Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Appendix G


Note: The following document from the Dead Sea Scrolls, designated as 11Q13, is excerpted from the translations and comments found in The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, by Wise, Abegg, and Cook, and modified by my own editing, clarification, and comments. Consequently, this is not an exact copy from the book, which is listed in Appendix I. Their efforts to bring this material out of the clutches of Vatican operatives and their expert translations and analyses are greatly appreciated. Without their heroic efforts and those of others like them, I would not have had access to my earlier works at the exact time that I most needed them and in my current native tongue. Pay close attention to the fact that this narrative is interspersed with the exact same symbolism present in The Apocalypse and other sealed prophecies and wisdom texts. Use the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide” to translate the symbolism.

The Coming of Melchizedek

The biblical jubilee year was the fiftieth year, the year following the succession of seven sabbatical years (7x7). A sabbatical year was one in which the land must lie fallow and rest (analogous to the Sabbath at the end of the week). In the jubilee year, all land that had been alienated from its original owners was supposed to return to them. All slaves were to be set free. The Jubilee year began on the Day of Atonement and was signaled by the blowing of trumpets (shofar) throughout the land and the proclamation of universal liberty.
Note: I was born in 1955, in the Year of the Sheep, astrologically marking me as a newborn Lamb. My 49th birthday (7x7) was August 11th, 2004/5764, and my 50th year starts on August 11th, 2005/5675 and continues through 2006/5766.

The author of the present intriguing melange of biblical citations has selected many of the Bible’s verses that relate to the jubilee year and created a work wherein those portions receive their “true” interpretation–one that is by no means obvious to the casual reader of the Bible. He understands the jubilee year remission of debts as referring not merely to prosaic matters of money, but to the remission of sin. The author declares that the agent of this salvation is to be none other than Melchizedek, a mysterious figure referenced only twice in the Old Testament, in Genesis 14 and Psalm 110. For our author, Melchizedek is an enormously exalted being to who are applied names that are generally reserved for God alone: the Hebrew names El and Elohim.
Note: The terms “El” and “Elohim” are defined in the Symbol Guide and at Wikipedia.org (see Appendix I). An accurate understanding of these two terms is necessary to fully understand the relevance and true meaning of this Dead Sea Scroll and many other Hebrew texts.

In the author’s citation of Isaiah 61:1, which speaks of “the year of the Lord’s favor,” “Melchizedek” is substituted even for the most holy name of Israel’s God, Yahweh. Yet more remarkably, Melchizedek is said to atone for the sins of the righteous and to execute judgment upon the wicked–actions usually associated with God. By the power of Melchizedek, dominion on earth shall pass from Belial to the righteous Sons of Light.

This latter group constitutes those who are predestined to belong to the multitude of Melchizedek, “the congregation of the sons of righteousness.” These people heed the message of a second figure described in this writing as “the messenger.” The messenger, also designated “anointed of the spirit” (Hebrew messiah), is conceived of as coming with a message from God, a message explicating the course of history (that is, a declaration of when the End of Days shall come) and teaching about God’s truths. This figure dies, an event that may correspond somehow with the text’s references to “jubilee periods.”
Note: The above paragraph refers to my life as the reincarnated Elijah during the 11th cycle of the Hebrew calendar. During that lifetime, as the Teacher of Righteousness, I authored the Apocalypse, which lays out the course of future events, clarifies history, and provides evidence of God’s truths and wisdom.

In many of the scrolls, jubilee periods are not only times of liberation as described in the Old Testament, but also ways of keeping track of time. The present text apparently envisions a scheme in which the coming of the End of Days is calculated by means of a jubilee period (as noted above).

Much about this remarkable text remains mysterious, and considerable further research is needed to achieve a truer understanding of its ideas. The figure of Melchizedek as portrayed here is strikingly reminiscent of the New Testament reference to a “heavenly” figure of that name, a high priest described as follows:

“Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling a son of man, he remains a king (lawgiver) forever” (Heb. 7:3). Melchizedek was clearly a focus of powerful salvation imagery among various Jewish groups in the period of the scrolls.
Note: The following scroll contained holes and unrecoverable text in various parts as designated by the brackets.

