Bible Prophecy and End Times by John Jones - HTML preview

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Having traced the line of kings down to Antiochus IV, Daniel eleven clearly shifts its focus from the more immediate future to something more distant by verse 40. This is obvious in two ways. First

because the verse starts with the phrase “At the time of the end”, and second because what follows

is quite different to what followed at the time of Antiochus IV. What the prophecy appears to do is to continue on with the themes of conflict involving countries to the north and south of Israel, and of a gentile king who takes control of the holy land, yet all picked up on in a future context. To

demonstrate this change of time and context in the verses let’s compare what happened historically

with what is prophesied from verse 40 to the end of the chapter. Historically Antiochus's actions in the temple triggered the revolt of the Maccabees where a band of determined Jews rose up against

the authority of Antiochus and in a three year guerilla war managed to free Jerusalem from his

control and restore proper temple worship. From verse 40 however we see a very different series of

events unfolding. Instead of anything resembling the revolt of the Maccabees the passage picks up

on a person of political power who will be attacked by both the kings of the North and the kings of the South “at the time of the end”. So in the time of the end it seems that both Syria and Egypt will apparently fight against whoever this power is but according to the passage they will both be

defeated and the power they are to attack will go on to overthrow many countries in the region. We

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are also told that this unnamed power will establish some kind of presence in Israel, perhaps

peaceably since it only says that he shall “enter the glorious land”, which does not necessarily imply an attack or invasion. It is no doubt this presence of a gentile power in the holy land, along with the Antichrist's ultimate activities with regards to Israel and the temple, that connects the prophetic theme of this future ruler (from v40) with the preceding verses of chapter 11 concerning Antiochus

IV. In other words the historical figure of Antiochus and the future figure of the Antichrist will be of a similar spirit and their deeds towards Israel of a similar nature.

To clarify what we’re suggesting the different parts of Daniel 11 refer to, here’s a summary:

V1 – 20. The Grecian kingdom, its breakup and the wars between its ensuing parts.

V21-35. The wars and actions of the Syrian king Antiochus IV.

V36-39. Possibly dual application to Antiochus IV but particularly fitting the Antichrist.

V40-45. Wars of the end times, Antichrist and his demise.

Another geopolitical point of interest in the passage that follows Daniel 11:40 is that, in describing the whole scenario of middle east wars the prophecy also tells us that Moab and Edom shall not be

conquered by the one referred to only as “him”. On today's map these two areas equate to the

country of Jordan. Also verse 43 tells us that Libya and Ethiopia will be subject to this great power, voluntarily it seems appears from the wording which says, “also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall

follow at his heels”.