Angel of Grace by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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 A Special Angel of Grace


Yesterday I went to the grocery store

At my age in the midst of a pandemic

It can be a real chore

As I stood in the check-out line

Behind me was a beautiful, Black American Woman’s inspiring eyes

I noticed that they sure did shine

Unlike some thoughtless people and negative experiences in which I endured during the Pandemic, while in store-lines

She was respectful, thoughtful, and kind

I looked at her sparkling face

It was clear that she was an angel of grace

I thanked her for her gracious ways

In which she wonderfully restored

 A peace I’d forgotten I had when going to the grocery store

As I turned and smiled at her

I felt genuine compassion and inspiring love

She was a blessing from up above

I pray that the world may some day

Be inspired by similar kind and loving ways

In my heart this special angel will always stay

Unfortunately, I was sixteen dollars short on my grocery bill

Suddenly, my heart stood still

The same kind woman behind me in line

Said to the very kind

Cashier, “Please allow me to pay her balance”

In my heart inspired silence

I found my voice and spoke

“Oh no dear that’s okay as tears choked

However, she would have it no other way

This angel touched my heart deeply that day

As she paid my balance and was so kind

Tears of gratitude once again flooded my eyes

I wanted to give her something but she said no!

Just keep that beautiful smile that shines

I thought of a beautiful cross that I had in my purse made by the Sisters/Nuns at the Monastery

I gave it to her and she said thanks how sweet!

I will never forget her beautiful face

With twinkling eyes and angel grace

She touched my heart with hope and faith

A pure love sent by Divine Grace

Thank you for your kind heart

May God bless you wherever you are

In my eyes you’re a shining star

Sent by the grace of God




 By the Sea


 Listen to the horses’ gallop down by the sea

Meditate on what you feel is lovely

Visualize your dreams coming true

Under the stars and the beautiful moon

Soothe your soul and follow your heart

It’s never too late to make a new start

Under the stars and the beautiful moon

Have faith and trust in God

Pray that he will never part

Speak to him when evening falls

Give him praise and thanks then follow his call

Under the Stars and the beautiful moon

Take a walk by the sea

Have faith and believe

Under the stars and moon

Visualize your dreams coming true




 Praise Jesus’ Holy Name


I could never thank you enough Jesus

For dying on the cross for all of us

I have no words to express

The gratitude I have in my heart for your loving kindness

The way that you died on the cross brings tears to my eyes

The pain that you suffered and keeping it inside

The way that you forgave the ones who crucified you

Teaches me to forgive too

To pass onto others through your great fruit

I love you my Jesus and praise your holy name

I promise to serve you and inspire others for the rest of my days

Mother Mary, I love you so much too

How your heart must have ached

The way your precious son was taken away

I hear the whispers of your need for all of us to pray

To love one another and be blessed by Gods heavenly grace

To guide us to make the world a better place

Dear Jesus, I kneel down before thee

With hopes for others to find your love, joy and peace


The Hungry Spirit

The spirit hungers for love and peace

For a dark hole can make it bleed

Reaching deep down into the soul

One can find a treasure to cherish and behold

Filled with his precious Holy Spirit

It’s up to one to nourish it

An empty soul

Can leave a heart cold

The soul yearns to bring in the heavenly light

As the darkness can lead to lonely nights

Lord let me listen and quiet my mind

To reach out to the great Divine

Jesus awaits patiently for me and you

His love is unconditional and true

I pray each day to follow his will

 Oh, spirit of mine be still…

For my hungry spirit would surely starve Jesus without you




Trust in the Lord


When you feel lost and confused

Trust in God and he will show you the truth

Open your heart when your soul is weary

Have faith for God loves you dearly

He sends his angels to guide you along

Suddenly you feel like you truly belong

In this amazing journey of life

Your never alone for God is by your side




Be the Light


Brighten your families lives

Stand by your friends and lesson their strife

Always be the light

In this dark and fallen world

Pray for God to have mercy on us all

Spread the miracle of love for the boys and girls

Acknowledge to parents that you hear their pleas

Of the burdens shed upon them from COVID-19

 Let us be grateful for all first responders

Be gracious to essential workers

Share acts of kindness to our elders

Let us be the light for one another

The good Lord knows who shares the light

As he watches over us day and night

Reach out to the world for it needs you now

At times we may feel the need to frown

Rather, may we pray to stand tall

For united we stand

 Divided we fall

Spread love and light throughout the land day and night

The Precious Son



There is only one perfect one

He is the precious son

Of Almighty God

His faithful teachings are taught

To give his children free will

Be still…

“know that I am God”

