ve read this far. Many possibly won’t have. It would be too hard for many to handle, believers and unbelievers alike. The believer because it refutes many of their false teachings, and the unbeliever because, well, they just don’t believe. “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”. 2 Corinthians 4:4. NLT Hopefully what you’ve read provides more insight into some truths of the Bible, and how it’s been distorted. Hopefully also, it shows you things to watch out for in current and future events so that you’re better prepared, at least mentally.

Recap: We’ve read how Satan/Lucifer is the ‘god of this world’; ‘he deceives the whole world’; he can enrich whoever he wants to; he wants to kill every single human being and he’s convinced many that he doesn’t exist. The puppets whom he’s enriched, beyond comprehension, think he’s going to give them immortality once they’ve done his dirty work of eliminating most of the world’s population. They are deceived and Lucifer intends to eventually destroy them also. GOD intends to "destroy those who destroy the Earth”. Rev. 11:18. They’re on the losing side.

‘Churchianity’ is deceived also, and many are far too willing to believe what some human tells them. Many are just as brainwashed as those in the world. They depend on the teLIEvision for their source of ‘truth’. George Orwell has been proven so right. If we believe a lie willingly, we give Satan the legal right to send more lies. Many are going to be caught unawares at ‘The End.’ Many also falsely assume that GOD is going to ‘rapture them to Heaven’ before the Tribulation comes. (See Chapter 10 for the truth about that fake news)

Apparently 95% of Christians haven’t brought anyone to Christ. That statistic alone proves something’s wrong. It’s obvious even to a casual observer that God is not visibly active in most Churches today. Why?

How can they expect God to be involved if they are believing and/or teaching lies about Him? Some of these lies are pagan in origin. We wouldn’t expect God to be involved with paganism would we? How many false teachings can a church have before it’s not Christian anymore? They might get away with it in this corrupt world, but it’s a ‘narrow gate’ into the next.

This debate needs to happen. We’re entering very dangerous times and possibly already witnessing the beginnings of the Great Tribulation. It’s mentioned many times in the Bible, as is “The Day of the Lord.” Two years ago, who would have believed that in a democratic free country the leaders would act like dictators, and the Police act like Nazi thugs?

We’re coming to the end of this human ‘experiment’ but as with childbirth it’s going to be painful. “But get this, there will be terrible times in the last days.” 2 Timothy 3:1 Unfortunately, it seems man is destined to learn the hard way that he is incapable of ruling himself.

The true followers are a small flock. The false church is large. ‘There’ll be no safety in numbers when the Right one walks through the door”, with a capital R.- Pink Floyd, ‘The Division Bell’. (By the way, it’s not a Parliament bell, it’s a Church bell.)

The stubbornness of many to see truth when it’s staring them in the face is astounding, and somewhat depressing. The scriptures that say the whole world is deceived ring loud and clear. One wonders if some are SOP.? (Stupid on Purpose) “For the time will come when they will not bear sound teaching;” 2 Tim. 4:3. As with the Laodiceans, they think they have everything, and don’t realize they have nothing! “You claim, ‘I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.” Revelation 3:17 BSB. Poor in the Spirit? Blind to the Truth? Someone once said, “If you don’t love the truth, you don’t love Christ” Very true.

So far, the self-professed believers who have read the drafts of this book, or excerpts, have unanimously rejected it all. None have mentioned any of the many scriptures in the book but have attacked the messenger or simply quoted the usual fake news about their cherished doctrines. Like a politician, they avoid discussing the subject and rant on about something irrelevant. It’s quite staggering. They don’t even seem to actually read the item before attacking it rabidly. Some just read the Contents page and they start attacking the book. One person went straight to Chapter 20, the Conclusion, and proceeded to criticize the book from there LOL. It’s impossible to reason with them. It’s worse than trying to reason with an unbeliever. They don’t seem capable of reading the verses, let alone believing them. I can see God bypassing this stubbornness and raising up new believers who will believe His Word.

 For those who think it doesn’t matter to GOD whether they hold onto false teachings read this: - “I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines, and you must order them to stop.” 1 Tim 1: 3. GNT “For fornicators, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for slave traders, for liars, for perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching,Vs 10.

If you find any merit in this book, please share it as widely as possible while you still can. It’s entirely possible that one day, the Internet will be severely restricted to only conforming sheep. Personal replies to every email can’t be guaranteed, but hopefully updates and relevant articles can be emailed to anyone who is interested. Stay safe and look to God for         our future, and His Truth really will set you free.                                            God bless, sincerely, Archie. archiefacey@posteo.net