Another Inconvenient Truth


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Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description

If scripture doesn't tell the truth about history, science, and the observable world, then it can't be trusted when it comes to morality and the unseen spiritual world; who came up with that idea? Many secular people today claim that you shouldn't believe anything unless the evidence supports it; who taught that idea in the ancient past? The answer to both questions may shock you: Jesus of Nazareth. Each chapter will introduce you to the world of Christian apologetics while giving you ammunition for the spiritual warfare that is becoming more and more frequent in America society. Jesus was the ultimate intellectual, and his true followers need to become more like him in that regard if they are going to reach people in this lost age.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Elizabeth
    Online Money
    11 Nov 2021
    it is great for stay home people
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Justin Derby

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