Another Christian Satanic Bible by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Book One:

Christian Satanism—


“Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other.” – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess



What is Christian Satanism?

Hello! Welcome to my 40th book. They have all been free and all in the public domain. Remember, this one is also.

I’ve come to know a lot about Christian Satanism over the years. I’ve come to think about it often looking for the best way to talk about it. Here’s what I have to say about it. It works for me. It lives in me. Whether or not anyone accepts that, I know it does. I may not be a 100% Christian. I never claimed to be “100%” anything really. And it’s not about 50/50. Sometimes it's 60/40. Other times 80/20. But I don’t see any need to measure these things. I see two sides that I like and follow them. Those that really object are the sided-minded. Such as the Christianists they are. Or the Satanishes they are fighting for the God or the Devil. But I exist because of them both. And I am here writing through them both as they determined a gray side of things should be. A purposed thing in other words, as you’ll find it here and find it before.

The Time of the Gray Sided is due. Nature works in twos, and the 3rd element, the product, is life.

I may need to clear up some misconceptions. First, I don’t represent anything evil. I am a highly moral person, naturally so. Second, this isn't a cult. Quite the contrary, Christian Satanism encourages point/counter point. To be one thing yet open to the other if at all possible. To explore opposite sides to yourself while looking for truth. Other than that read what we are about and I hope it’s a nice fit for you.

The Gray Side of things is one where there is balance. I hope to convince you that the Earth is reserved for us. The Middle Grounds, so to speak, is destined for us. For us it isn’t heaven or hell. It is the Earthen realm. It is here that we find life and continue onward forever in one place or another. The Earth shall belong to the Christian Satanist.

So through these words be anchored. Be established. Be rooted firmly and reside with us here forever. It is a message for you who have always felt that Earth was your home. For you who never could quite sense that heaven or hell was to be. For those who somehow knew they’d live here forever. And so you will.

Every time I can't sleep at night, I wonder if I'm in someone else's dream. . .

A New Heaven AND A New Earth (and Hell.) This is the gospel of the New Earth. It is the philosophy, beliefs, and dogmatic practices to be. It is the sword of Christ. The reason why I drink iced tea all day is that I use it to console with God all day. Every time I take a drink I either think of Him or pray to Him. I have seen the world go awful due to selfishness and hedonism. They lead to corruption. Morals are thrown out in so doing. Lies become so natural for such a people as these. And the only thing that matters is their own self. I stand to reason with them: is that the right way to live? Is this the world we want? Half of me says “yeah, a little pleasure is okay. In fact a little goes much longer a way.” And my other half says “the more I can control my behavior the better I can control myself, as long as I don’t become a slave because of it.” And so is born the Christian Satanist. A being that is neither blinded by the light or the darkness.

Is it so absurd? God works in mysterious ways. Many a Christian would demand our damnation were they presented to us by God. They would say in every which way that salvation comes simply by faith. Not as earned but as a gift unto them. But they’ll sure scream hell fire and damnation from anyone who doesn’t drink from their cup. Isaiah and Ezekiel isn’t even talking about The Devil. Yet whole Devil Worshipping religions and music has been built around it. Satan is at one side of God. Jesus, the other. Some say that Jesus and Satan are brothers. This is true as they were made to know it was. And in Revelations we hear that Jesus is “The bright morning star.” Just as the name Lucifer denotes in Isaiah 14. God took from Jesus the cup of wrath and gave it to Satan. And so the fighting grounds of the apocalypse with The Devils reward being many more than the third of all people. Unto His Kingdom. You will have things you can learn regarding Satanism (singularly) here if Satanism is your forte. God made the sheep and the wolf. The lion and its prey. But when the purpose of God is accomplished the wolves will eat with the sheep, or, the Satanist with the Christian. Both will be made to dwell in peace together.

The Christian Satanist is the third of all people.

Christianity is dangerous. I can’t imagine the torment of being burnt alive. And they think they are fighting for God. By bullying kids into theism. Else cast him out of school. Few consider that God would favor a secular society over that, but He certainly does!

Satan is The Progresser. He is the spirit of evolution and progress. He is The Prince. He is The Twilight God. And most importantly here he is God’s Advocate. His Sword.