The one that you have sought

For nothing could ever fill

The emptiness inside of you still

By grace we will come to know

 I will inspire your hearts and save your souls

Make my love for you to be known

Jesus is the only perfect one

The King of Kings came to save everyone

For Jesus Christ is the precious son

 Who offers free will for all to decide

I pray to be with him one day forever in eternal life



Meditation in the Holy Sanctuary


I feel divine grace

As my mind slows down its pace

No need to think of the crazed rat race

While I allow the power of God

To speak gently to my heart

I hear Jesus whisper

Dry your tears

Have faith as I lesson the fear

With courage surrender your will to me

I will bless your soul and set you free

It is safe in my Holy Sanctuary

 Please trust in me

Reach into your heart and believe

I will be there for all eternity

Now pray for the world especially those in need

Pray for the world, family, and friends

“For my child, “I am the great I am”

I’m all that you will ever need

Eternal, love, joy and peace

Remember that others often work through me

“Before you were born, I planted in you a seed”

For my followers like you to carry a message to the world

Touch children’s hearts miraculously for the boys and girls

Write inspirational poems/music, dance and share messages of love and light

Be a witness and shine bright

Tell the world that I love them so very much

I gave everyone free will too so that they may touch

The lonely, lost, abused, abandoned, addicted and alone

Give testimonies of injustice, faith, love and hope

As I awaken from my meditation

I’m renewed with a spiritual connection

To my loving God

Grateful that he loves us all so much

My heart and soul he’s surely touched




Jesus’ Amazing Grace


As I bow down to pray

I thank Jesus for another beautiful day

For a golden light to guide my way

Share love in all of my ways

Be grateful for all that he gave

Oh, Heavenly father, day by day

I humbly pray, for your amazing grace

Be diligent in keeping a clean slate

I promise to keep your precious love tucked away

In the depths of my soul where it’s safe

For you are my hope and strength

Please guide me when I need to repent

For my heart lies peaceful in your blanket of love

Like the beauty of an angelic, snow-white dove

Your love is an eternal blessing from up above




Dear Jesus


Through your love Jesus

May I always flourish

Through your amazing love that I cherish

Father I am lost without you

Only you make me feel renewed

I love you with my heart, mind and soul

I pray to flourish and spiritually grow

Your love saves me from being lost and out in the cold

Living without your amazing grace

Would make me feel heartbroken and displaced

I yearn to put you first

So grateful for your precious birth

I put all of my trust in you

Only then could dreams come true

Loving others in humility and gratitude

Be gracious in all that I do

I pray that the world will come together

To honor and bless one another

For the blind to see

That praying on our knees

Can set us all free

Let us pray

For better days

Let it begin with me

To love unconditionally

To be an instrument of thy


Thank you for being by my side

You inspire my heart and light up my life

With your amazing grace I can foster peace

Be all that I was meant to be

I will always adore you

For you are the light and truth




 Precious Angels


Dear angels never let go!

You’re doing just great you know

Remember to focus on God and do what you need to do

Take time to meditate and you will feel renewed

With an inner shine as bright as the moon

I know how very hard you try

You’re an inspiration by never giving up the good fight

It’s such a joy to see you smile

It melts my heart how you go the extra mile

Your humor and empathy make others feel right at ease

Such a gift you have sharing love, joy and peace

Thank you for inviting me into your world’s

You make me feel proud and grateful

Let God and let go

Of resentments, self-pity and frowns

Follow your dreams forget the clowns

To thine own self be true

Please remember that God truly loves you

Walk through the storms with your heads held high

Follow the brightest star in the sky

Never settle for less

Help others and you’ll be blessed

I love my precious angels

Never mind about all the jingle jangle

If you fall and end up in the jungle

Hold onto your faith

With Gods loving grace

You will prevail

Your heart will once again sail

Spend some alone time in your quiet place

Think of Gods will and pray

Building a spiritual relationship with God will be your saving grace

For we were once lost but now we’re found

Our loving God is bringing us to higher spiritual ground




Higher Ground


Thank you, Jesus, for the love that I have found

For you take my spirit to higher ground

I pray and surrender my will to you

When I’m lost you make me feel renewed

I listen closely when I meditate

Make amends when I make mistakes

I visualize your holy grace

Let us pray for a healing over the Land

Reach out to others who need a helping hand

Show gratitude and acceptance

Be humble and practice penance

For your love is the purest I have ever found

Always taking my spirit to higher ground




The Wonder of First Snow


I awoke this morning to our first fall of snow

With a gorgeous afterglow

I stared out the window pane

I had to look again

Since it snowed on the dusk of Halloween

Beautiful memories came upon my heart

On the amazing first start

Of the early beautiful winter season

Treasured thoughts of blessed family Thanksgivings

Wondering how this 2020 most uncertain year we will all celebrate!

