[31] Translation of Al-mawâhib al-ladunniyya, p. 512.
[32] Jâmi’ al-karâmât, p. 33; Qisâs-i Anbiyâ, p. 589; details in Shawâhid an-nubuwwa; that it was reported by al-Baihakî on the authority of Ibn ’Umar (rahmat-Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihimâ), in Irshâd at-tâlibîn. [3] Here, ‘adultery’ of the eyes.
[33] Here, ‘adultery’ of the eyes.
[34] Hadrat Muhammad Ma’sûm al-Fârûqî (rahmat-Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih), Maktûbât, III, 19th letter; details in Jâmi’al-karâmât.
[35] He was the eighth of the Twelve Imâms and passed away in Tus, that is,Mashhad, in 203 A.H. (818).
[36] Habîb al-’Ajamî was the disciple of Hasan al-Basrî (rahmat-Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih) and passed away in 120 A.H. (737).
[37] ’Abdullâh ibn Mubârak was the disciple of al-Imâm al-a’zam (rahmat- Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih) and passed away in 181 A.H. (797).
[38] Shawâhid an-nubuwwa was written by Nûr ad-dîn al-Jâmî (rahmat- Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih), who passed away in 898 A.H. (1492).
[39] He was the disciple of ’Abd al-Qâdir al-Jîlânî (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ) and passed away in Baghdâd in 632 A.H. (1234).
[40] Shaikh al-Islam ’Abdullah al-Ansârî al-Hirawî passed away in Herat in 481 A.H. (1088).
[41] Unfortunately, the lâ-madhhabî author, too, takes such people as walîs and, setting such vile people as examples, blames the Islamic ’ulamâ’ and the great men of tasawwuf.
[42] Muhammad Ma’sûm al-Fârûqî (rahimah-Allahu ta’âlâ), Maktûbât, I, 50th letter.
[43] Ibid, 51st letter.
[44] Latifa is something which does not contain matter and is not an object. Soul, too, is a latîfa. Qalb is translated as ‘heart’ in the text.
[45] Al-Imâm al-Baidâwî, Tafsîr. Also the Tafsîr Husainî and Tafsîr al- Jalâlain write the same.
[46] Maktûbât, II, 99th letter.
[47] Barîqa, p. 1053.
[48] Al-Hâdimî, Barîqa, p. 376.
[49] Yet, rising against the law or rebellion against the State is never jâ’iz (permissible). Muslims should always support the State; if the State becomes weak, fitna and revolution occur, which are worse than the worst administration.
[50] Du’â (prayer) and/or âyat or âyats from the Qur’ân al-karîm in written form.