Nature works in twos. Twos in an opposite way. For example consider the human body. The reproductive system. The moon and sun. And when you think about the third think about life. And life is at the center, the middle of it all. You have two legs. Where you walk to is the third element.

2,000 years have past since that fateful day. Yes, even more. And during that time you may ask “what has changed?” Certainly a lot can change during that time. But the end purpose of God has remained the same. Christianity has found its last purification through us. Take a look at Easter, Christmas, and the gluttonous holiday of Thanks Giving. The coins of Caesar that have donned in God We Trust. The Easter bunny, Santa Clause. The Christmas Tree. Holidays are all Christian Satanic. Gray side things take time to build but are of the last things built.

God is not disgusted with us. In fact He wanted us. He created us. To have around, to give darkness some light. Light that we highly appreciate. The world to give us that He created for us. And an appointed time when it will be taken. And they can bicker and argue about it all they want but that’s just the way it is. Jesus was treated like an imposter all of his days. He said things that people didn’t want to listen to. He associated with the bad guys. He focused on them intently. And desired them more than the others. And we walk the Christian path equally as well given that we are not evil. That we shine in the darkness as we do, are the most intense of God's light.

Jesus will find the lost sheep. He will leave 99 sheep that are with him to find that single one lost. And as this is he has appeared among us and invites us here unto his fold. May we be appreciative. May we not blaspheme. May be not commit any atrocities. He gives to one people one place. He gives unto all their own place from one kind to another. He has us where he wants us to be. I promise you.

God gave us a lot of resources, no doubt. He assigned humans to create a heavenly like kingdom to dwell in. Whatever we need is there, truly in perfect amounts. We are of those that were sent here to do so, as a job on some cases, as a punishment in others, and for some simply by desire. It is like any other job. We just don’t know we were hired, on most cases, anyway. But that tells you why we are here. The task is not forever except for us. As we will return and pick up on things as we should. And there will sooner or later be a science created utopia for our kind. A true utopia. While not as grand and peaceful as heaven, still naturally favorable to us. Nor Hell for us. Just Earth and its infinite multi dimensional surroundings.

We practice gray magic. Magic that causes an effect that isn’t necessarily good or bad.

We are aware that chaos is something that bursts forth in an overly systematic generation of ideas and practices among people of the Earth.

Our tastes can be said to be gray. For example, we like material wealth from simple and less expensive things. To those who give to us we give to them. We borrow but also pay back, if we want to borrow to begin with. We eat less food but enjoy it more. Gray tastes comes from balancing things. Like providing for our future at the end of things. To tithes our future. (But don’t forget that investing in science and technology makes the world a better place. Like if we could get a replicator invented.)

Some of the most bitter things taste the best when sugar is added to them. Some of the blandest things taste the best when salt is added to them.

A party everyday is no party. Leisure time doesn’t come for those who have no work.

Over perfection of things can ruin a thing. Haste makes waste but a boss may have you make haste with less waste.

With all that can be said of primary goals for any religious practitioner, that of the Christian Satanist serves them best. The Buddhist seeks enlightenment. The Christian’s the road of Christ. The Satanist darkness and evil (sometimes) blasphemy perhaps. They are usually after pleasure and power. Pleasure in the form of sin. How about The Christian Satanist? What do they seek? They seek to find their middle person. And as much as that person is seen the more their soul falls down from heaven, up from hell, and planted into the Earthen realm.

How do you find your middle person? That’s easy: it is in the place of balance, it is in shades of gray. It is the deciding line. The place in the middle. It is just as simple as it sounds. You’ll live longer. You will be happier. You will enjoy things more. Your life more organized. Your whole life will be better balanced. The more you practice it the more centered you will truly be.

After all to use less is to have more. To balance responsibilities with pleasure always results in a good thing. Sinners are a slave to sin for sure. But a Christian Satanist is master over it.

And it can be a true power. You either say no too often or too little. But how few can only say no half of the time! You may have decided to watch something you like tomorrow. Or do something you like tomorrow. Isn’t that really saving life? Christian Satanism is like life in the pocket.