I am praying with anticipation and grace

The pretty, crystal white snow

Beckoned cherished memories to unfold

To a place of many years ago

Throwing snowballs, making a snowman, and sledding with my sisters down a big ole hill

I can envision the joyful times still

Nature just suddenly knew

Heavy hearts for the world needed to be renewed

For in this horrific and uncertain Pandemic time…

We all need faith, hope, and love to shine

Dear Jesus have mercy on us

Oh, Great Divine






Some say we are living in a world that has lost its soul

Are we living in the end times now?

Does your faith shine?

Do you follow the will of the Jesus Christ?

The Biblical truth is:

We need to follow Jesus

To live in the body and blood

We must not put anything above

Are you a chosen one?

Chosen by the son

The Seal of the Lamb

Is put on the forehead

Put on the white robe as you dress

Now go out into the world to bless

Those who are torn and suffer unrest

Jesus washed them clean

Those who faced their pain and adversities

They are sealed by God

Ministering to others to open their hearts

Marked by the seal of his son

Gods angels watch over you with protection

Yes, Gods angels from Heaven

For eternal life and God’s blessings




Loss of Love


What doesn’t kill you in this lifetime

They say will make you stronger

Just look over yonder

The ones who did not break

That gave it all their faith

There are consequences from unhealthy choices we make

There are those who chose to forsake

The broken-hearted ones who survived

With an ache deep inside

In the end love will prevail all

An Angel of grace can make that call

Now, I ask what shall it be?