The figure of Melchizedek, the “heavenly” redeemer of those predestined to him.
Note: Refer to the definition of “heaven” in the “Apocalypse Symbol Guide” to understand the true and intended meaning and purpose of a “Heavenly” redeemer. Christian writers knowingly recast this symbolism over the centuries to impart a false supernatural meaning to what originally was philosophy about the relationship of wise behavior to good character and good karma.

Col. 2 […] And concerning what he said; “in that year of jubilee you shall return, every one of you, to your origins.” (Lev. 25:13) It is also written: “And this is the method of release: every creditor shall release the claim that is held against everyone, not exacting it of anyone who is a member of the community (everyone), because God’s release has been proclaimed.” (Deut. 15:2): the interpretation is that it applies to the End of Days and concerns the captives (inhabitants of Earth). Just as Isaiah said: “To proclaim liberty to the captives: (Isaiah 61:1)

[…] just as […] and from the inheritance of Melchizedek, for it is Melchizedek, who will return them to what is rightfully theirs. He will proclaim to them the jubilee, thereby providing release from the debt of all their transgressions.

He shall proclaim this decree in the first week of the jubilee period that follows nine jubilee periods. Then the “Day of Atonement” shall follow, after the tenth jubilee period, when he shall atone for all the “Sons of Light” and the people who are predestined to Melchizedek.

[…] upon them […] For this is the time decreed for “the year of Melchizedek’s favor” (Isaiah 61:2, modified), and by his strength he will judge the righteous and so establish a righteous kingdom, as it is written about him in the Songs of David, “ Elohim has taken his place in the assembly of El; in the midst of (God’s Spirits) he holds judgment” (Ps. 82:1). And about him he said, “Over it (the assembly) take your seat in the heights (among the Seven Spirits of God); El (Melchizedek) will judge the peoples” (Ps. 7:7-8).

As for where it says, “How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality to the wicked? Selah” (Ps. 82:2), the interpretation applies to Belial and the spirits predestined to him, because all of them have rebelled, turning from God’s precepts and so becoming utterly wicked.

But, Melchizedek will thoroughly prosecute the vengeance required by God’s statutes. And, he will deliver all the captives from the power of Belial, and from the power of all the spirits predestined to him. Allied with him (Melchizedek) will be all the angels of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3). And he will prevail on this day (year) and preside over the assembly of all the sons of El.

The figure of the messenger, an anointed one who comes with a message from God but is “cut off.”

The visitation is the Day (Year) of Salvation that God has decreed through Isaiah the prophet concerning all captives. Where it says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your El reigns.’” (Isaiah 52:7). The interpretation is this: “the mountains” are the [wisdom delivered by the] prophets, who were sent to proclaim God’s truth and to prophesy to all Israel. “The messenger” is the anointed of the spirit, of whom Daniel spoke, “After the sixty-two weeks, an Anointed one shall be cut off” (Dan. 9:26). The “messenger who brings good news, who announces salvation” is the one of whom it is written, “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn” (Isaiah 61:2). The interpretation is this: he is to instruct them about all the periods of history for eternity… and in the statues of the truth. […] dominion that passes from Belial and returns to the Sons of Light […] by the judgment of God, just as it is written concerning him, “who says to Zion, Your El reigns” (Isaiah 52:7). “Zion” is the congregation of all the sons of righteousness, who uphold the covenant and turn from walking in the way of the people. Your El is Melchizedek, who will deliver them from the power of Belial.

Concerning where it says, “Then you shall have the trumpet sounded loud, in the seventh month (and cycle) (Leviticus. 25:9).
Note: The above section describes the Teacher of Righteousness during the 11th cycle of Hebrew history, who authored the Apocalypse and many of the texts that were stolen and modified to become the New Testament. The Apocalypse and associated wisdom texts and prophecies are the works of the reincarnated Elijah, a.k.a. The Angel of Her Truth, a.k.a. the Teacher of Righteousness, and the “sons of light.” I delivered proof of God’s truth and encoded Her wisdom to be unsealed during the beginning of the 17th cycle, which began in 2001/5761. Based on my birth date of August 11th, 1955, during the Year of the Sheep/Lamb, the long-prophesied Jubilee Year begins in 2005/5765 following my August 11th, 2005 birthday. The unsealing of the truth about the seven spirits, seven trumpets and seven thunders are the seven shofar announcing the long-awaited Jubilee that frees humanity from captivity to the great deceptions of money, religion and politics.