Christian Satanism isn’t necessarily a  dualism either. I’ve thought about this a lot. That it should be taken in a comparative basis. To be sometimes Satanic and sometimes Christian is to be Christian Satanic. But that itself with balance. All things can be balanced after all, it seems. Anything can be cut into two. Those itself can be cut into twos, and who knows how far that can go. The smallest things cut into two are the greatest concentrations of Christian Satanism. But the whole point must be to build up from there. To create the greatest from the least. To reduce then to increase. And as such be a Christian Satanic Master Creator.

But there comes a time when all the philosophy of the world does not itself provide an answer. That answer is instead the only possible action. Take a dictatorship: that dictator is truly harming innocent people. We don’t need to look in our books to know what we should do. We know that person shouldn’t be allowed to continue their atrocities. However along the way the Christian Satanist has weighed good with bad. They must know what is truly bad and what is truly good, then. And can generally operate better through the understanding that they hold within them.

Is a walk worth the reward? In faster travel we lose something. A person who only had his two feet a century ago would wall quite far for any one of the excellent ice cold drinks we have these days. They’d go that far for 6 eggs. But now we are left thinking ‘I’m not going anywhere unless I can at least afford a 6 pack of sodas. Or ‘I’m not going a mile further on the bus unless I can save more than $5. But the person of a century ago would have had to travel a hundred years to have what we have today. And they deserve to be with us now.

Those of ages past will run to the reward and full heartedly take it. Will graciously take it. Will have within them great desire for it. Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. And so the Christian Satanist should not take things for granted. But rather build desire. Will love the world as a gift from God or will not be given it.

If we share the world then we will be given the world. How you share it is up to you. Have a feast, invite the homeless. Give to those that lack. Spare money for gifts on any occasion. And also work to keep the Earth a good place to live, make a healthier planet be in your agenda as well. Contribute to science and Technology for the sake of our utopia. Decide the best ways and means to go about it.

Don’t blaspheme against God. Never commit an atrocious act. Submit yourself to authority if you do. Be productive. Leave vengeance to God. Defend yourself but in balance only. In other words don’t over react. Be empathetic. Be sympathetic. And have a strong conscious to guide you and minimize the hurt you’d otherwise inflict. And with such inherit the Earth. As Jesus said (and is a verse important to us) The meek shall inherit the Earth. And Jesus said give and it shall be given to you. Many times more even! Which is just so pleasant to be know. Remember that it is the great power of God that gives the world to us. Not any Satanic power. Not through deception. Nothing more than the qualifications say forth by God Almighty.

The Christian Satanist stands with one foot and bends his or her knee to God with the other. He has those on the right side and those on the left. He has one kind and the other. We are that other kind.

It was created by two sides that got together to establish it. There were arguments for both sides. There were things insisted on yet rejected, and compromise. And in the speed of heaven established, and poured forth through me. Finally, it was given a purpose and method for success.

As for me I have long been a wanderer. Living in as many places as can be imagined. Homeless and mad, yet brilliant, confined, jailed, with room mate after roommate. Made into a very socially educated person. Book smart, street smart too. In a mad house many times as well. Sometimes just a hotel where I rotted and lingered for years. Or at a girlfriend’s home, in an apartment, in an RV.

I was highly Christian in my youth. Soon after highly Satanic. And would end up going back and forth until I understood that I am a Christian Satanist!

I have some really good things to say and I hope you stick around to hear them.

No, I’m not some Devil after your soul. But it is up to you if you take me seriously or not. Or else make a playground out of my ideas. The choice is up to you. But bear with me and I’ll give you a golden cross. Though heavy, you may rest with it and guard it. That is what your purpose from me is.

I am a soul that had to be quarantined as his love for God was mad like in the music video I Love You, Always Forever by Donna Lewis.

We have the shepherd for us who was gray

We are Earth’s conquerors shining into a new day

We have come far across many lands

To be where we are at today

We breath in and out the Earth itself

We are planted here upon it

We strive for perfection and excellence

Building upon this world in every way

We will reside here forever for that sake

And these things are simply our fate.

1: The Paradise Unfolding Before Your Very Eyes

Only science and Technology can create a utopia. To end starvation we need a replicator. To be safe we need scientifically procured safety mechanisms. To be warm not cold we need something as basic as a heater. We have labored for ages to have what we have today. And it will not be for nothing. The thought of that is for the nihilistic. My thoughts on the future are not full of dread and apprehension. Those nervous about the future will concoct the worse ideas they can. But the future is ever brighter. We have death to thank for breadth of our success as human beings on this Earth.