Let us carry on with faith to be set free




Pandemic 2020

Life’s been far from easy

Living with The COVID 19 virus an invisible enemy

At times its challenging even to comprehend

It certainly has been heartbreaking

I’m sure it is difficult to understand

Yet, so many people amaze us all

As they listen to Gods loving call

Thinking of others in dire times like these

The relentless horrific disease brings us to our knees

Searching our way in a world of uncertainty

Fostering faith, hope and dignity

As we reach out to the world a virtual hand

To unite our Country the Promised Land

Share unconditional love for those who are lost

Spread hope at all costs

Pray for the world Gods mercy and grace

Let us hold onto even a muster-seed of faith

When darkness overcomes our state of grace

Inspire our children and youth

It’s up to me and you

To spread kindness and love in all we do


A Poem of Song


Sing a simple lullaby

Make a silent wish tonight

Write a poem of song that reaches the hearts home

Give hope to those that roam

Embrace solace to those that mourn

To give life to those unborn

Earths essence searches for loves sweet fragrance

With majestic extravagance

Beckoning souls to a golden door

To ensure darkness will only endure

The light of daybreak

Cherished lyrics whisper the truth and magic

Helping to offset the tragic

Loneliness and grief within its waking shell

Never to endure the anguish of hell

Let us come together and bond

Singing a tender poem of song



Beach Memories


Sweet memories at the beach

Sunset has reached its peak

Heaven sent colors of wonder sent by thee

As we walked in the soft white sand in harmony

Memories of cherished love are ours for eternity

Awe, the beach set our souls free

With the love of Jesus guiding our bond of hopes and dreams






Addiction is a disease that more than often ends with disaster

Toxic waste builds momentum in high places

Changes its form in significant stages

Amazingly enough it loses its equity over time

Stacks of heartaches refuse to shine

One loses everything they once adored

Victims run towards denial once more

Only to show up again for the catch of the day

Victims reach a bottom feeling lost and dismayed

 Leading to a path down by the river bend

Many refuse to accept the damage that’s been sent

Addiction has once more brought lost souls to their knees

Let us pray for their recovery

To surrender with hope and faith at heaven’s gate

Where recovery can begin in a state of grace

Tattered souls can continue to mend

As lifesaving recovery messages are sent




In a World of Hope


I saw a world of hope in your twinkling eyes

It awakened my heart and I felt hypnotized

As I stood at the foot of paradise

Majestic light brought me to my knees

Blessed with an angelic smile sent by thee

Sprinkling hope over the land as souls were set free

I felt an abundance of love that overcame me

It brought my soul to a place that I have yet seen

Until the fragrance of your pure spirit set my soul on fire

With an epiphany of righteousness and holy desire

To walk with you hand and hand until the end of time

Your sweet tenderness left me pleasantly surprised

Trusting in you was far from a vivid dream

As you lovingly smiled up at me

I sensed that I was walking through a tunnel of radiant dreams

The world awakens to hope when one believes




The Bright Light

In the Midst of a Pandemic


As the 2020 COVID 19 Pandemic spreads throughout the world

My emotions at times are in an emotional whirl

Tears at times come to my eyes

For the ones who have tragically died

I feel hopeless at times

 A miraculous, bright light caught my eye

Suddenly, an Angel of Grace dried my tears

She told me to have faith not fear

Deep into the long summer nights

I had faith and held on tight

I had visions of love

With beautiful white doves

It’s heartbreaking watching this Covid-19 Virus appear everywhere

I meditated by the moonlight and tried to prepare

For the uncertain changes to occur

The bright light appeared again when I prayed to God

His holy spirit touched my disheartened heart

As I caught a breath of fresh air

I sensed that the holy spirit cared

A small glimmer of hope came to weeping eyes

Uncertainty surges through a threatened demise

I hold onto my faith, and pray things will turn out right

I faithfully latch onto the golden light

The light is there for you too

May God bless you

I saw spirits receive amazing grace

I’m inspired greatly by this glorious place

An Angel of grace appears to be everywhere…

Sheltering the world from despair and fear

Comforting souls with faith, hope, love and ease

Let us trust in Jesus for only he can set us free




Spirits Filled by God’s Grace


Today in Church Jesus filled our spirits

It was inspiring to feel the Holy Spirit

To hear messages of love and his amazing grace

Thank you, father, for another day

By the grace of God, we opened our hearts

Let us trust in God

May our motives always be good and true

Be selfless and walk in gratitude

We appreciate all of your wonderous gifts

Our spirits your graciously lift

I pray to be humble and kind

To watch for your heavenly messages and signs

While walking in faith, hope and peace

To reach out to others in need

Be an instrument of thy peace

Pass onto others your unconditional love

Sent from up above

I pray day by day

To give you thanks and praise

During this horrific COVID 19 Pandemic let us give thanks

To all essential workers and those who always unselfishly gave

They are truly admired for the courage that they portrayed

We thank you then and we thank you today

Please protect each and everyone

In a world that is suffering

Dear God I pray

Have mercy on your people day by day





Inside the Soul


Have you ever reached down deep inside of your soul?

For the hurt and pain that you suffered of long ago

Shared them with someone that you trust then let them go

By God’s grace it can set souls free

Live life in dignity

Feel Gods love, joy and peace

When letting go of the sorrows that live within

Radiant smiles appear in the whirling wind

When wholeheartedly letting them go one day

It can lead to an unshakable faith

Being blessed by Gods amazing grace

To be all that we’re meant to be

Live life in love and peace

Inside of our souls

When our painful, and stuffed secrets unfold

 Our life has more meaning then a world of gold

 Blessing others our new found faith, peace and hope



The Great I Am


How great is Jesus’ love?

Sent from the heavens up above

He works through you and me

When we pass love onto humanity

God will never turn us away

Jesus listens to our hearts as he patiently waits

For us to allow him into our hearts

When we’re weary Jesus is never too far

He is in the newborn babies’ eyes

A dear friend who is kind

The essence of his love is in natures tranquil scents

When it’s hard to go on his angels of grace are sent

He sends blessing to us when we fall

His saving grace each time he hears our calls

Oh, the great I am!

How I wish that I could be more like him

To be free from weakness and sin

We were made in his image and he loves us so

He is the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost

It’s always safe to turn to him

He died on the cross for all of our sins

We are part of his perfect plan

Let us reach out to others our hand

Spread the love of Jesus all through the Land

His mysteries we may not fully understand

All that he asks of us is to do the best that we can

Let us adore the great I am




In the Silent Night


The world needs hope and inspiration to get by

I hear the world’s cries

In the silent night

The world appears to be led astray

With so many adversities coming its way

It leaves so many feeling dismayed

One wonders when the next tragedy will take place

Dear Jesus we pray for an unshakable faith

We all need to sing a new song

To feel that we belong

With Gods love we can have courage and be strong

In the silent night

I heard tear drops fall down from the midnight sky

I cried out for Gods mercy

For the many heartbreaking adversities

Please Jesus send us your guidance and protection

More than ever we need to pay attention

Surrender to Gods will with faith and devotion


Higher Power


Let’s sing, dance and shout

While letting it all out

For I surrendered to my higher power

Jesus Christ, I surrender

To do your will one day at a time

My love for you shines

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