However before that utopia comes about there will be disaster generated by the apprehensive. Ironically, the scope of our success is most unsettling to them. They are of those that desire destruction. They are of those that are most bothered by the future. And they are the Satanist Satanic. They are full of rage and wrath. They are full of its spirit. And in time must come when they are dispelled from the world. Only the most powerful of storms can do so. And after the fate of the evil and damned is set then from the dust will emerge a paradise. And that paradise will then freely develop. As a result will more rapidly develop in a time of evolution never before seen from humankind.

The pro moral side is the most visible. They are heard. They support ethical causes openly. It is enough to make you think that the wicked are but a few. But they are there just as equally, only hid. They will be driven out and expelled. Like the vomit of an unsettled stomach. The worse it gets the greater the force of expulsion.

Remain with me righteously. Be a decent person. Be with us the Christian Satanist. And don’t be expected of other kinds of people. Be removed from the wicked and you will not be fathered by the wicked. Isolate yourself from the regular world which is becoming not just wicked, but evil.

And may God dwell within you and take you unto the final of days before the grand new age. The more we learn technologically and scientifically, the thinner the divide between heaven and Earth.

2: Formula for a More Beautiful Earth

We have many unused resources to improve things aesthetically. All sorts of lights: fiber optics, EL panels, neon lights, black lights, that are underused. Many kinds of things not used at all. Glow in the dark things, glow sticks, things that could make the world brightly appealing that are not used to do so. The world is bland. The People are bland. If we could biologically engineer towering trees we’d probably just use it for homes and paper. We wouldn’t build towns upon them. But we need the populous to have the mindset of doing so. For them to have more attention given to beauty. But alas they don’t care! Can’t they think beyond the plain? Let’s assume that a new form of crystal is created in a lab. It is pliable and tough as diamond. Our roads could be paved with it. Homes, windows and such things made of it. It could be in a rainbow of colors. Call it a part of aesthetic sciences. And the scientists making it are Aesthetic Scientists. Of course no field of science currently exists. But it should!

It would produce things like video stickers.  And at least Las Vegas is getting things right. What I have in mind are things like the Fremont Street Experience. A large display overhead as you are walking down the street that plays music and is rich in visuals. Were these things common then people would be happier with their environment. You go into any office though and you are only given a small cup to dispense somewhat cold water into. We may not be able to change the world to these ways just yet but we can do things about our dull and plain bedrooms.

Fix it up light-wise. Still we need to create certain things. I’m the kind of person that wonders why we haven’t yet made holograms printable. But we can print the best art we can think of, frame it and hang it. Hopefully we can find wall clocks that aren’t just black and white with nothing else to it. Make our homes more colorful in general. I don’t think that neon green carpet exists. Neon blue or hot pink either- those line of colors. Let alone carpet that glows in the dark.

Digital picture frames would have been nice but were just a fad. After all, they didn’t pass the dullness test. Even our door knobs could be mirror finished, have a light on them like one rolling around, and as such we would have more things plugged in than just those on an outlet. Wouldn’t a door knob look much better if it was glowing out a neon color? Beds are just a mattress. No one uses water beds anymore. I personally like to sleep up high, but I don’t need a bunk bed. But I have to get a bunk bed if I intend to. Or to have an enclosure would be nice.

It was said of the future we’d have more dazzling things. They assumed that if we had more dazzling things we’d use them. We would want to make them. Nope! We don’t have self lacing shoes. We don’t even have holograms really. No large holographic advertisements. If you predict where science will go, don’t include them!

Power for a fair amount of lights can be obtained from solar panels. And innovative uses of them could be implemented by the person who is smart. A lovely hall way with hanging lights every ten seconds of a color, otherwise regular. EL panels to go across the bottom of the walls. Creative uses of sound activation can be thought up by the Aesthetic Scientist. As well as touch sensors, light sensors, etc. Light sensing light? That sounds kind of cool.

No more plain lamps. But ones in the shape of a lily. Or a super hero you like. A home invested with idols. Ones of colorful lights that shimmer and glimmer. It was once sung What a Wonderful World. But I say: it can sure be a hell of a lot more beautiful!

3: The Power of The Gray Side

Believe me Christian Satanism stands out. For some it is detestable, offensive, and for some it is interesting due to its uniqueness and “impossible traits.” Whatever it is, it raises a lot of questions. I should know. Every time I bring it up a person begins asking a ton of questions about it. Some seem to have the sense “this cannot be!”  But it is and we are here talking about it, aren’t we?

As much as an individual stands out with it think about how much a Church would! To have both Satanic and Christian imagery throughout (and especially so for a large cathedral) would bring the news to the people.

And what much more a fun place it would be. To have both a communion with The Devil and God. To have variety within its doors. Two kinds of music and a third, both. Speaking a gray message, and of darkness, yet of light too. I think people would be more willing to go to Church.

What would you think if you passed by a Church that had a devil on one end with a pitch fork and pointed tail and one of the crucifixion on the other? And above that the words The Church of the Christian Satanist.

The gray side is the Son of Man. It is the natural product. It is the final cause. We’ve been presented the stories of righteousness and iniquity from the beginning. They’ll eventually merge- they have already here. And they’ll still exist separately but really whatever they do leads to us. We are like unto them a child. One born and raised of them. So we are the product of fate.

We are the new thing to talk about. We may very well be so talked about to become the next big thing. The biggest thing since Lord Jesus.

Who wouldn’t want to talk about and support their child? We are an alien in this world. A thing not supposed to be/ foreign. Where will we find our ground? We are a thing new. We will be asked things like where do we come from?

And we are the first of our kind here with Christian Satanism but eventually other gray side things will emerge. Like in movies. In shows, books, video games. And as Christian Satanists we should provide gray side ideas to these mediums. We have something new and interesting to use so why wouldn’t we?

If we are a good example then more power to us.

Imagine it as three things being squeezed together with the Christian Satanic in the middle. The power of Darkness being forced into us as is the power of Light. Their power draws into us. And on a metaphysical magical level that is so. That is a component of Gray Magic that should not be ignored. That is, to draw in both powers and to contain them. Take the darkness and the light, those that go well enough together to create when combined (the Gray) and you will have mastered gray magic!

4: The Nice Things About Life

It’s a scary prospect to die, but what a wonderful mystery it is. We came from nothing. Why couldn’t we return from nothing? I guess exciting things can’t happen all the time. Few days they will be, many will not be beyond normal. We all have things we can wait for. The Christian is waiting for their ticket out of here through the apocalypse. I’m just waiting for the PlayStation 5. The newest Nintendo system. I’ve already seen the new X Box. And the next president of the United States will be announced soon. I have a lot of things to just sit around and wait for.

Hoods are a nice thing to have. They cover your head and neck. They are useful during naps or sleep to pull over your eyes. Those are a nice thing about life. Cold drinks are great too. I like iced tea. It’s cheap and easy to make. Thanks to the microwave I can make it quickly. Really though I’m waiting on the day I have cherry cider again. Or a green monster energy drink. And for all of that, payday.

I wake up each day happy that a new day has started. I go outside to smoke. I make some iced tea and start writing. Otherwise I’m just sitting around waiting for things to happen. Then I go to bed. Or into bed and watch retro-gaming stuff for a few hours. And thank God for that! I really do love and enjoy retro gaming stuff.

If I want to buy stuff the buying has never been any better. If I want a drink the drinks have been honed to perfection. The food too. I have things that the richest person didn’t have ten years ago. I’ve seen those old laptop videos. Those monster sized machines they desperately wanted to make portable.

I’ve been waiting all my life. Until I no more had to. Like music videos on pre programmed TV. Or the radio. Now my smart phone has me covered. Things cheaply gotten online come home to me every day. Two a day, three a day. There’s movies left to wait for, though. But renting them no longer means I have to leave the house. They are brought home via a card number.

I am so glad I don’t live in the filthy past. I can take warm showers with two different bars of soap and two different body washes. I don’t have to wield a dangerous razor to shave or some kind of flint rock while I fester in a cave home. Nope! I have a lithium battery electric razor. Nice toothpaste too. Nice clothing as well. In fact I’d say as far as human history goes I am living like a god.

5: What Will a God Do?

As science and technology evolves we are becoming more greatly like gods. Telepathy and things are already possible. They